Don't Forget To Vote!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I just got my ballot in the mail. I'm sending it off after I post this thread:

Be the change you want to see in the world, folks. Make a difference.


Ursus marijanus
Isn't saying that it doesn't matter a bit defeatist? Remember 2000. A few hundred votes can make a difference. cn


Well-Known Member
i registered with my new address yesterday, came out and got in the car and the clock said i lit a joint for democracy :eyesmoke:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I think we need a strain called George W. Kush. A weapon of mass delectation. cn
o.k. this needs serious consideration..... what strains are needed to make this Frankenstein monster?

Edit: King George (appropriate for his ego) mixed with.... OG Kush maybe? He truly was a gangsta.


Ursus marijanus
o.k. this needs serious consideration..... what strains are needed to make this Frankenstein monster?

Edit: King George (appropriate for his ego) mixed with.... OG Kush maybe? He truly was a gangsta.
I'd think WMD would have to be a parent strain as well ...y'know, for the W ... cn


Well-Known Member
I posted a thread on that in politics. what an asshole.
I'm not one to enter that realm on a regular basis so I was unaware, might head on over to have a look. Anything I'd have to say would be moot though...being Canadian and all that other jazz

(Edit) I agree he's an asshole


Well-Known Member
i will vote in person this year.

because of travels in the past I have had to send in or go
to the court house and vote by absentee ballot.

I am kind of looking forward to it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i will vote in person this year.

because of travels in the past I have had to send in or go
to the court house and vote by absentee ballot.

I am kind of looking forward to it.
I started voting absentee after my mom fell sick and needed constant care. I figured one more year won't hurt. Next year I'll go stand in line like a good little citizen.


Well-Known Member
I just got my ballot in the mail. I'm sending it off after I post this thread:

Be the change you want to see in the world, folks. Make a difference.
And don't forget that a vote for either major party candidate is of course a Wasted vote so don't throw your vote away this year and vote 3rd party or None of the Above.