Romney leads Ohio AND Colorado?

Plastered all over the net elsewhere as well, 11 swing states? Thats kind of a big deal no?
Obama fails etc etc... Once again, MITT ROMNEY is beating your messiah, stop trolling and acting like you still support him.
Hes pretty much a joke and yet somehow hes beating the incumbent potus....

you need wake up and smell the shit bush has created, therefore obama has to take care of that puppet childs mess.
romney is bush the 3rd he wants to do all of the same things bush and all the other republicans did before TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS. now if youre super rich and have that roll like MITCH romney then go ahead be all for him. but if your a regular joe then obamas for you the middle class & the 47% who do pay taxes (in their pay check dumbass)unlike MITCH WHO WONT EVEN SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS when the REPUBS were ON OBAMA'S NUTS about his birthcert.
you need wake up and smell the shit bush has created, therefore obama has to take care of that puppet childs mess.
romney is bush the 3rd he wants to do all of the same things bush and all the other republicans did before TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS. now if youre super rich and have that roll like MITCH romney then go ahead be all for him. but if your a regular joe then obamas for you the middle class & the 47% who do pay taxes (in their pay check dumbass)unlike MITCH WHO WONT EVEN SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS when the REPUBS were ON OBAMA'S NUTS about his birthcert.

Fuck dude, are you even old enough to drive?

It's Mitt, not Mitch and the 47% do not pay federal income taxes (out of their paychecks dumbass)!
He was talking about the people who were seeking the nominee. Christie turned down VP, Ryan was Romney's back up.

Puppetmaster I was demonstrating how wrong MuylocoNC has been in the past.

I would make the same bet with you that I have with MuylocoNC, but we all know that you will just change your name AGAIN so you can avoid being a man of your word.
Fuck dude, are you even old enough to drive?

It's Mitt, not Mitch and the 47% do not pay federal income taxes (out of their paychecks dumbass)!

Actually we should call him by his first name of Willard, but since he has forgotten that is his real first name we can just call him Mittens ( or what ever the fuck we want)
you need wake up and smell the shit bush has created, therefore obama has to take care of that puppet childs mess.
romney is bush the 3rd he wants to do all of the same things bush and all the other republicans did before TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS. now if youre super rich and have that roll like MITCH romney then go ahead be all for him. but if your a regular joe then obamas for you the middle class & the 47% who do pay taxes (in their pay check dumbass)unlike MITCH WHO WONT EVEN SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS when the REPUBS were ON OBAMA'S NUTS about his birthcert.

It saddens me you're in Colorado, way to make us look like retards, were one of those states that kind of matter and we seem to have had enough of Obamas bullshit. He's fail...
you need wake up and smell the shit bush has created, therefore obama has to take care of that puppet childs mess.
romney is bush the 3rd he wants to do all of the same things bush and all the other republicans did before TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS. now if youre super rich and have that roll like MITCH romney then go ahead be all for him. but if your a regular joe then obamas for you the middle class & the 47% who do pay taxes (in their pay check dumbass)unlike MITCH WHO WONT EVEN SHOW HIS TAX RETURNS when the REPUBS were ON OBAMA'S NUTS about his birthcert.

Well, just because the company you work for takes taxes out of your pay check doesnt mean you wont get back what you paid in during tax time. That doesnt necessarily mean you pay taxes.

Of course MITT did show 2 years and in those 2 years the income tax paid and donations to charity GREATLY outweighed the PotUS.
So its clear Mitt gives back much much much more than Obama to the country.
Also doesnt help your case that your Messiah spent so much time in his first 4 years extending the Bush policies that he was so against.
Mittens asked Ryan to show him 10 years worth of taxes before making him his VP. Mittens only shows us one ( with the promise of showing another )....WTF:shock:
It saddens me you're in Colorado, way to make us look like retards, were one of those states that kind of matter and we seem to have had enough of Obamas bullshit. He's fail...
Enough of obama's bullshit? You mean tired of the mess g.w bush put us in and obama was working hard to get us out of it.. Y'all people say Obama is the reason the us is fucked up no it was all bush and he left it shitty for whoever was next in office.. So if you ask me Obama is good for another 4 years.

And for th asshole who said fuck the poor there are way too many to say fuck them shit most of the votes come from poor people.
Actually we should call him by his first name of Willard, but since he has forgotten that is his real first name we can just call him Mittens ( or what ever the fuck we want)

Cool, then by that same reasoning we should call our president Barack Hussein Obama, got any problems with that?
dumbass MITCH Is like Mittens Romney its just a ridiculous name for a RIDICULOUS nominee. 47% percent of America includes your grandma & grandpa. people in the military fighting for our country and disabled veterans.
it saddens me that i lived in the same state as you for a year bud it makes me even more sad to see another romney retard who wants to get fucked over my the real Mr. Scrooge
if you are a student ,under obama, tuition is going to be way lower, if you may need extra help you can get healthcare through your parents which saves you money. President Obama will not raise taxes on the lower and middle class but raise taxes on the rich bitches like Mittens Romney and Pawn Ryan
it saddens me that i lived in the same state as you for a year bud it makes me even more sad to see another romney retard who wants to get fucked over my the real Mr. Scrooge
if you are a student ,under obama, tuition is going to be way lower, if you may need extra help you can get healthcare through your parents which saves you money. President Obama will not raise taxes on the lower and middle class but raise taxes on the rich bitches like Mittens Romney and Pawn Ryan
But instead like some said earlier fuck the poor which lower and middle class is considered.. It's real sad to see how some people think you can really tell what type of person they really are.
let me ask you this man what are those bush policies that my "messiah" extended
and i have no messiah unlike mittens who believes that God lives on some planet and some other bullshit
its not about how much money you have payed to donations cuz not all people have money like Romney that he got FROM HIS DAD who was a immigrant who got government help that prevented mormons from the draft. which Romney supports even tho he dodged it aint that some shit!!!!!!
Cool, then by that same reasoning we should call our president Barack Hussein Obama, got any problems with that?
No I actually dont but from your tone it seems like that matters to you alot which is racist
If youre a real American theres nothing wrong with being Muslim ya ignorant bitch
No I actually dont but from your tone it seems like that matters to you alot which is racist
If youre a real American theres nothing wrong with being Muslim ya ignorant bitch

Why is it alright to call Mitt Romney by his formal name and not the same for the president?
There is nothing racist about about a muslime name, dipshit, muslim is not a race! LMAO
Why is it alright to call Mitt Romney by his formal name and not the same for the president?
There is nothing racist about about a muslime name, dipshit, muslim is not a race! LMAO
and im him by his real name cuz hea joke

well you act like it is a race just like yall tried to act like the sikhs were the same race
i just heard the same thing. i live in washington. if the devil were the democrate, here, he would allways be elected. seattle is our sanfransisco. too many liberals to overcome. i expect romney to win. he has a plan. ohbama has shit. aint shit. never was. so. bush put us in 5 trill dept in 8 years. ohbama ,after promissing he would get it down to half that, added 6 more trillion, in just 3 1/2 years. unemplyment is not down. after we run out of benifits, we are no longer "counted" as unemployed., so the more people loose bennies, the less the unemployment...but look around. are you better off now? maybe, if your one with your hands out. WIN MITT, WIN. also, "ohbamacare" dictates that if you have 50 or more full time employees, you must pay for the "care", or pay a small fine. (way less). so. many of these people who work full time allready have med thru the employer. so, to stay in buisness, they have to avoid this huge cost increase. so they make all their employees, PART TIME!- to avoid ohbama care. now, even the ones who had care thru the employer, no longer have it!! again, its obamas way to cripple buisness. "dreams from his father". its evident in all his actions. usa, last......ill be glad when this election is over. im tired of trying to warn everyone, who cant see this. the liberal news is totally watching his back. isent it funny, not one of em says anything bad about him??????? he has alot of shit. but they dont say one bad word. preety obvious, they are protecitng him. control the media. take over buisness. take the guns away. it worked for more than just hitler, u know. on EVERY communist country. the main men allways disapear. so, they cant go back to the public and say, hey! we were wrong!. TOO LATE.

WTF? Are you just learning to write?