What do I need to fertilize soil-less mix for vegging stage?

I am currently vegging my plants. I have them in a nutrient free mix for the sprouting stage. I am transplanting them into a nutrient free, soil-less mix and I have no clue what i need to fertilize them with at this stage. I am a somewhat beginner grower and i have never grown with a soil I had to fertilize. Can someone tell me the names of the fertilizers I need for the vegging stage and the fertilizers needed for the flowering stage too would be very helpful. Which type is better, water dissolved or granular application? Please be kind of detailed. I am very new to this whole fertilizing thing.


New Member
Any product meant for hydroponics will work fine for soiless, its kind of a cross between soil and hydro IMO. I would pick something easy to follow, they all will produce nice product if used correctly. Are you near a hydro shop? Just as important as nutes is a couple of good meters, ppm and ph meters are cheap now a days and are an awsome tools to have.

Personally I run Advance Nutrients 3 part system, Its incredible stuff because you can use as a stand alone or once you have a good knowledge base can enduldge in the additives they carry to Tweek things further.

A good Grow book is worth its weight in Gold. Whatever you use watch your girls and they will tell you what they want

Good Luck
I am near a hydro shop actually. I was in there the other day looking at the hundreds of different types and brands so i thought I would ask to see if there is an easy to follow fertilizer program. I guess I will just go in there and ask him what he would recommend. The only problem is when I do that he points me to the most expensive shit they have. I don't have a huge budget that I can dump into growing. I am looking for the most cost effective things I can find.


Active Member
I got the Fox Farm trio... 40 bucks and given that the amount per feeding is so little, they will last a good while (unless you have a dozen or more plants LOL).