Current Setup 600W+150W HPS


Well-Known Member
So I am starting a new run with a new setup,

One 3x3 tent for flowering SCROG style w/ 11 plants, under 1 600w HPS

One 3x3 clone/veg room with three 3' 54w T5HO 6500k tubes

One 2x2 w/ 5 plants under one 150wHPS (16,000 lumens / 4 sqft = 4000lumen/sq ft a decent amount of light to get sufficient results.)

They are all linked together w/ ducting creating a negative pressure throughout all tents and maintaining 78-85 lights on and 66-69 lights off throughout all tents.

Humidity is between 40-75 depending on watering and such.

What do you think one might be able to pull with this setup?

What i am trying to do is have a perpetual setup to where times between harvests are as short as possible.

Currently the strains i will be running are BC Sweet Tooth (6-8 Week Flowering) and a Purps strain which is (7-9 weeks in my past experience with this strain)

Everything is soil no hydro in case i forgot to mention.

If anyone has any tips or ways they can help me maximize my results that would be appreciated.

So I am starting a new run with a new setup,

One 3x3 tent for flowering SCROG style w/ 11 plants, under 1 600w HPS

One 3x3 clone/veg room with three 3' 54w T5HO 6500k tubes

One 2x2 w/ 5 plants under one 150wHPS (16,000 lumens / 4 sqft = 4000lumen/sq ft a decent amount of light to get sufficient results.)

They are all linked together w/ ducting creating a negative pressure throughout all tents and maintaining 78-85 lights on and 66-69 lights off throughout all tents.

Humidity is between 40-75 depending on watering and such.

What do you think one might be able to pull with this setup?

What i am trying to do is have a perpetual setup to where times between harvests are as short as possible.

Currently the strains i will be running are BC Sweet Tooth (6-8 Week Flowering) and a Purps strain which is (7-9 weeks in my past experience with this strain)

Everything is soil no hydro in case i forgot to mention.

If anyone has any tips or ways they can help me maximize my results that would be appreciated.
thats a nice set up mate are those 3 seperate tents or are they connected as 1 big tent? also what brand are they?


Well-Known Member
I recomend not doing 2 strains under 1 SCRoG/600w light as it tends to have varying heights due to strai s grow differentlt and such, you dont have to take this advice whatsoever though as its personal preference. I prefer to aim for the lower end of yields and would hope for 6-7ozs off that grow but its quite possible for 12ozs+ with some people pulling almost 2 lbs, 32ozs!
I recomend not doing 2 strains under 1 SCRoG/600w light as it tends to have varying heights due to strai s grow differentlt and such, you dont have to take this advice whatsoever though as its personal preference. I prefer to aim for the lower end of yields and would hope for 6-7ozs off that grow but its quite possible for 12ozs+ with some people pulling almost 2 lbs, 32ozs!
6-7 ounces of 12? isnt that lookin on the negative side abit isnt the rule of thumb 1 gram per watt?
1g/w if your being optimistic and have done a few grows and know whats up. Why be optimistic like that and possibly setup for dissapointment? most people only average .7g/w.
hmmm i guess it is optimistic is it being optimistic aiming for 1-2 ounces dry from a plant in an 18 litre pot?


Well-Known Member
nope that is a lower estimate, ive gotten 4 zips off 1 plant in an 3gallon pot X 5 plants and i got a good yield.