Dr Greenthumbs Freedom 35- seed to smoke journal

they were on them from the jump. wasnt my water cause i used bottled. i had 6 seeds and 4 of them had that. 2 of em real bad,2 not so bad,and 2 not at all.. the 2 that had it the worst are just crawlin along. mine are 15 days old.. this is my 1st time with ak 47 and seeds so i dont know what to think.i usually work with northern light clones... hope somebody knows what that is and responds to this. could it be because theyre female seeds?

When you say bottled water do you mean distilled water?

Its still somewhat of a mystery to me but what i have it narrowed down to is too high of a PH level and too much Calcium in my tap water. This only happens with small seedlings for me...after they have reached a certain age it seems to stop. It was happening to every seed i popped- fem or reg, and now that i use distilled water PH'ed down to 5.7 or so,they problem has not appeared again. I only have 2 new seedlings going so my results are not complete but so far, so good...not a rust spot to be seen.
Hope that helps....
Day 28 of 12/12
These plants are amazing!
I’ve never seen anything like this in my garden, or any one else’s garden that I’ve known.
7 more days to first chop and 17 more for full potency….Wow!
Plant 1 is by far the better looking plant as far as vigor and yield go. It has nice sturdy branches that don’t need any support and the buds are swelling more every day. It’s a beast! If it looks like this in 28 days, it’s going to be good at 35 and killer at 45.
Plant 2 has thinner branches with smaller buds but it may finish sooner then P1. The pistils on P2 are getting color much faster.
I tore the cartilage in my knee about a week ago and getting around the garden is getting very hard, taking isolated plant pictures just about killed me. I managed to get some good shots of P1 by itself but I couldn’t take moving another plant around so I will have to get shots of P2 at another time. That and my re-chargeable batteries died…charging them up now and will get more pics later.
Plant height on both is the same as before.....they are much wider then they are tall.
Oh…and the smell is starting to come out. Hard to pin down but I smell some dankness in there!!

I am super impressed with these seeds and your plants, they look great! I think I know what to do next, I could for sure live with a 35-45 day strain untopped or fimmed that look that good. Cant wait to see the finish!
Really nice and am all excited now....mine are on the way now cant wait. Will wait for your report Dr but looking good now. and was wondering if any1 has ever tried SPACE from world of seeds diamond collection they look pretty interesting too.
Really nice and am all excited now....mine are on the way now cant wait. Will wait for your report Dr but looking good now. and was wondering if any1 has ever tried SPACE from world of seeds diamond collection they look pretty interesting too.

i have not heard of SPACE....maybe some of our seed junkie friends can pipe in and help you out....Racerboy..scarhole...you out there?lol
hello, hello, is this thing on.. :D

sorry m8, not familiar with the space strain, whomever was asking..

sorry dr, kept seeing this thread for awhile and been meaning to check it out, but kept forgetting to up till now.. things are looking great though as usual..
do you really think some of them will be ready to come down in 7 days doc?
Things are looking nice dr. I'm amazed at the growth of these now I just need to hear the flavors:)

Thanks WBW!
yep...not sure how this one is going to taste but i cant wait to find out.

hello, hello, is this thing on.. :D

sorry m8, not familiar with the space strain, whomever was asking..

sorry dr, kept seeing this thread for awhile and been meaning to check it out, but kept forgetting to up till now.. things are looking great though as usual..
do you really think some of them will be ready to come down in 7 days doc?

its hard to say on plant 1 because at times it seems like 1 week for it equals 2 weeks for any other strain so its possible it could ripen up by then but 45 does look more like it.
P2 however looks like its going to hit the 35 day mark looking pretty done.... here it is at 29 days.



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i forgot to tell you doc.. i managed to kill that sour 13 i was growing.. it was my bad as i was trying to be a cheap bastard and re-used some old soil i had laying around in a pot... :(
oh well, live and learn i guess.. it does piss me off for several reasons, mainly i was super excited to try it, and secondly it's the first plant i think i have ever killed besides some super young seedlings, but i don't really count those, lol..

it just got super deficient right before i flipped it to flower, and as soon as i flipped it, i couldn't seem to get it back in track to save my life.. it made it about six weeks or so into flower maybe before it decided suicide was easier... :(

oh well onwards and upwards as they say.. i'm flowering some blue dreams clone only's atm and they're looking very nice.. got off my cheap butt and got some new soil for them.. :D
hey dr, i always forget to ask you, but is that eraserhead in your avi?? i had that movie once, pretty freaky stuff.. i like to refer to it as man's worst nightmare.. :D

not sure if that's what it is, but it sure looks like it..
hey dr, i always forget to ask you, but is that eraserhead in your avi?? i had that movie once, pretty freaky stuff.. i like to refer to it as man's worst nightmare.. :D

not sure if that's what it is, but it sure looks like it..

damn i'm good, lol.. just googled eraserhead and came up with your avi.. great flick.. :D
Dr.G told me at 35 days it has the potency of Urkel or something like that but the buds were fluffy at 35 days. He said they were rock hard at 45 days and as potent as anything out there. Dr. Gruber are you going to take a sample at 35 days and tell us what the smoke is like?
Dr.G told me at 35 days it has the potency of Urkel or something like that but the buds were fluffy at 35 days. He said they were rock hard at 45 days and as potent as anything out there. Dr. Gruber are you going to take a sample at 35 days and tell us what the smoke is like?

yes i am.....
i took a small bud at 29 days and tried it today.....i have no doubts about the potency or taste.
damn i'm good, lol.. just googled eraserhead and came up with your avi.. great flick.. :D

hey dr, i always forget to ask you, but is that eraserhead in your avi?? i had that movie once, pretty freaky stuff.. i like to refer to it as man's worst nightmare.. :D

not sure if that's what it is, but it sure looks like it..

yep...its eraserhead played by good ole Jack Nance who is no longer with us.
when i first discovered that movie i went to see it 3 weeks in a row trying to figure it out...still havent. David Lynch is the man!