Ask something socially unacceptable


Well-Known Member
I pee in the shower sometimes, kill two birds with one stone.

Not sure if I'd do it with someone else in it with me, I'd definitely ask first if that was the case..


Ursus marijanus
I pee in the shower sometimes, kill two birds with one stone.

Not sure if I'd do it with someone else in it with me, I'd definitely ask first if that was the case..
It's more fun if you just sneak one onto her knee ... :mrgreen:

Here's a truly unacceptable question.

"So you're saying he was tarded once before, and it wore off? And you did it again??" :joint::bigjoint: cn

guy incognito

Well-Known Member

Yes. As I stand here before you today, I acknowlege I am the Phantom Shitter that has plagued our office for the past 2 months. Yes, I know this idea is from Flight of the Intruder.

I just need to come clean.

It was me who took the upper-decker in stall 2 of the womens bathroom

It was me who shat in the upper riht hand drawer of the VPs desk

That horrid smell in the copy room? You guessed it. I took down a ceiling tile, crapped, and put it back up.

The cute new intern? It's my fault she left. She left her purse in her cube overnight. Yep, I got it.

The anal retentive accounting woman? You know her, she nitpicks every expense you have. Wel to make you all feel better, last week, at 1am on a weeknight, I removed the cover from her computer, shit, and then reassembled. i have no doubt that was the cause of the 4 hours of closed door meetings the next day.

Shall I continue?

The office managers coffee cup. I apologize for this one because I had Taco Bell. It was more of anal piss than crap, but nonetheless, the boss had to go toStarbucks the next morning.

The turd in the trunk of the office "luxury ford taurus?" Mine also.

oh, and that wasnt dog crap sitting in a nice pile on the sidewalk leadin g to the main entrance. Come on, when was the last time you saw a 250 lb dog?

How about the fudge in the freezer of the fridge. It has been in there for 6 weeks. I pity the fool who removes the plastic cover.

I take secret pleasure in the terror I cause. I try to keep my activities intentionally random. hree days in a row here, then a 2 week hiatus. You never know when I will strike. Our office is a bg target. The shitting will continue until I get that friggin raise I was promised 6 months ago. Good luck, the next round will be worse, and I've started drinking Metamucil.



Well-Known Member
Women who can not have orgasms.
If you licked it for ;like an hour while she pretended you were brad pitt, would it still not work?
Can they have them alone. Exactly what is the deal? I want to help


Well-Known Member
Do you mean your own kids or someone elses kids?

Why do they need a birth defect to be euthanized, or kids? Honey Boo Boo and her mom should be on the top of that list. Obese retards like that are also a financial drain on society.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean your own kids or someone elses kids?

Why do they need a birth defect to be euthanized, or kids? Honey Boo Boo and her mom should be on the top of that list. Obese retards like that are also a financial drain on society.

hey man, i was going to try to ease my way into it,lol.


Well-Known Member
Why isit wrong to take a belt across your kids asses when they need it?
Because "when they need it" is subjective, and belting kids across the ass doesn't do anything except instill unnecessary fear, but that's my opinion..

Is it wrong for me to ejaculate in my hot cousins underwear?
I think it is, you can ejaculate while thinking about her or looking at her all you want, but why make her panties wet, that's impeding on her rights, son.