Picture of your pet thread !!!

View attachment 2368034Happy to find this thread and get to share my pup with yall! Her name's Hayleigh Jade. She is a Lab/Bordercollie mix and I must say I don't think I could have picked a better first dog. So far she hasn't hit a bad puppy stage and has been near perfect! Fingers crossed that we can keep this up!

What a lovely cross. This dog is gonna be energetic and will love to learn tricks and obedience. That's the border collie side. I had a German Shepherd when I was 11 and my parents made me go to training school. It was great. U could get a DVD to learn at home. This is no lap dog!!
He really does look like a cross of both. Hope his mum was the German Shepherd!! I had a GSD years ago. Bet he's a good guard dog. No-one could get near me!!
2012-07-20 20.26.50.jpgmy kids well the boys any way, when scared they spray some mist and god it stinks had me and the mrs fighting to get out of the shed lol
Lol I had two ferrets when I was a boy. Squeegi and Fujiko

Lasted about a month before they were out and the new carpet was in.

Outdoors looks like a much better living environment than indoor.

What do you do with all of them?
Have you trained them any tricks?
the wife has named them all lol, i would love to take them hunting but can't ( been told i can't ) ( wife ) lol,
i breed to sell mainly, but some do love to play,
got to admit they do love it out doors and its better for them really
Are they tame? Or affectionate? I've seen people here walk them on leads. What are they like with cats? I saw a man walking his cat on a lead the other day. Should've taken a photo!!

we take ours out on leads but only 3 of them, they love it, most of them are tame but some of the boys well i wouldn't let them near your face lol
Lahada... I like you so I cannot screw about another repeat thread XP

Here are just a few of the animals I has to leave behind in Trinidad :(

Yuki (meaning 'courage' or 'snow' depending on the length of the 'u')This pup is my baby. I am serious. Those of you who know me closely know I am the 'wolf girl', and this pup has so far been the only creature ever to stir maternal feeling in me. When I took her home she was infested with fleas, so I spent 3 hours removing them all as there was nowhere we could get flea dip. She was completely dependent on me, If she cried, I came running, If I barked, howled, or whined she'd do likewise. I integrated her into the pack, taught her how to behave, what was safe to eat, the boundaries of our land, always had her curled up in my front paws and gave her loving nuzzles. She is still my baby in my eyes..



Banzai was a rescue (he was run over). He was sweet natured and seemed to know I was trying to help when giving him antibiotics and cleaning his wounds daily.


Shadow and Benny = Chadon Beni (a herb otherwise known as culantro. Carne, are you familiar with it?)


Myguard dogs and friends, always up for following me around on the land, stealing coconuts and sugarcane to eat and wrestling on the floor. Shadow. He always prostrates himself in front of me, very wolflike compared to his brother and very much the fighter of the two despite looking all submissive


Benny, the goofball. He should be the next Wishbone.


Mr Eelio I and II. They get on surprising well in the tank. There's actually a blind snake in there, too (plus some fish and freshwater shellfish)


Mr Crabbs


One of four unnamed tortoises


Geico lol


The mysterious Troy who first only turned up in the night and soon he and I spent all night on the porch and he started looking for me in the day until he stayed for good. He even guards the house and my pup now.


Chammy (Shammy) because neither 'chamois' nor 'chameleon' sound like they are spelled.


Felix. I caught him whilst putting my laundry out in the middle of the night


And the only pet I am allowed in the Uk (only because my Ma wouldn't let dad back in the house until he allowe her to have a cat. My kitty, Eli, can do dog tricks. I live him to pieces and he loves grooming me <3


I like animals
Me too!

Badass catch on that snake!

Might post pics of the family dogs, and african cichlid fish tank later...

You from Trinidad Kuroi?

Thankyou ^^ Nearly hit hit over the head with a breezeblock because it looked like at mapipire at first, but he's too big. He's a cat eye snake.

I was born in the Uk, but yes, Im a Trini. I'd love to see your doggies :3
Thankyou ^^ Nearly hit hit over the head with a breezeblock because it looked like at mapipire at first, but he's too big. He's a cat eye snake.

I was born in the Uk, but yes, Im a Trini. I'd love to see your doggies :3

That must've been so heart-breaking to leave them. They look so sweet. I'm still contemplating getting a kitten to keep my cat company. Cilantro means coriander btw.

Im having dinner at a friends house tonight. He's half South African and half Italian. Let's hope the dinner turns out more Italian! Then I'm off out and up to tricks with the boss and workmates. Spanish holiday 2mw so it feels like Friday. Buen fin de semana!! :)