Tolerant liberals


Well-Known Member
So the last week I have seen a teacher kick a student out of class for a Romney shirt and referenced it to "Hitler" and then Stacey Dash backed Romney and gets attacked with Racial and Bigoted remarks from liberals. Looks like the media is starting to slowly pick up on the party of racism. Obama needs this bad press keep it up liberal's Romney has been gaining for 4 strait days.
So (the - not needed) last week, I (have seen - saw) a teacher kick a student out of class for a Romney shirt and referenced it to "Hitler", and then Stacey Dash backed Romney and gets attacked with Racial and Bigoted remarks from liberals. Looks like the media is starting to slowly pick up on the party of racism. Obama needs this bad press, keep it up liberal's, Romney has been gaining for 4 strait days.

stay in school, kids.
So the last week I have seen a teacher kick a student out of class for a Romney shirt and referenced it to "Hitler" and then Stacey Dash backed Romney and gets attacked with Racial and Bigoted remarks from liberals. Looks like the media is starting to slowly pick up on the party of racism. Obama needs this bad press keep it up liberal's Romney has been gaining for 4 strait days.

Yup, they eat there own... Its great watching 0bama melt down...... He never should have been elected, he is not qualified.

p.s. The only time a Liberal is tolerant is when they like what they are tolerating. The phrase is an oxymoron.
The intolerance of conservatives includes the war on drugs, I can no longer play poker, the Patriot act ect. I'm not a fan of either right now.

And yes, I know Obama has continued these but he's a special kind of liberal where he blames the right to get elected then does the same exact thing, he doesn't really count. I can't really tell what he stands for other than getting elected.
The intolerance of conservatives includes the war on drugs, I can no longer play poker, the Patriot act ect. I'm not a fan of either right now.

And yes, I know Obama has continued these but he's a special kind of liberal where he blames the right to get elected then does the same exact thing, he doesn't really count. I can't really tell what he stands for other than getting elected.

Hush your mouth, did you just call Obama a hypocrite? Shame on you, expect name calling and racial/bigoted vile pointed your direction. Liberals being high class and all.
Well said Buck, We should encourage all our kids to be a drop out drug dealer like yourself.

yeah, you tell everyone on this cannabis growing website about the evils associated with producers of cannabis like myself, that'll get you far.

learn to spell you blithering retard.
nonthiest your use of words like drugs and MJ are conflicting with your judgement of each, they are the same

if for even one second you think anyone and everyone shouldn't be able to smoke then i think you should get the fuck outa here or provide proof that MJ effects growth and brain process in a negative way, and dont even think of posting the New Zealand study , its like a swiss cheese grater, and if i can find obvious flaws in media coverage of it as well as its fundamentals research principles . . it aint no good and ill post the sociologocal study in Jamaica and put any BS about MJ being dangerous or harmful to a family environment to shame

im a drug dealer and the legal donations i make to my patietns makes their lives possible to bare without constant pain or discomfert and in one patient worth living, i think you better check yourself

they were smokers long before any legalization, and so was i
two of my patients can barely make toast . . . .wtf how can someone who pretends to support science be so obtuse

whats working aginast MJ is you, and your this is ok but this is not , MJ is a victim less crime and in no way dangerous if grown right

where is your proof that MJ effects learning, or is this just your modern reffer madness BS

if kids chooses to get high vs do his homework, the pot made his do it right lol, what a joke your such a victim
Do you not agree that selling marijuana to school children is not working against the fight to take MMJ seriously? Children trying to learn do not need to be under the influence yes it impairs learning when your fucking high to say otherwise means you're a fucking idiot right up there with bucky.

im a drug dealer and the legal donations i make to my patietns makes their lives possible to bare without constant pain or discomfert and in one patient worth living, i think you better check yourself

If you want to donate, show them how to grow and give them material anything else means your in it for the fucking money....

here comes a sock puppet who doesn't even grow or smoke weed telling the producers their business.

no one is for selling to children, kids like you are too retarded as it is.
here comes a sock puppet who doesn't even grow or smoke weed telling the producers their business.

no one is for selling to children, kids like you are too retarded as it is.

So your only retort is to blow smoke? I grow for myself and I sell to no one period. I have giving it away once but I even refrain from that. I am not a doctor nor are you or Samwell so drop your bullshit your drug dealers in it for the money not to help people.
its obvious that this guy doestn smoke much if at all

i smoked throughout high school and was homeless part of my junior year and all senior year graduates with a 3.6 avg

so dont even give me that shit

so unless you have a study to show id have to say your completly full of shit
its obvious that this guy doestn smoke much if at all

i smoked throughout high school and was homeless part of my junior year and all senior year graduates with a 3.6 avg

so dont even give me that shit

If you could comprehend some of the shit you say, you will see you're proving my point. Making excuses to sell to kids is fucking ridiculous.
what can t you comprehend

is English your second language or are you so stupid that i have to use simpler words or concepts just for you

lol ill stupify this for you

its obvious that this guy doestn smoke much if at all
i don't think nonthiest smokes or grows too.
i smoked throughout high school and was homeless part of my junior year and all senior year graduates with a 3.6 avg
even though i was a smoker and drinker and homeless i did fine in high school and graduated with a 3.6 avg
so dont even give me that shit
you are full of shit, just because you cant smoke and function doesn't mean the rest of us are impaired like you, highs are subjective

so unless you have a study to show id have to say your completly full of shit

please show us with quantifiable evidence or closet thing to it, to show any scientific studies that provide credit to your theory
I understand everything you say, I just don't agree. I think people like you and Bucky that sell to kids are hindering people trying to get cannabis taken seriously by the medical community.

my bad i didnt know understanding and comprehension meant he same thing, or maybe your just being obtuse as usual

so can you use with words to explain or prove what you think or isit just a belief, kinda ironic coming from a atheist , fucking pathetic