selling wet weed


Active Member
I'm selling some wet weed picked 24 hours ago..does 10 a gram sound like a good price for wet buds
does someone caving in your head because you poisoned there lungs sound good? Dry it DO SHIT RIGHT or GET OUT OF THE GAME. Stupid questions like this deserve more than comments!196459_10151240065149314_632908529_n.jpg
does someone caving in your head because you poisoned there lungs sound good? Dry it DO SHIT RIGHT or GET OUT OF THE GAME. Stupid questions like this deserve more than comments!View attachment 2366510
Shut the fuck up you dumbass. And douchbags like you deserve to be curb stomped. Obviously they know they're buying fresh weed and have confirmed they know they have to dry. Use your brain
where i come from it costs £10 for a gram of dry bud. you will basically be selling 0.25/0.35 grams for the 10 bucks by the time it drys.
I'm selling some wet weed picked 24 hours ago..does 10 a gram sound like a good price for wet buds

Good for u mabey not for the buyer ...shit I sell the kill for $50 a 1/4...

your rippin off whoever your sellin to ...your lucky to get about 1/3 of the wet weight when its dry....

1.0 wet gram weed = .3 of a g dry weed

atleast 2 grams wet for $10
yeah selling wet weed is kool huh? You both should be sterilized and as for curb stomping me lmao yeah the world is full of keyboard warriors like you save your agro for the state prison when your there you'll need it!
Why is it wrong to sell wet as long as the customer knows what he is getting?

Lower your profit margin if you do sell wet. whom ever may want it will have to
wait days before they can smoke it and will have to trim it as well creating more work before use.

mind if I ask how much wet weight? a feild or truck full or just 1 - 2 plants?

I would not buy wet unless it was more cost effective for me.
Why is it wrong to sell wet as long as the customer knows what he is getting?

Lower your profit margin if you do sell wet. whom ever may want it will have to
wait days before they can smoke it and will have to trim it as well creating more work before use.

mind if I ask how much wet weight? a feild or truck full or just 1 - 2 plants?

I would not buy wet unless it was more cost effective for me.

Just one wet plant ...already trimmed. About 2 oz's wet
That's an incredible price... Who are you selling too? Highschool kids?

for real probally juiner highschool kids I don't know anyone dumb enough to buy wet weed let alone uncured weed. also from his remark about curb stomping you know hes just a young punk but shit I know a guy who was selling straight brick nasty scwag to school kids for $40 an eigth and getting it. I was never that dumb I was buying qp's at 15 and pounds by the time I was 16 never even got caught just had to quit after a while cause the heat was on.
I'm tryna get high not dry and cure a little piece of weed and pay you this shit is hilarious and the person dumb enough to buy it
is foolish.
Damn u people....if you didnt notice I asked if 10 a G would be a good price..I didnt say that's what I was doing. I'm going to do 2-2.5 grams for 10. And who cares if someone wants to buy weed and dry it there selfs its there money they can do whatevrr they please. Thankyou to the few people with real answers
Weed is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay. If you are being upfront with them they have the option to negotiate. If I were gonna pay 10 it would be super good and dry. I see your planning on upping the quantity so that is sounding better.
Damn u people....if you didnt notice I asked if 10 a G would be a good price..I didnt say that's what I was doing. I'm going to do 2-2.5 grams for 10. And who cares if someone wants to buy weed and dry it there selfs its there money they can do whatevrr they please. Thankyou to the few people with real answers

I'm confused? Why cant you dry if for 5 days and sell it at £10 for a g? U got a lot of shottin to do to shift two plants 2g's at a time. Just be patient, rewards will be nice and you won't be known as a wet weed shotter. Peace
In my opinion people are showing you some hostility on here because we all love smoking nice dry cured weed.
If you went on a dog lovers forum and announced you were attending a dog fight i would expect the same response.
Just one wet plant ...already trimmed. About 2 oz's wet

Do they know that they need at least a few weeks of cure on top of the drying time? If not, then this is a bit iffy. If they know that there is weeks of waiting before there is a great product, then the price is dictated by what the market will bear. But let me get this straight: You are selling wet weed to someone for the cost of dried and well-cured top shelf in alot of places. Honestly, your customers are idiots (In which case, you are possibly taking advantage of them.) or way too young to be buying weed (Which makes both parties idiots.).
I think what people are trying to say here is that selling "wet weed" is just flat out stupid. For a start, it hasn't been cured and secondly, it loses about 70% of it's weight in volume as it dries.

If I were buying from you and you said it's wet but I'll do 10 on the gram, I would just walk away and say maybe if you do 3 grams for 10 I may listen, but 2-2.5g would also get laughed at.

In my opinion people are showing you some hostility on here because we all love smoking nice dry cured weed.
If you went on a dog lovers forum and announced you were attending a dog fight i would expect the same response.

This is exactly it.

As for the curb stomping idiocy, well, it's just that. You would do well to remember that not all people on the internet are scrawny little bitches, some of them happen to be someone of significant power, believe me, I found that out the hard way.