Well-Known Member
Plastered all over the net elsewhere as well, 11 swing states? Thats kind of a big deal no?
Obama fails etc etc... Once again, MITT ROMNEY is beating your messiah, stop trolling and acting like you still support him.
Hes pretty much a joke and yet somehow hes beating the incumbent potus....
you need wake up and smell the shit bush has created, therefore obama has to take care of that puppet childs mess.
romney is bush the 3rd he wants to do all of the same things bush and all the other republicans did before TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS. now if youre super rich and have that roll like MITCH romney then go ahead be all for him. but if your a regular joe then obamas for you the middle class & the 47% who do pay taxes (in their pay check dumbass)unlike MITCH WHO WONT EVEN SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS when the REPUBS were ON OBAMA'S NUTS about his birthcert.