Are your plants done? I'll let you know, post pics here.

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Well-Known Member
I figured I'd take the place of FDD in this respect and let you guys know when your plants are done. I've been growing outdoors for 4 years, studying cannabis like a caffeined out college student.

so if you want to be sure your plant is done, post a pic here and I"ll confirm or disconfirm. :joint::bigjoint:

here I'll post a plant that's almost done for encouragement :D
10/7/12, chitowns sour kush
My Bud has violet colored hairs do you no what kind it is and when i should harvest it? its a small plant got started late because my mom kept destroying them over the summer lol, thanks for the help. My camera sucks by the way but it actually is covered in white crystals. sfafasfsdf.jpgdfda.jpg
i forgot to mention im planning on only cutting the top buds off and regenerating the plant indoors because it is getting very cold and there are still alot of spots on the plant that are just starting to grow buds..
This is another one that should be a sticky ... but scope ownership should be mandatory to post!
I find this quite humorous.. 4 years and you think you can tell by a picture??? I've been growing 6 or 7 years now and can't even tell when I look at the plants in person..
If you really want to know if your plant is done go buy a 420 scope or something of that nature.
I find this quite humorous.. 4 years and you think you can tell by a picture??? I've been growing 6 or 7 years now and can't even tell when I look at the plants in person..
If you really want to know if your plant is done go buy a 420 scope or something of that nature.

yes I can tell by a picture, I've been judging plants for my fellow growers in this area for 2 years as well. so I have a lot more experience than just with my own 12 plants.

just because you can't seem to do it after 6 or 7 years doesn't mean I can't. we are different people with different capabilities. no offense.

FDD posted a thread about this a long time ago, it's in the harvesting and curing section, called harvest time, a tuturial. I suggest you read it.

and I am not against using scopes, I use one myself, but I find looking at the whole plant to be just as useful as having a scope.
Scope is a definite. But its always cool to get feedback from multiple minds. These threads are great for users to test their capabilities also. Respect RIU! HappyHarvest!
just came back from a fellow growers house and judged 25 plants. probably 8 different strains. not to boast but I do have the qualifications to tell people within 85% accuracy when their plant will be done outdoors.
How much longer till she is done :)

Scopes are a must but just one of several factors. The plant definitely gets a "done" look, but I wouldn't want to go on that alone because there may be other variables at play (like frost giving them a premature done look).

To be honest, some of my plants show very few amber trichs ... but ... what the scope really tells me that I think is of the utmost importance is when the trichs really swell up, turn milky and -- most importantly -- are starting to break down. They don't have to turn amber to start falling off their stalks. If that happens, you probably have to harvest immediately, especially if bad weather is on the horizon.
Scopes are a must but just one of several factors. The plant definitely gets a "done" look, but I wouldn't want to go on that alone because there may be other variables at play (like frost giving them a premature done look).

To be honest, some of my plants show very few amber trichs ... but ... what the scope really tells me that I think is of the utmost importance is when the trichs really swell up, turn milky and -- most importantly -- are starting to break down. They don't have to turn amber to start falling off their stalks. If that happens, you probably have to harvest immediately, especially if bad weather is on the horizon.

maybe a newbie will mistake frost damage or damage in general for being done, I haven't had this problem. scopes are cool though.
I would never harvest without looking through a scope to make sure the bulk of the trichs are bulging and milky. And this is my 7th grow -- maybe I'm cautious or maybe I just like to weigh multiple sources of information. How exactly do you tell, poplars?
I would never harvest without looking through a scope to make sure the trichs are bulging and milky. And this is my 7th grow -- maybe I'm cautious or maybe I just like to weigh multiple sources of information. How exactly do you tell, poplars?

not ready..........

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notice the difference? it's pretty easy to see once it occurs. :mrgreen:

fdd's guide right here, that's how I initially got good at judging plants.
I am not a fan of scopes... or asking others how much longer anymore...

I know I have no patients.. and I dont want to hear anyone else say 2-3 more weeks when I wanted it last week!! :)

I will pull a few plants about 2 weeks before 100% maturity I like some immature bud in my edibles the energy boost I get from it are what I need.. If I wait a week.. or 2.. it wont boost me but make me sit all day.

I might lose a bit in an early harvest for my medibles but it's how I like it and what I feel reacts best with me.
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