Do you believe it. Drop in Unemployment.???


Well-Known Member
So Obama is the only one who can fix the problem right? :roll: Is that what we are all supposed to believe? If a community agitator from Chicago can't put our entire country back on track, then nobody can? What has Obama ever accomplished that qualifies him to save our country? Something of substance. Not "oh he won the vote" Because thats not an attribute. His plan, his record, his presidency. A JOKE. Comparing Reagan to Obama is like comparing Ken's Kush to some bammer weed. "Lending was still fairly free"! Uner Carter? Are you kidding me? Interest rates at 21% combined with through the roof inflation creates an environment where investing and growth are nearly imposable. But what do you care? You don't depend on the private sector, you depend on the government. The only growth you and Obama are interested in is government. Just take a look at the recent unemployment report. How many tens of thousands of new IRS agents did Obama just hire to enforce all the regulations and new taxes associated with Obamacare?

The only one who can fix it? Hell no, but he is the only one in this election who has a chance. We have a choice between someone who has at least done something, and seems to have saved us from decending into a depression - I don't know about you, but I watched what was going on and I was scared, I pulled out enough cash to last a year and considered turning that to gold (wish I had).

If I really thought Romney's non-plan and non specifics would do something to hasten our recovery I would vote for him, but he has demonstrated nothing,not a single innovative, cogent, reaonable, balanced, or forward thinking approach to what we need - nor can you show me anything other than that.

Interest rates at 21 percent did not deter banks from lending and I recall my bank account yielding quite well.

Here is the heinous thing that you righties do over and over again. You are presuming that I am depending upon the government. For what exactly and why do you make that presumption.

As I said, I don't cry that the Obama is not creating jobs on the one side of my mouth and claim that government doesn't create jobs on the other. I make my own job - I don't pray some wealthy "job creator" will "give" me a job and I don't worship the wealthy.

That little tens of thousands of IRS agents is yet another rightist myth that you guys find very convenient for your arguments but happen to be wrong.

government in every sense has been reduced under Obama's administration, but those facts don't really comport with your narrative so you are just going to have to parrot the rightist mantra.


Well-Known Member
The economy Reagan inherited was just as bad but the psychology of the country was completely different. We were still a very protectionist country at that time with "made in U.S.A." seen as a sense of pride and we only bout 'merican damnit. We crawled out in part by buying shitty cars, shopping local and actually having an incentive to save money with the interest rates.

If Apple built all products here instead of Asia we would have 1500 dollar iPads, but back in the 80's, people would have paid this instead of buying a Chinese copy for half. Today? no way.

FTR, I'm not advocating protectionism, I'm just saying we used to do that in US and we don't anymore.


Well-Known Member
The economy Reagan inherited was just as bad but the psychology of the country was completely different. We were still a very protectionist country at that time with "made in U.S.A." seen as a sense of pride and we only bout 'merican damnit. We crawled out in part by buying shitty cars, shopping local and actually having an incentive to save money with the interest rates.

If Apple built all products here instead of Asia we would have 1500 dollar iPads, but back in the 80's, people would have paid this instead of buying a Chinese copy for half. Today? no way.

FTR, I'm not advocating protectionism, I'm just saying we used to do that in US and we don't anymore.

Compare our manufacturing base then with what it is now. Compare housing prices and value then with what it is now - there is no comparison between this recession- bordering on depression with the empending collapse of our financial system with Reagan's relative blip.


Well-Known Member
Why is our manufacturing base in trouble here? NAFTA maybe? Highest corporate taxes in the world? Forced unionization with unsustainable legacy costs? If we figure out why our textiles company went to Mexico, maybe we could figure out a way to bring them back. Reagan created an environment where businesses felt they finally had a leader that promoted an economically friendly atmosphere. Obama has created the opposite. Whether this is fact or not is irrelevant, it's perception that matters. Perception can create it's own reality, and the reality is, under Obama capital is on strike. It may not be his fault, let's blame Bush for arguments sake, but it's the reality we are dealing with. The business community thinks Obama policies are hurting the economy, perpetuating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You can absolutely compare the two economies, they were very similar. If we can say it like it's a fact that Obama saved us from another Great Depression we can also say it like it's a fact that his policies have a created a Japan type stagnation of our economy. We can say it is as fact that if he would have used austerity measures instead of keynesian methods our economy would have roared back by now.

Neither of us can prove our facts.


Well-Known Member
Why is our manufacturing base in trouble here? NAFTA maybe? Highest corporate taxes in the world? Forced unionization with unsustainable legacy costs? If we figure out why our textiles company went to Mexico, maybe we could figure out a way to bring them back. Reagan created an environment where businesses felt they finally had a leader that promoted an economically friendly atmosphere. Obama has created the opposite. Whether this is fact or not is irrelevant, it's perception that matters. Perception can create it's own reality, and the reality is, under Obama capital is on strike. It may not be his fault, let's blame Bush for arguments sake, but it's the reality we are dealing with. The business community thinks Obama policies are hurting the economy, perpetuating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You can absolutely compare the two economies, they were very similar. If we can say it like it's a fact that Obama saved us from another Great Depression we can also say it like it's a fact that his policies have a created a Japan type stagnation of our economy. We can say it is as fact that if he would have used austerity measures instead of keynesian methods our economy would have roared back by now.

Neither of us can prove our facts.

Why did textiles abandon the U.S. for Mexico? Wages... Period.


Well-Known Member
Name one person that goes by the U6 number? If we did that our current unemployment rate in the country right now is 14.7% If we took all Americans that are out of work and put them in one long unemployment line, it would stretch across the entire country.

Which would represent REAL unemployment!


Well-Known Member
Well well well
Look at that
U6 unemployment has also dropped the same percentage as the u3 rate

Oh and I wonder how many people who arent looking for work anymore



Well-Known Member
Well well well
Look at that
U6 unemployment has also dropped the same percentage as the u3 rate

Oh and I wonder how many people who arent looking for work anymore

I wonder why doctors are retiring. hhmmmm. Could it be the same reason more grads are not choosing med school? Could it be because of Obamacare? You betcha. If theres no money in it, then whos going to wanna do it? :dunce:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
cause the baby boomers re getting old . . . . . lol

reason more grad are not choosing medicine is that they make more and faster and less stressful money as accountants and middle management and head fund operators or investment bankers

capitalism is to blame not politics . . dont confuse the too please


Well-Known Member
Post a u6 start fRom this time last year.
Compare it to now.
It has dropPed
there goes your argument
You just summed up how there is NO recovery. We're at the same place we were last year. Romney should use that stat in his next debate. Good one.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I wonder why doctors are retiring. hhmmmm. Could it be the same reason more grads are not choosing med school? Could it be because of Obamacare? You betcha. If theres no money in it, then whos going to wanna do it? :dunce:

Kindly explain why doctors will get paid less with Obama care - do you know how Obama care works or are you simply depending upon rightist interpeters for your information?


Well-Known Member
I wonder why doctors are retiring. hhmmmm. Could it be the same reason more grads are not choosing med school? Could it be because of Obamacare? You betcha. If theres no money in it, then whos going to wanna do it? :dunce:
People who aren't greedy fucks.

There's more than money to motivate those that want to help people, like idk, saving lives?

Do you honestly believe all doctors choose their career field because of the money?