Tolerant liberals

its obvious that this guy doestn smoke much if at all

i smoked throughout high school and was homeless part of my junior year and all senior year graduates with a 3.6 avg

so dont even give me that shit

so unless you have a study to show id have to say your completly full of shit

Didn't you hear? It leads to harder stuff.
my bad i didnt know understanding and comprehension meant he same thing, or maybe your jstu being obtuse as usaual

so can you use with words to explian or prove what you think or isit just a belief

If you need cannabis for a medical condition fine, if your growing and selling without the proper license and trying to get away with it under the guise of "helping people for a profit" you hurting the rest of us. Your a fucking drug dealer not a cannabis patient.
Sorry bro my english maybe not so good but your post is confusing. In class learning better my english they tell me not to be using so many nots. All the nots made it not make sense. They call it double negative which means it is very bad.

dude, keep on it, but makes sense that you and nonthiest are confused

thanks for speakingup without lying
If you need cannabis for a medical condition fine, if your growing and selling without the proper license and trying to get away with it under the guise of "helping people for a profit" you hurting the rest of us. Your a fucking drug dealer not a cannabis patient.

im a legal grower

i just dont sugar coat my situation so its more palpable to others, im not manipulative like you, i say what i mean

im not PC thug

and my 7 patients are very happy i donate my extra and they get to smoke more than a P for free yearly

but you dont smoke or grow , you jsut judge us for paying the bills cuase of some silly law you pretend to not support but cite as reason to judge others

you give real atheist a bad name

keep having a a belief system not supported by scientific evidence . . .lol . . . hypocrite
Sorry bro my english maybe not so good but your post is confusing. In class learning better my english they tell me not to be using so many nots. All the nots made it not make sense. They call it double negative which means it is very bad.

No man, their talking 'bout knots. There evil and two knots can hang a man. Lots of knots are hard to untie. They're see, ain't English knots fun?
you accused buck of selling to children , i said prove you judgement that children smoking is bad with science or get the fuck outta here you fakeathiest

my kids would get it from me, id never guilt them into buying from a stranger or random acquaintance dealer

go on with your beliefs atheist
Sorry bro my english maybe not so good but your post is confusing. In class learning better my english they tell me not to be using so many nots. All the nots made it not make sense. They call it double negative which means it is very bad.

Well, you're doing better than a "native" speaker. :p
you accused buck of selling to children , i said prove you judgement that children smoking is bad with science or get the fuck outta here you fakeathiest

my kids would get it from me, id never guilt them into buying from a stranger or random acquaintance dealer

go on with your beliefs atheist

Are you still seriously trying to defend selling the children? Anyone that smokes knows damn well it takes a tole on memory and function, hell that's the reason I smoke it. I have severe insomnia and it help me not think and lets me get somewhat a decent nights sleep. I would not do anything critical on it, nor would I use it while making important decisions. It's a tool like any drug not a way of life.
so your with insomnia settles the vote for all, ok nice belief system, great fallacy

where is your scientific evidence to back it up fakeatheist

so in your words if a kid smokes instead of doing homework its because he could not make the right choice because he wanted to get high? is that what your saying

self responsibility is not a option, is that what your inferring

news flash if your kid is a fuck up, its your fault not the kids, you didn't teach them values that allows them to priorities life properly, but seems kinda funn y that you would blame a kid vs his upbringing
so your with insomnia settles the vote for all, ok nice belief system

where is your scientific evidence to back it up fakeatheist

What the fuck are you talking about fake atheist? Because you think its ok to sell drugs to kids and I don't I am a fake atheist? Do a simple google search if common sense doesnt tell you it harder than hell to learn something new while high.
no because you base your opinion on a belief system(propaganda) and not a hard science

you are a fake atheist

no wonder you are confused

you don't even know what being an atheist means . . its pretty funny,and when i say funny i mean comedic, and when i say comedic i mean it in the greek way so actually tragedy
So your only retort is to blow smoke? I grow for myself and I sell to no one period. I have giving it away once but I even refrain from that. I am not a doctor nor are you or Samwell so drop your bullshit your drug dealers in it for the money not to help people.

you've never grown shit in your life.

are you going to insult most of the people on this site by calling cannabis producers drug dealers?

you're an even bigger douchebag than previously imagined.
If you need cannabis for a medical condition fine, if your growing and selling without the proper license and trying to get away with it under the guise of "helping people for a profit" you hurting the rest of us. Your a fucking drug dealer not a cannabis patient.

learn to spell, you retarded child.
Fist of all I grow only for myself as stated and second you defending to right to sell to children, you a self proclaimed piece of shit right up there with bucky. I hope no one peddles bad shit to your kid.

i know retarded illegal immigrant children with a better grasp of english than you.
Dude whatever you and bucky can think all you want it's ok to sell to kids. It shows how upstanding your character is.

PS Atheism is the true form of scientific belief. All your doing is being self delusional, it isn't healthy.
then support "your POT is bad mindset" for kids with science or continue to be a hypocrite
Dude whatever you and bucky can think all you want it's ok to sell to kids. It shows how upstanding your character is.

PS Atheism is the true form of scientific belief. All your doing is being self delusional, it isn't healthy.

i know you cant so i know your full of shit, and no atheist, just a tourist