
Well-Known Member
Weed will help you through times when you have no money better than money will help you through times of no weed (i'm talkin can't get any, not just being out)


Well-Known Member
You don't have any pipes or bongs with resin to scrape? Don't know anyone who would front you? Come on man! You gotta think, What would MacGyver do?


Well-Known Member
gonna see what I can scrape together, I think might be able to get some this week but I need to talk to my friend cuz I don't want to buy from my last dealer. dealers kinda sketch me out.


Well-Known Member
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I was feeling kinda depressed today cause my seeds hadn't sprouted yet and the I looked at one of my pots and the seed Is on top with it's leg going down, I put some dirt on it. AND it was the one that I fertilized 2 weeks ago and today, take that! also found some resin, lookin' for more to acualy get me high lol


Well-Known Member
there any hot stoner chicks go to this thread if there is chat me up
does this actually work for you? Cuz hell, I might like to try it...

there any sexy, funny, smart, stable, stoner guys go to this thread? if there is chat me up

lol, I'm kidding, please don't

1st my I broke my damn glasses......I'm cursed
lmao, that's a good smiley there! But that sucks about your glasses...when did you break your back? :shock: I must have missed that one...

should I smoke now or tomorrow after noon?
When it's a question of smoke now, or later, the answer is always NOW.

Not really, but still, I vote now


Well-Known Member
lol, Yeah, I noticed that too!

It's like this one time, when for a little bit, fdd changed his avatar from the America! Fuck Yeah! and it was unsettling wierd. I dunno, but I just associate that avatar with fdd....