LST too early?

Last night i bent over my plant because it was so thin and long and wouldn't stand up by its own. I've attached some pictures of today.

All the leafs turned up and it looks ok in my opinion.

I wanted to ask if what i did is wrong.

Also, when should i start using fertiliser, i;ve just ordered the 3-pack From fox Farm.

Any suggestions will be appreciated


Active Member
Hey aspireseries. I'm kinda jealous because my next grow i wanted to grow bonsai and train it around the pot like what it was doing before you tied it up. If you trained it around, and topped at the 4th node, you'' end up with a nice bush :D

Dont add nutes for a couple weeks. The plants to small to handle it, what kind of soil are you using?
I am using general purpose soil from the local store. I didn't top it yet, because i am planing to grow it around the whole pot and then up. When should i top it?

Thanks for ur help


Active Member
I am using general purpose soil from the local store. I didn't top it yet, because i am planing to grow it around the whole pot and then up. When should i top it?

Thanks for ur help
Does it have any 'feeding' to it? After finding out about nutrients already in the soil and how long they might feed the plant (if any present) then once that time frame is up follow the fox farm feeding schedule and you will be good to go. Also move the light closer to the plant, specially if it is CFL. I started with CFL for vegging and they work GREAT. I am down to one plant (started with two, one hermed on me) and it is under a 150 watt hps and 2 300 watt (equivalent) 2700 K CFL's. Though some strains will stretch (sativa dominant) more than others.

edit: depends on how large the pot is (1 gallon is too small IMHO) I would start with 3 (after transplanting from a smaller medium for seedling). If you are doing a stealth/PC type grow then 1 gallon should be fine and no it probably is not to early to LST (by the pics she is doing fine other than possible light seeking) Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
why are your leaves all wet? you should not have any water on the leaves during lights on as the little droplets can cause hotspots ( like a magnifying glass)

you might find it better to just bury that stetchy stem when you transplant.. but either way looking good


Well-Known Member
Id second the stem being covered up alot,Be easy to tranplant now as roots are not tht big and should be able to transplant without much stress,If any.

The light is 3 inches away, i'm afraid to bring it closer because of the burns. I will bury the stem when i transplant to 3 gallons. When should i top it?


Active Member
I didnt Top or FIM, BUT if I had* this baby would have been way wider with more tops ;(
Still hella bushy for a little over 4 weeks. I'd go with topping it but if you mess up at least you will have still FIM'd it lol
I didnt Top or FIM, BUT if I had* this baby would have been way wider with more tops ;(
Still hella bushy for 5 1/2 weeks. I'd go with topping it but if you mess up at least you will have still FIM'd it lol
Looking Great, i think you'll have a hell of a harvest!