Romney leads Ohio AND Colorado?

"In the head-to-head, Obama outpaces Romney, 50 percent to 45 percent. But that 5-point margin is based on responses gathered during the tracking period of Oct. 1-7, which means that it was partially conducted before the Oct. 3 debate and partially after Friday's jobs report."

In other words... pretty irrelevant go check the polls if you think the debate didn't crush oblunder. Everything recent is laughing at obama and that's before ryan rips biden a new asshole live on tv, then we get to watch the debate where foriegn affairs can be brought up.... so yeah, enjoy it while it lasts.
I mean if Romney gets in office the poor are just straight assed out! No more public assistance or welfare fr those who really need it. I'm voting obama again if he don't make it in office I'm just going to continue racking up on artillery because it's going to be a war!
what the BUCK happened???

:P :P :P

The pollsters must be right obviously. According to many liberal posters here they are never wrong...

Stick another nail in the Obama campaign coffin...
I ignored him, did he report me for spam? Either way, I think HE was the one that said something to the effect of "paint me a map to 270 without Ohio"......
the polls must be skewed :dunce:

do you see how stupid you guys were sounding a few days ago now?

We told you the polls were skewed and you laughed at us and told us how smart the pollsters were.

Now, either you and the pollsters were completely wrong or just one debate cause a 12 point swing in the electorate.

I seriously dont believe people are that fickle...
We told you the polls were skewed and you laughed at us and told us how smart the pollsters were.

Now, either you and the pollsters were completely wrong or just one debate cause a 12 point swing in the electorate.

I seriously dont believe people are that fickle...

they aren't, you are depending on outliers for that 12 point swing.

obama is still favored 3 to 1 to win.

go cry in your corn flakes.
Actually, the polls are still oversampling Dems by 10%, assuming turnouts for Dems larger than 2008. Laughable. That fact, in addition to the fact Romney is ahead, cements my prediction of an easy 6 point win by Romney.

And for the record, fuck the poor. They got nothing to bitch about. To quote the immortal Brick Top, "Listen, you fucking fringe, if I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not."
Actually, the polls are still oversampling Dems by 10%, assuming turnouts for Dems larger than 2008. Laughable. That fact, in addition to the fact Romney is ahead, cements my prediction of an easy 6 point win by Romney.

And for the record, fuck the poor. They got nothing to bitch about. To quote the immortal Brick Top, "Listen, you fucking fringe, if I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not."


yep, and minority rights should be put to a majority vote. also, all of america is behind you in getting rid of the social safety net.

you are deluded.

yep, and minority rights should be put to a majority vote. also, all of america is behind you in getting rid of the social safety net.

you are deluded.

Oh, so they're NOT oversampling Dems by that much? Well, they themselves are lying then, because they admit it. And yes, it is based on 2008 turnouts, not the more recent 2010 right back at ya. Obama is done and will be placed right there with Carter in the race for WORST PRESIDENT EVER.
the polls must be skewed :dunce:

do you see how stupid you guys were sounding a few days ago now?

I have been laughing about that since yesterday. When it was O'Bama's lead then the polls were wrong and there's a huge conspiracy to lie to the American public. Now they're perfectly fine. Everything is copacetic. LOL
I have been laughing about that since yesterday. When it was O'Bama's lead then the polls were wrong and there's a huge conspiracy to lie to the American public. Now they're perfectly fine. Everything is copacetic. LOL

No one is saying they're fine, they're still completely and unrealistically slanted in Obama's favor, Romney is actually way, way further ahead than they admit. It's just SO BAD, that even the ridiculous polls can't hide it anymore. Bank on it.
No one is saying they're fine, they're still completely and unrealistically slanted in Obama's favor, Romney is actually way, way further ahead than they admit. It's just SO BAD, that even the ridiculous polls can't hide it anymore. Bank on it.

Now I have two things to perform my I told you so dance to. Ron Paul's defeat and retirement and Romney NOT winning the presidency.
He also closed the gap and jumped ahead with women voters. ABC did a segment interviewing independents and the majority are leaning toward Romney after his debate performance. Obama needs Biden to do well in the VP debate, again they're mock debating everyday prepping if he tanks it could very well lose the election for him.
it's closer to 54-40. Yup, that sounds about right.

that, and everyone is behind you on your crusade to end the social safety net.

you are fucking deluded.

538 still has obama 3 to 1, intrade still has obama 60-40.

go cry in your cornflakes, douche.
that, and everyone is behind you on your crusade to end the social safety net.

you are fucking deluded.

538 still has obama 3 to 1, intrade still has obama 60-40.

go cry in your cornflakes, douche.


You sure showed me with those sources.

<peanut bounces off UB's head>