Sour Diesel grow


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd start a post now, I started Sour Diesel about 2.5/3 weeks ago...(I forgot what date, but they're no more than 3 weeks based on the date I took a pic when they were babies) SO! It's my second grow, I'm still learning about the flowering stage, but these fuckers are FUN!! I was told this strain is a pain in the ass, but I actually can't believe how easy and fast they are. Granted my last grow was bagseed and I was learning, but it took me almost a month to get them this size. Just started them on nutes 2 days ago, I'm using 2 CFL's per plant so far, and watering every 3 days. Soil is FoxFarm Ocean Forest...Not happy with the soil, burned one of my girls right away, but she made it through, just stunted her for a second. The pictures are from a phone, I will try to get batteries for my other camera. The first two pics are 3 days younger than the second too. Any feedback, tips, suggestions...even some criticism! It's all welcome.


Well-Known Member
looking good bud im doin some lemon sour diesel atm some of the leafs it sends out get massive lol you planning any lst'ing ? my mate started his lemon sour a few weeks before me says they like to stretch in flower just a thing to keep in mind if you have minimum space.


Well-Known Member
I guess kinda sorta LSTing, I'm keeping my lights a little to the side to hit the lower leaves so it stretches outward and not upward. I'm not going with days of veg this time but rather gauging how big the plant is, I'm assuming 2X growth once into flower so when it gets to 1' to 1.5', i'll flip the lights. I'm on 24/0 so I might transition to 16/8 for a week. But we'll see how bushy I can get her. those girls still keep growing


Well-Known Member
Lol ye mate mine are really bushy atm il have to take a few pics and show you. One stem is as thick as a mars bar lol. Wouldn't worrie about spider web could be house spider loving that warm light :)


Well-Known Member
It's a hybrid, not sure of any other strain, I'm guessing it's mainly sour with a little something else. My girls stink already. Not the bud, but the plant smell...I love coming home to it!! They're amazing, they hardly need ANY tending to. They're never thirsty, they don't need ventilation (yet). I've had to move my lights once in the morning and once at night, they're growing so fast. I'll post some pics here.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any ideas on a cheap smell control? I come home to just a smell...And the one to the left, or the first pic, seems a lil weepy. She's watered well, but her lights are kept to the side. Is that just growing down and out or does she need something?


Well-Known Member
Carbon filter. By the green color she looks up to date with nutes so i guess you may be over watering or somethin


Well-Known Member
I water them ONLY when the pot is light...So I'm very sure that over watering is not the problem. In fact, the older lady is on a spin cycle so to say of one light to the side and one on top, while the one I was questioning is in a two lights to the side. I worked for maybe 8 hours today, switching the lights before I left and she's reaching for the sky. I was training her to grow out, not up, and its working, just not used to it. But now she's doing GREAT. I guess she already was, just didn't know it...


Well-Known Member
So the radiators in my house are not currently working, and I think the decline in tempurature is affecting one of these ladies, but I plan to figure them out tomorrow. These girls are 4.5 old now, give or take a few days. They're bigger than I expected, about to switch to 12/12 within the next few days.



Well-Known Member
Day 2 of flowering, and I'm already getting hairs, I thought it'd take a 1.5 weeks or so since I only vegged for 5 weeks. But I'm wondering about a cheap and easy fix for the smell right now besides a carbon filter, I need to have my landlord in the house, and want to mask the smell. Any Ideas?


Well-Known Member
Just an update with pics. The temp in the room dropped overnight because of the radiators, but they're working and cranked.



Well-Known Member
Since it's Friday, I guess technically the ladies are on day 10 of flowering, the one on the left has calyx's but hesitant to let them burst open, the one on the right has hairs of every node possible.



Well-Known Member
Day 14 of flower, decided to go down to one plant since each plant wasn't getting enough watts. Now the one I decided to keep has 130W on her.



Well-Known Member
Damn, ya killed 1 of those beauties so 1 could have more light on 1? That'd be hard for I'd just go buy a new or more light, even if I had to hit the pawn shop to get some money.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Day 2 of flowering, and I'm already getting hairs, I thought it'd take a 1.5 weeks or so since I only vegged for 5 weeks. But I'm wondering about a cheap and easy fix for the smell right now besides a carbon filter, I need to have my landlord in the house, and want to mask the smell. Any Ideas?
Ona blocks or gel are very good at getting rid of odours, can smoke a doobie in a room come back 5 mins later and basically no smell but theres still smoke, kinda strange to see haha. Let me know how it works out for u..


Well-Known Member
Damn, ya killed 1 of those beauties so 1 could have more light on 1? That'd be hard for I'd just go buy a new or more light, even if I had to hit the pawn shop to get some money.
Oh god damn it was hard...I sat in the room for almost 30 minutes just looking at them, debating. But the result of having all those lights on the other is making it a little worth it. Next grow will be sour diesel again I think, or OG Kush, but I want 2 plants so I think I might invest in some different lighting. Well, not different, just more. I got attached to those 2 girls, I still have the one I chopped, might incorporate her into the soil of the next grow.