Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

So any strain recomendations for next years outdoor in michigan? am looking for fast finishers...mine won't be done for another 3 weeks

I got lucky with DinaFem's Blue Widow. I had a fairly indica dom phenotype, just one plant. It seemed to start flowering much earlier than the Casey Jones that i still have going. Plus it was very nice to look at as it changed colors during the last couple weeks. I would say its a great outdoor strain, just make sure its fed and watered correctly.
Man im worried about this coming weekend's dip in temps... Anybody still have a sativa dom like i do outside?? ive been told by some older growers to leave it out there... it needs like 2 weeks to be full mature, by my geuss. The older growers said that it could handle the drop in temps, im scared of moisture build up making it mold or something too tho. Plus doesnt the cold temp kill some of the plant thats most exposed even if it doesnt frost?
I am a lil worried too..cold n rainy and foggy is no good and been getting that too much here..i just went out and shook them good but they will be soaked still in the morning and another shake..i pick off any rot and toss it b4 it spreads but 90% of the plant hopefully makes it ..going to start chopping one plant that is almost done next weekend ..but the rest of the garden needs 2 .5 more weeks hope the weather improves....timewarp and speed queen for next year.
Yeah im officially under a freeze warning tonite, and we are forcasted to be two degrees colder tomorrow than tonite too. Im pretty sure that my casey jones isnt going to be able to handle that w/o damage. If it were just tonite i would stay up and wait it out to watch for frost tonite. I shake off my plants in the morning too, i had to do it alot with my blue widow. I consulted some friends in the know that are from north of me. They agreed about the two nights in a row thing. Man. Next week looks bad too... i think im gonna risk pulling it early. Ive had plants get a ton of mold or rot build up in a short time in the past. Im thinking about trying maybe my trinity kush outdoor next time. I just wanted something besides an indica... but it was a mistake to try the casey jones.
My irainian g13s got chopped two weeks ago but i still have two giant northern light blues out right now that have two weeks left. I know they will survive but i also know that this weather will make for a less dense smaller bud.
It realy sucks working your ass off al summer just to have mother nature fuck things up.
It will be all irg13s for me next year
How did the Iranians do outdoors ? ....wish I had something to show...moving really slow here..the garden was getting 8 hours direct sun all summer and the last 4-5 weeks the garden gets maybe 2 hours direct sun:cuss:
How did the Iranians do outdoors ? ....wish I had something to show...moving really slow here..the garden was getting 8 hours direct sun all summer and the last 4-5 weeks the garden gets maybe 2 hours direct sun:cuss:

The Iranians are my favorite. The auto's, which are really just super early ripeners, were done the end of Aug. They stay about waist high, have killer meaty buds & avg. 2.5 oz/plant. The chemo/iranians are doc's earliest ripeners of his iran. crosses & half were max ripe mid sept. & the rest were ripe the end of sept. They stayed 4-6', had fluffier buds than the autos but still very good & avg. 4 oz./plant. Both were started in a cold frame the 1st of may & put out the 1st of june. With my short June - Sept. growing season I've been real happy with how the Iranians ripen up before the crap weather comes the end of Sept.
I picked cataract kush last week. And am picking confidential cheese any day now. Both of these strains finished a week earlier last year, and I would recommend either one of them for Michigan. Here is the cheese plant that I'm going to pick any day now. And a picture of a kush bud I harvested. harvest 003.jpgharvest 008.jpg
Here is a nice bud shot of the cheese. I'm going to let it go a little longer. It just doesn't want to finish. Can it ever not rain everyday in October? Fall 009.jpgFall 001.jpg
Hear ya on the slow ass finish and lousy weather...my tops could be pulled but 3 inches below are white pistils that look like they need 2 more weeks on every plant.
Everything is trimmed and drying. Another great year of Michigan outdoor. The trimming sucks, but it would suck more if I had nothing to trim. Good luck to everyone.
I work at a hydro store that has an in house soil mix. And this stuff works well for indoor or outdoor. We make veg or flower mixes.

Yea but that shit is too expensive. I can fill a 20 gallon hole with $25 dollars even if I buy the black dirt. LC1 works as well as a $100 dollar bag of perlite. LC1 I have seen from anywhere from 10 - 14$ a bag. 20 gallon 1.5 bags LC1 about 6 bags of $2 blackdirt. Hydrostore dirt is a rip off and only fools believe they cannot build something better themselves or lack confidence in themselves to do so.