co2 in a 3x3


How much do I need? and the cheapest way to supply this ? If I smoke with my plants will they soak in the wisdom of their ancestors?


Well-Known Member
Get a gallon of wine/beer brewing...loads of Co2. Other than that, you have to throw money at it!
If you smoke with your plants, they'll just soak up the stench of their sisters burning bodies. :(
My grow is in the spare bedroom. I threw someone out once, and made them sleep in the bath, cos they were smoking in there...I had warned 'em! ;)


Active Member
im interested in using co2 but dont the idea of spending more. Can u brew wine/beer without a top on the bottle? i dont know about brewing so anyone gta recipe?


Well-Known Member
ive heard somewhere that you dont need extra co2 unless you are growing quite big? is this not correct?
really cant see the point of co2 in such a small area :P. maybe im misinformed :)


Well-Known Member
It not for extra Co2, it's to replace what the plant uses in such a small grow, which they do quite quickly...;)

(Edit) But no, you're not misinformed. Extra Co2 for bigger yields is only worthwhile if you have more than enough light, quite correct.


Well-Known Member
im interested in using co2 but dont the idea of spending more. Can u brew wine/beer without a top on the bottle? i dont know about brewing so anyone gta recipe?
2 pounds sugar
cup strong tea
juice of a lemon

A gallon of hot water, dissolve it all except yeast.
When cool add yeast.
Put into final sterile container.
Takes a couple of days to get going, but they really fizz when they do!
After a few weeks the fizzing dies down, empty half out, replace with more sugary water.

Yeast pee = alcohol
Yeast breath/farts = Co2



Active Member
sworth ur a g bro thank u, i got 64lumens per sq foot in my tent and 14 plant so i needmore co2, hope this works. peace


Well-Known Member
It only occurred to me a few weeks ago that my plants were using up all the Co2 in the veg closet. They perked straight up within hours of putting a brew bottle in there.
I've read Ed Rosenthal say that a wheat field on a still, sunny day will use it's Co2 up in 20 minutes!