selling wet weed

why so desperate that your willing to sell wet bud you took the time to grow it why not take the time to make it right? did your mommy forget to give you your allowance for the week so now your ripping people off? anyway they are dumb if they are actually willing to pay that price after seeing it. i guess if you can actually sell it and your sleazy enough to go for it but if your not telling them its wet before you sell it dont be surprised if someone ends up feeding you your own teeth i know i would.
why so desperate that your willing to sell wet bud you took the time to grow it why not take the time to make it right? did your mommy forget to give you your allowance for the week so now your ripping people off? anyway they are dumb if they are actually willing to pay that price after seeing it. i guess if you can actually sell it and your sleazy enough to go for it but if your not telling them its wet before you sell it dont be surprised if someone ends up feeding you your own teeth i know i would.
Yes ..I took the time to grow it..but I am also not going to be able to dry it would turn into some schwag. I would much rather sell my wet weed to someone who knows what they're doing and can properly dry it and cure it and enjoy the buds. Well I Enjoy the $!
Just because I'm selling someone wet weed doesnt meen their automatically getting ripped off

I would never buy wet weed - I smoke my own because its there. If I buy weed I expect it to be PERFECT. I am not gunna wait 3 weeks after buying it to smoke it. What a waste of time for all the parties involved. Don't be lazy make your product the best you can make it. Somebody could grow shwag and still cure it right to the point where it tastes OK and gets you stoned. I HATE the taste of clorophyl in my weed... You are probably the kind of guy who feeds up until the last day "because you dont smoke it" - thats the thought process that comes from selling wet weed. Don't be lazy.
...if the dude KNOWS it is wet, fuck it, sell it to him...WTF? ...he might want it wet for all anyone fucking knows...he might want to do his own dry/cure......who fucking knows, and who fucking cares. The shit is wet....make it known, make the verbal agreement....then it's on long as he is happy.
...all the tough guys on the boards make me fucking :lol::clap::lol::clap: ...I bet you wouldn't bust a grape in the Welch's back yard if your dumb ass bought some wet weed, because it would be your DUMB ASS that bought it.
...if the dude KNOWS it is wet, fuck it, sell it to him...WTF? ...he might want it wet for all anyone fucking knows...he might want to do his own dry/cure......who fucking knows, and who fucking cares. The shit is wet....make it known, make the verbal agreement....then it's on long as he is happy.
...all the tough guys on the boards make me fucking :lol::clap::lol::clap: ...I bet you wouldn't bust a grape in the Welch's back yard if your dumb ass bought some wet weed, because it would be your DUMB ASS that bought it.

I can not speak for everybody but most of us that have actually grown a couple of plants will know the difference between wet and dry weed, and like I said before - I would never buy it if it was wet. If I wanted wet weed taken off my plant 24 hours ago I would go outside, and cut a damn branch off. If somebody offered me wet weed I would not even show up. I had a friend ask for some uncured weed because he had no smoke and mine was dry enough to smoke. I didn't go around looking for somebody to buy some wet weed - or even ask him. He asked if I had anything dry enough to smoke - which is what MOST PEOPLE would be looking for.
I'd buy wet weed if I was in the market and didn't want to smoke it any time soon. If joe blow had this big tree hanging and offered me the right deal I might take it, because I know what to do with it. I'd only buy it on the branch still, personally. Same goes for selling, if someone wants my wet plant then by all means lets talk about it!
I know a guy that buys large from a west coast grower/dispensary owner. This guy buys BOTH dry AND wet. The wet comes with a huge discount and the dry amount he buys is usually 10lbs a month to every 6 weeks. Hes a big player and knows he can make more money this way
I'd buy wet weed if I was in the market and didn't want to smoke it any time soon. If joe blow had this big tree hanging and offered me the right deal I might take it, because I know what to do with it. I'd only buy it on the branch still, personally. Same goes for selling, if someone wants my wet plant then by all means lets talk about it!

If somebody WANTS it that is one thing. If you are trying to PAWN IT OFF on them that is another. He should LEARN to dry instead of taking the easy way out. Growing is always a LEARNING experience, that means trial and error. If he dries the plant wrong who cares, there are always more plants out there. He needs to take the time to actually learn instead of saying "I wont dry it right and they will so i will sell it". If you are too lazy to dry your plant right why even put the effort into growing it? Why grow something you cannot test before you sell it. I would never GIVE AWAY weed that I didn't test first. If it does not taste good it goes into hash or edibles. If it doesnt fill out dries too fast and doesnt taste good IDC I will not be giving away 1 bud of that.
I dont sell my weed I smoke it, but recently I needed money I sold half a plant to a friend, I sold 112grams WET of a delicious fantastik Sativa for 180$, my friend is simply going to dry and cure himself, nothing wrong with that as long as the buyer is aware and knows what to do. To answer your question you should give more than a gram wet. If you feel generous sell 4 wet grams for 10$ if not generous 3 wet grams for 10 $, make sure you friend knows not to smoke right away.
I dont sell my weed I smoke it, but recently I needed money I sold half a plant to a friend, I sold 112grams WET of a delicious fantastik Sativa for 180$, my friend is simply going to dry and cure himself, nothing wrong with that as long as the buyer is aware and knows what to do. To answer your question you should give more than a gram wet. If you feel generous sell 4 wet grams for 10$ if not generous 3 wet grams for 10 $, make sure you friend knows not to smoke right away.

112 grams WET is FINE. 4 grams WET is SHIT. After a month it would be nice to be able to smoke more than a bowl or 2, maybe 2 pinners with that gram you would end up with. I would rather end up with 30 grams than 1 gram. I would be FINE paying $180 for 112 grams.
At $10/ gram, that's about half of what a lot of people pay per gram if they were to buy a dry cured 1/8.
Dry, you figure you will have 1/3 the weight, so basically your price is still high, not to mention they have to do all the work.
Who are you selling to that you are selling grams?
The smallest I know of real smokers buying is an 1/8, so I would think you'd take your normal 1/8 price and 1/3 it at least, maybe more.
lmao id buy that shit wet bro! rofl!

...and you wouldn't be the only one. ;) ...I'm not trying to condone selling wet buds, but I know a friend, who knows a friend, and ofcourse he knows a friend that will buy it anyway he can get it.....and is happy for it all to be possible. 2 adults that make an agreement, is exactly that. I've bought many of cars, "as is" and I belive the same policy stands with cannabis, "as is"
...and you wouldn't be the only one. ;) ...I'm not trying to condone selling wet buds, but I know a friend, who knows a friend, and ofcourse he knows a friend that will buy it anyway he can get it.....and is happy for it all to be possible. 2 adults that make an agreement, is exactly that. I've bought many of cars, "as is" and I belive the same policy stand with cannabis, "as is"

I agree - But If I wanted to buy 2 grams(assuming, I wanted a new taste) I would buy 2 grams dry, or buy NO LESS than an oz wet. I have no problem with buying wet weed under the agreement that it is wet and the assumption that the person will actually get some smoke after spending their money and wasting a month of their time that the person who grew it should have done before they even sold it, and no, 1 or 2 grams isn't enough
At $10/ gram, that's about half of what a lot of people pay per gram if they were to buy a dry cured 1/8.
Dry, you figure you will have 1/3 the weight, so basically your price is still high, not to mention they have to do all the work.
Who are you selling to that you are selling grams?
The smallest I know of real smokers buying is an 1/8, so I would think you'd take your normal 1/8 price and 1/3 it at least, maybe more.

Maybe this is where people are confused ..she's not buying grams. Ita around 60-75 grams wet