New Indoor Grow and NEED HELP

20121010_084246.jpg20121009_223328.jpg20121010_084248.jpgI have 6 seeds from bag seed I planted a month ago. I have been taking them outside during the day for sun and keeping them under a kitchen light at night. Its getting to cold now so I made a little grow just need a fan. (Ill attatch some pics) I have two 150w cfl lights in there with the plants. I dont have a clue where to go from here or if I should go into flowering yet. Any advice would be great and what to do next. Also I need to keep them under 3 feet .


Well-Known Member
well here's a thought read indoor growing in soil and hydroponically by george van patten will clarify alot for you./
is it 150 actual watts or equivalent to? if its eqiv then you need more light.. After you get that situated google will answer all your questions
For those to be a month old they are very small! i would veg them for at least another 3-4 weeks get some size before flowering so u can at least get a decent harvest.
Yeah I thought they were super small for a month now too. They were growing fast then just stopped and are growing leaves but no height or other nodes
Well since you are indoors now you hould be able to give them enough light and a good enough enviroment for them to grow better. I just put my plants to flower after they were a 3-4 weeks old and i have to say a side branch looks like one of your plants so yeah thats super small. Are you giving any nutes? What kind of soil are they in? They are lacking something.
No no nutes didnt know what to buy or where. First time here just got sick of spending 100 a week on bud so threw some seeds in a pot. There in a soil that has nutrients and shit I spent 20 on the bag of soil at home depot. Im lost here lol I was thinking they should be an easy foot and a half or more plus a way thicker stronger stem
No no nutes didnt know what to buy or where. First time here just got sick of spending 100 a week on bud so threw some seeds in a pot. There in a soil that has nutrients and shit I spent 20 on the bag of soil at home depot. Im lost here lol I was thinking they should be an easy foot and a half or more plus a way thicker stronger stem
yeah they are supposed to be way stronger,bigger at this age. Get some good nutes that are not epensive like age old organics or jacks classic both are cheap and give good to great results only difference age old is organic and the jacks is chemical


Well-Known Member
u need some airflow as well to help thicken those stems. get a small fan on them 24/7 should harden them up in no time.