Preying mantises are very interesting creatures


Well-Known Member
"Can I help you with something?" lol

What a treat it was seeing a fatty preying mantis in my ww this afternoon! After observing the little fellow for quite a while, I noticed it raised it's hind leg upon it's raptorial leg, and started cleaning its foot that was buried deep in juicy crystals. Was a trip !

Dude is licking his chops !

Climbing the towering abyss


Well-Known Member
Had a 'bout' with some winged demons that infiltrated my home from outside during week 5 of flowering.

They didn't seem to be deliberately focusing on my ladies, but instead viewed them more as a "target of opportunity". I noticed some white spots on some fan leaves, and I would look for the little bastards and kill them as I saw them. I also noticed that not a SINGLE one of them survived coming into contact with the flowers.


There weren't that many to begin with, and as I looked over the ladies, I'd find one every so often stuck in the flower resin. I couldn't tell if they were chewing on something or what, so I'd watch for movement. Nothing. Then I'd kind of poke at em' a bit to get em' moving. Nothing. I figured they couldn't hack what the ladies were producing and were probably dead, or stoned out of their little bug minds.

That episode lasted for about a week before they disappeared, and the ladies just kept right on rockin'.

Tough little gals.

Gotta' love the bugs. Well, the GOOD ones at least.


Active Member
That shits gangster lol mine took off after a heat wave wilted my plants...imma buy an egg case next year


Well-Known Member
I got a video of one sittin on a bud gobblin up a moth or butterfly from last year...they eat fast mon!!!!


Well-Known Member
murders is the right term, though they usually content themselves with nasty bugs
i did post a pic(somewhere) of what some will do when they get big
some will stake out a bird feeder and will take hummingbirds as food, nasty looking sight, don't really like to remember it


Well-Known Member
If you have a praying mantis there you have bugs simple as that, these are intelligent insects and arn't there for the fun of it.


Well-Known Member
If you have a praying mantis there you have bugs simple as that, these are intelligent insects and arn't there for the fun of it.
Well, he left not too long after he arrived, so I guess there wasn't much there for him to munch on. I did however spot a wolf spider later that evening, chillin', waiting for some action.


Active Member
i had one visit last week. he was green, and about 3" long. i did not know they were in western wash. but i guess so. obviously. sightings have been on the increase here. yes, in the spring, im going to buy a case. and see if i can get em to stay here allways....some get to 6". not this, as mine was called a "european" mantis.