I'd love for someone to critique my sprouts! :)


I've only just started growing weed, very first grow, and I'm really excited! :mrgreen: My plants just sprouted out of the ground five or six days ago, which I was real glad to see. But I've been noticing what I think is a large amount of stem growth compared to very little leaf growth. :-( In the picture here, the plant on the left is about 2 1/2 inches tall and the plant on the right is about 3 inches tall, but leaf growth is only half a centimeter wide on the left and 1 and a half on the right. I tried looking at other pictures of sprouts on the internet, and for the most part it seemed like plants that were about the same size had much larger leaf growth. I'm probably just stressing for no reason, but I'd love it if someone could take a look and tell me how I'm doing! :dunce: Oh, and I'm using a single CFL bulb for lighting about 3 inches from the plants, though I recently ordered some of those LED blue/red grow lights, and I'm psyched for those!



New Member
They look ok besides needing some wind to stengthen them and perhaps more light if you can .. Flouros can be kept very close to the plant and some may touch without burning too , low watts and old school T-12s


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need MORE light, or at least move your lights closer.
If you have them starting to lean and stretch like that, it's because they are trying to follow the light. If you change lighting so you have them surrounded by light, or rotate the pots at least daily, you will avoid the lean like is in your pics.
Some moving air like the Prof. said, it helps to strengthen the stems.
Other than that, be patient and watch 'em grow!


Be careful not to let your CFLs touch the plant. This happened to me by accident when I was moving some stuff around and my seedling's leaf was burnt! Thankfully it fully recovered. I've read in a lot of places that as long as the lamp isn't hot enough to burn your hand if you keep it there for 30 seconds, it won't be too hot for the plant. Make sure you have some air circulation to keep things cool because my CFLs give off crazy amounts of heat! Keep up the awesome work :)


Thanks for the tips, guys. I really appreciate it. I've added a second bulb as a supplement for now while I figure out how to get more lighting into the very small space I'm using, and I'm off to buy a fan! All the fans I currently have are too big and would be too strong for the plants at this point.


Active Member
one thing I would do is bury the stretchy stems into the soil qand get the light closer...opps that's 2 things,

Welcome to the wonderful world of growing.


Well-Known Member
Move the light closer an inch and add a fan.this how my seedlings look at the start of 7 days but i feed mine P8210024.jpg


your growing in soil so you should have enough nutes in the soil to last about 3 weeks! after that start with 1/4 strenght nutes and build it up over the weeks. also use a feed thats high in N during vegging. hope this helps :)


your growing in soil so you should have enough nutes in the soil to last about 3 weeks! after that start with 1/4 strenght nutes and build it up over the weeks. also use a feed thats high in N during vegging. hope this helps :)
What do you mean by 1/4 strength? And N means nitrogen, yeah? :)


Hey everyone! So I've added a whole lot more in terms of light, but because of my small space and lack of good ventilation, it's sometimes pretty hot in there, over 80 degrees. I read here http://weedfarmer.com/growing_guide/temperature.php that it can be okay if it's up to 85 or 90 in a well-ventilated space, but like I said mine isn't well-ventilated. I leave the door open when I can, but sometimes that's just not possible, so it gets hot. Does anyone have any experience dealing with heat, and what can I do short of drilling holes in the walls?


Active Member
I'm about 5 weeks in on my very first grow and mine did something similar at first. I started mine outside and they would follow the sun all day. Not that bad when they're a little bigger, but a pain when they're young. Since you're growing under a light, put it right above them if you can. That way they will grow straight up. You may even want to add a little bit more dirt because it will buy the stem a little lower and give it more sturdiness and strength. Within a week though it will start to get it's strength though. You'll notice how much they take off when you get a decent light over them. You may even want to use your knew lights you're getting and that CFL. I just got my lights a week ago and you really notice they start growing ALOT MORE when they get under a good light source. Not sure about that one you bought, but let us know how it is once you get it.

If the bulb is in the middle of the 2 plants right now they will grow slightly to the side of the light instead of straight up. If that's how it's set up just rotate the cups a couple times a day. The plants will grow towards the light, so if they start the day straight and the light is over them and to the left they will grow left. So mid-day turn them so they will grow back the other way.

For the heat issue try getting a small fan. Don't put it on them, but have it above them and the lights not even blowing on it. It will get the air circulating in there a little anyways and will help some. Plan on trying to find a place you can get some ventilation though. You'll need something especially if you plan to grow in the summer when it's hotter. Just try ot get some ventilation going. Even if it's just a fan to move the air around a little.

I've only just started growing weed, very first grow, and I'm really excited! :mrgreen: My plants just sprouted out of the ground five or six days ago, which I was real glad to see. But I've been noticing what I think is a large amount of stem growth compared to very little leaf growth. :-( In the picture here, the plant on the left is about 2 1/2 inches tall and the plant on the right is about 3 inches tall, but leaf growth is only half a centimeter wide on the left and 1 and a half on the right. I tried looking at other pictures of sprouts on the internet, and for the most part it seemed like plants that were about the same size had much larger leaf growth. I'm probably just stressing for no reason, but I'd love it if someone could take a look and tell me how I'm doing! :dunce: Oh, and I'm using a single CFL bulb for lighting about 3 inches from the plants, though I recently ordered some of those LED blue/red grow lights, and I'm psyched for those!

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I'm about 5 weeks in on my very first grow and mine did something similar at first. I started mine outside and they would follow the sun all day. Not that bad when they're a little bigger, but a pain when they're young. Since you're growing under a light, put it right above them if you can. That way they will grow straight up. You may even want to add a little bit more dirt because it will buy the stem a little lower and give it more sturdiness and strength. Within a week though it will start to get it's strength though. You'll notice how much they take off when you get a decent light over them. You may even want to use your knew lights you're getting and that CFL. I just got my lights a week ago and you really notice they start growing ALOT MORE when they get under a good light source. Not sure about that one you bought, but let us know how it is once you get it.

If the bulb is in the middle of the 2 plants right now they will grow slightly to the side of the light instead of straight up. If that's how it's set up just rotate the cups a couple times a day. The plants will grow towards the light, so if they start the day straight and the light is over them and to the left they will grow left. So mid-day turn them so they will grow back the other way.

For the heat issue try getting a small fan. Don't put it on them, but have it above them and the lights not even blowing on it. It will get the air circulating in there a little anyways and will help some. Plan on trying to find a place you can get some ventilation though. You'll need something especially if you plan to grow in the summer when it's hotter. Just try ot get some ventilation going. Even if it's just a fan to move the air around a little.
What kind of lights are you using? I've added a lot more in terms of light, 2 68 watt CFLs (300 equivalent) and another 40 on top of the 40 I already had. How do you think they'll do under that?


Active Member
What kind of lights are you using? I've added a lot more in terms of light, 2 68 watt CFLs (300 equivalent) and another 40 on top of the 40 I already had. How do you think they'll do under that?
Honestly I don't know anything at all about CFL's. I went with the big boy. I got a 1000W MH/HPS light. Puts out a bunch of heat, but also a ton of light. More light = more growth. More growth = bigger buds. That was my entire logic on this. I've never grown before. I'm talking not so much as a cactus, but tried to read up before making the purchases, and went with the bigger setup. I'm still learning myself, but that was my way of going into it. The only problem with a light that big is you have to get big fans and other stuff to keep the heat down. Especially in the summer. Luckily I'm in the north, so during winter temp regulation isn't too bad. I can't speak for how CFL's do though. My plants got the first month outside, and just went under my good light when i got it in the mail a week ago. They're loving it so far though. I had mine in a 1 gallon pot at first and when I just switched them to a 5 gallon a few days ago they were already really full at the roots, so plan on changing their container for something bigger before long.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! So I've added a whole lot more in terms of light, but because of my small space and lack of good ventilation, it's sometimes pretty hot in there, over 80 degrees. I read here http://weedfarmer.com/growing_guide/temperature.php that it can be okay if it's up to 85 or 90 in a well-ventilated space, but like I said mine isn't well-ventilated. I leave the door open when I can, but sometimes that's just not possible, so it gets hot. Does anyone have any experience dealing with heat, and what can I do short of drilling holes in the walls?
You need to invest in an inline fan plus a little ducting. I recently won a near new inline fan for $1 on an auction site because my pc fans couldn't replace the air fast enough with 4 cfls which resulted in heat stress and slow growth. My buds would have been effected.

