Did I install these reflectors correctly??


Active Member
Idk if the blue side is supposed to be facing the plant (way I installed it) or on the outside and aluminum on the inside?? I'm assuming I did it right, thinking blue would cool it? lol im a noob


Well-Known Member
Blue side? If it is blue I think you may still have the "blue" protective thin film still on your reflector from shipping, if so peel the "blue" film off to expose the real reflective material


Active Member
actually i think the pebbled side is supposed to be on the inside acting as a reflector. the dimples act to break up the light to avoid "hot spots"... that's how i've seen them set up.... what brand is it?


Well-Known Member
I have the same cooltube and the reflector wings came with a blue film coating it from shipping, easy to peel off. You have the wings on correctly just need to take the film off. May have to take a sharp edge to get the film started peeling


Active Member
here is a video preview of a hood that has the pebbled aluminum on the inside... not trying to argue, just backing up my point.[video=youtube;KiFu0mvxXmc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KiFu0mvxXmc[/video]


Well-Known Member
If you don't take the blue film off it will bake on and literally be impossible to get off. I got a couple used reflectors cheap because of this from the hydro shop and figured I'll just scrape it off. I was wrong. It's on for good.


Well-Known Member
here is a video preview of a hood that has the pebbled aluminum on the inside... not trying to argue, just backing up my point.
Most hoods have the "pebbled" reflector, but what you see in his first photo is the "backside" of the reflector (dull side), and what is facing the plants is the correct side he just needs to remove the blue film.


Well-Known Member
No problem man, we were all in your place at one point. Biggest tip I can give would be read as much as possible. Good luck with your grow man.



Well-Known Member
What are your plans to cool that reflector? It is going to get pretty warm without a fan


Active Member
I have a 4" VenTech in the mail right now, also have another 4" VenTech and Carbon Filter combo, grow tents in the mail, along with my ducting.

Any suggestions??? It is in a closet, dimensions are 2x3x5