

Hey Everyone,

This is my first grow and I have been doing this all by myself with research mainly from this great site. I am mainly just looking for some feedback as to how they are looking thus far. These ladies are 30 days old from fresh clone. There are 4 Ghani, 2 Wander Diesel, 2 Blue City Diesel, 2 OSBB, and 2 "TC" (Not sure what TC stands for). I am using FFOF, FF Big Bloom and Grow Big. They have been watered 5 times in those 30 days, once with 1/4 strength Grow Big and twice with recommended dosage of Big Bloom and Grow big. They have been under a 1k watt 110,000 lumen MH for the last 16 days and the previous 14 were under a 2ft x 4 lamp T5.

Thank you in advance for any feedback you guys can provide.



Well-Known Member
They look nice, but for future reference, if you're taking pics to ask about a problem, lights off is better so we get all the colors. :)
I like the part where you said you watered 5 times in 30 days......... that means you are checking them well, and not over watering!


Thanks everyone.

chucky - Sorry for the photo, will have all in regular light from now on. Also, I have too much $$ into equipment so far to allow myself to over water/feed. My wife would flip her sh** if I killed these.

Numsi - Right now I just have a small oscillating fan running on them, however, my veg room is 5x5 with no door that is right off my soon to be flower room which is 18 x 8 and has a window that is cracked in it. Tons of fresh air for them.

Straightjacket - They will be going into 5 gal buckets first part of next week. I do not plan on flipping them until they are 3' or so.


Well-Known Member
Looking great, congrats on your first grow. A lil word of caution bout feeding nutes at full strength. Haven't used the ones your talking about. But i know with a whole lot of brands full strength is too much. I couldn't really tell good in pics but it looked like a few of them are starting to get a few crispy leaf edges..
Just some friendly advice, great job so far though hope you have continued success.
Especially cause if you screw those ladies, you won't get screwed by the other lady. lol
Hope that wasn't inappropriate, if it was i apologize in advance.


LOL nick. Not offensive at all. I'm a huge shit talker and try to remain unoffendable. The nutes I am using come with pretty good reviews from many sources. The Grow Big is your basic veg nute High N (6-4-4), it calls for 2-3 tsp per gallon of which I have been doing 2. Big Bloom is supposed to be good for roots (0.01-0.3-0.7), calls for 4 tsp per gallon which I have done the two times I've used that specific one.


Well-Known Member
LOL nick. Not offensive at all. I'm a huge shit talker and try to remain unoffendable. The nutes I am using come with pretty good reviews from many sources. The Grow Big is your basic veg nute High N (6-4-4), it calls for 2-3 tsp per gallon of which I have been doing 2. Big Bloom is supposed to be good for roots (0.01-0.3-0.7), calls for 4 tsp per gallon which I have done the two times I've used that specific one.
Sweet, just a lot of them if you feed full strength you will fry them. Those are looking great though.
Have you already gotten you a ph meter?
How long are ya gonna veg for?
Gonna do any topping,lst'ing or anything to them.
Is your ballast switchable from mh to hps?
I know lot of questions right? that's what happens when you start a thread with nice plants.. lol


I want the questions, it will help me make sure I have the right ideas.

I have a ph kit for soil, tested 4 times and always falls in the 5.8-6.0 range.

Plan to veg until the plants are around 3'

I have been reading a lot about lst and it intrigues me very much, however, part of me wants to just do basic pruning and make sure that I can actually go from cloned to cured before getting saucy with my ladies.

My ballast is switchable, but I have 4 more sitting in my constructing flower room. I am going to take the 18x8 main room and make it into a 10x8 flower room with 3 1k HPS. I figure 250 watts per plant should get them nice and juicy


Well-Known Member
I want the questions, it will help me make sure I have the right ideas.

I have a ph kit for soil, tested 4 times and always falls in the 5.8-6.0 range.

Plan to veg until the plants are around 3'

I have been reading a lot about lst and it intrigues me very much, however, part of me wants to just do basic pruning and make sure that I can actually go from cloned to cured before getting saucy with my ladies.

My ballast is switchable, but I have 4 more sitting in my constructing flower room. I am going to take the 18x8 main room and make it into a 10x8 flower room with 3 1k HPS. I figure 250 watts per plant should get them nice and juicy
DAMN, that should do it. lol
It's pretty obvious you've put not only a good chunk of change but also a lot of thought into it, so i'm not gonna ask the reg questions bout ventilation and temp control.
But i will ask, is that the ph recommended by the nutrient maker? Reason i ask is, because on the average thats kind of low for soil. The Dutch masters gold i use is the same way. I think they recommend the ph at around 6 to 6.2


I have a 440cfm inline that I will be using in conjunction with a DIY carbon filter. This should give me just shy of two cycles in 3 minutes. First four feet of each wall is concrete which helps a lot with the temps, but I will have an 8" intake port coming from the window in the veg room as well as exhausting my hoods. IF for some reason that does not satisfy the ladies, then I have a 15,000 btu A/C unit I will fit into the window.

I will check on FF's recommendation on ph.


Well-Known Member
I have a 440cfm inline that I will be using in conjunction with a DIY carbon filter. This should give me just shy of two cycles in 3 minutes. First four feet of each wall is concrete which helps a lot with the temps, but I will have an 8" intake port coming from the window in the veg room as well as exhausting my hoods. IF for some reason that does not satisfy the ladies, then I have a 15,000 btu A/C unit I will fit into the window.

I will check on FF's recommendation on ph.
Like i said, got everything thought out. You would be surprised how many people put no thought or prep into their grow. They just throw some seeds in the dirt, and think the weed fairy is gonna bring them buds. lmao
Just thinking, thats gonna be 1 hell of a site bout 6wks into flower with you vegging til they hit 3 ft. Hope you got plenty of places to hang string from. Your gonna nned it.


Still have 3/4 of the garage. :) The clones were more or less orphaned here, so I've been trying to piece this together and money isn't easy to come by. Nice to get thought out feedback from others.


Well-Known Member
I meant to hang all those tree branches your gonna have. lol
Depending on strain, you're gonna have some beasts.
You've done a hell of a good job with those orphans. I need to find out when the next time that stork is gonna fly over see if i cant get me a few of those babies. lol
Where's my bowl? Your dog gets high, mine runs. She caught a contact off some pretty stout indica when she was a pup, and runs like hell ever since. It's actually pretty funny. She can be in a dead sleep, and if i light my lighter shes gone. lol


I know what you meant. With as much space as I will have left, I could build another room for cure. If need be.


Watered them last night, so I took some photos of one. This would be the one I would name as my favorite if some gigantic armed person threatened to eat my cookies if I did not pick one. It is one of the Ghanis.
