Bulldogs first journal (I'm a virgin so please be gentle)


New Member
Oh No ;o I am sorry to hear that. They could pick back up.

I on't know anything about that CO2 thing. Sorry :? But that how we all learn through trial and error.

Ahh crying faces:-|
Thanks Lacy, not to sure about the CO2 method. I have three healthy plants and three that are dying.:roll::-?:-?:cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls, I have pics of the surviving plants. This grow has sure started out as a major cluster fuck! Hopefully it will end much better than it has started.

Attached are pics of the two stricken survivors (I put another one out of its misery this morning) and the rest of the gang. It may fuck up my deadline, but I have also added another seedling that rooted this morning and have two seeds waiting to germinate. I will probably only veg them until they are the size of my biggest plant now and then put the whole group into flower.
1. Survivor #1
2. Survivor #2
3. Angelina
4. Week old seedling



Well-Known Member
Ok gang, time for a quick update. The two burned (or whatever the hell happened to them) plants are still alive but not doing much growing. I repotted and topped the biggest plant today and have one new seedling coming up. For an experiment I will keep the new seedlings in the widow for a week before they go into the grow area. Also, the CO2 bottle didn't seem to be helping much and was attracting flies, so I pulled it.


New Member
i tried that homemade c02 deal, but instead of sugar I used molasses, yeast and water...I think it worked and plus it made some wierd ass hootch...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions!

I just repotted them a couple days ago in MG that already has some nutes, so if they are hungry they should get what they need from the soil for now.

I have been ajusting my water to a ph of around 6.8 using fish tank ph ajuster and discoered today that the ph keeps lowering over time. Just for shits and giggles, I checked the ph of the water that had been in the grow room for several days and it was at 6.0. I now think that the switch to organic soil and the low ph water was frying my plants. I flushed them all today with ph 7.2 water, but they may be to far gone to recoup. Bridget the Midget has already kicked the bucket. :cry::cry::cry:

When I turn the heater on tonight I'll take some pics.

Oh, I do have some good news. Angelina and the two new seedlings are doing well and the new seedlings are as big as the fried original plants.
Ok, maybe I can help you here bro.

I skimmed through your journal and saw a few things I think could have contributed to the death of your plants. The super thrive you gave them, might have been too much for them. I think those are geared more towards cuttings and those are a little more stable then a sprout.

Also, your ph seems too high. You should shoot for 6.2-6.5. Try lowering that PH again and see what happens. How much are you watering? Are you still using that 400 watt HPS? If so, maybe buy one that has some blue spectrum in it as well.

The two burned (or whatever the hell happened to them) plants are still alive but not doing much growing.
Most likely burned from the nutes? What are you doing to them? Are you giving them any nutes other then that super thrive. If it's real bad, you might want to flush them. What size pots are they in?


Well-Known Member
There is definitely a rift in the force in bulldogland. Since the last installment, bulldogs grow saga has made a turn to the Dark Side. All my plants, except three, have been put out of there misery. The one that was doing well is now yellow and not looking good at all. If she doesn't turn around by tommorrow she will be put out of her misery as well. There was a bunch of paint and other stuff store under house near my grow that may have been affecting them. But I think it probably, what I call, the Lennie syndrome.

The last two WW seedlings have been moved into hiding on another planet (outside with my potted tomato plants). I had three but one got eaten by something. It just totally disappeared out of the pot the first night out.

Some good news though! After lying to Niravana and saying "I was a long time loyal, but now disappointed comstomer". They sent me more bubblicious seeds, which should arrive this week. So you may get to watch this fiasco again. Or I will spend another month running to my mailbox every afternoon for nothing.

Thanks to everyone, for your interest in and suggestions for, my shitty ass grow!! Hopefully someone has learned what not to do from this.

Beaten but not broken, I shall return.


Well-Known Member
LOL what eats a weed plant... thats badass.
Ooooh bubblicious. Well hopefully the next grow will be more smooth.
Post a link when you get it up!



New Member
so sorry to read about your loss. Wow! that sucks.
Bummer. I need to keep up on other people journals more.

Lennie syndrome? Are they gonna be ok?

The other three got eaten by bugs or something.
Bulldog dude. You are not having a good time of this. You have some really bad luck or soemthing.

I will send postive vibes your way in hopes that your next grow will be a true success. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
There is definitely a rift in the force in bulldogland. Since the last installment, bulldogs grow saga has made a turn to the Dark Side. All my plants, except three, have been put out of there misery. The one that was doing well is now yellow and not looking good at all. If she doesn't turn around by tommorrow she will be put out of her misery as well. There was a bunch of paint and other stuff store under house near my grow that may have been affecting them. But I think it probably, what I call, the Lennie syndrome.

The last two WW seedlings have been moved into hiding on another planet (outside with my potted tomato plants). I had three but one got eaten by something. It just totally disappeared out of the pot the first night out.

Some good news though! After lying to Niravana and saying "I was a long time loyal, but now disappointed comstomer". They sent me more bubblicious seeds, which should arrive this week. So you may get to watch this fiasco again. Or I will spend another month running to my mailbox every afternoon for nothing.

Thanks to everyone, for your interest in and suggestions for, my shitty ass grow!! Hopefully someone has learned what not to do from this.

Beaten but not broken, I shall return.


Well-Known Member
Lennie Small: An intellectually disabled man who dreams of "living off the fatta' the lan'" and being able to tend to the rabbits (POT Plants). He possesses a child's mental ability, but the strength of a "bull", resulting in inability to control or judge his own strength. This results in accidental killings the objects of his affection (such as mice, his puppy, POT Plants).


Well-Known Member
look at the pretty rabbits george!!! sounds like a streak of bad luck along with a mystery pot plant eater. hope things get better soon and you still have 2 ww's right.


Well-Known Member
so sorry to read about your loss. Wow! that sucks.
Bummer. I need to keep up on other people journals more.

Lennie syndrome? Are they gonna be ok?

The other three got eaten by bugs or something.
Bulldog dude. You are not having a good time of this. You have some really bad luck or soemthing.

I will send postive vibes your way in hopes that your next grow will be a true success. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Hey Lacy,
Thanks for the positive vibes!

Only one got eaten and I think it was by a rabbit. The rest just quit growing and stayed the same size till they turned brown. I then got paranoid and repotted and changed the soil around the roots of the only one that was doing well and fuck it up bad! I have since flushed it twice and it is slowly recovering. I went down there today and it actually has a lot of new growth. I have two seedlings mixed in with the plants outside that are also stuck at that same size as the others. I will leave them out until they are noticable as pot plants or they turn brown. I don't believe in luck, but hopefully the next portion of this grow will be more fruitful.


Well-Known Member
LOL what eats a weed plant... thats badass.
Ooooh bubblicious. Well hopefully the next grow will be more smooth.
Post a link when you get it up!

Thanks uberpea (or duece)! I think it was a rabbit that ate my plant. I saw one in the yard a few days ago. If I see him again, I will shoot his ass with my slingshot (it is sitting next to the door with ammunition ready).

When I get the new seeds, I haven't decided whether to start a new thread or stick with this one.



Well-Known Member
look at the pretty rabbits george!!! sounds like a streak of bad luck along with a mystery pot plant eater. hope things get better soon and you still have 2 ww's right.
Thanks Mastacoosh!

I still have three WW, but they are all in sad shape. I will get some picks in a couple of days when I get back in town from work.