Well-Known Member
i know, i was wondering what he was talking about myself... lol, its funny med, i feel like a spring chicken because im ~1/3 of your age, you old fartFilthy, you are a treacherous bullshitter. Where do you get your mis-information? Do you work for Bush? Are you really Dick Cheney in disguise? I've watched your posts for some time, and the mis-information is rampant,
But, I especially take offense with this bunch of crap you spewed out:
So basically the start of the spiral was when Clinton decided to move away from the prosperity he enjoyed due to Reagans trickle down economics which as he said would show up in 12 years ie Clintons first term to a new Clinton policy that hurt our country so bad and left us so exsposed and weak that Bush was left with trying to fix it all in 8 years so he bares the burden of these shitty times created by good old Billy Clinton.And thats the cold hard truth hate it or not thats fact check it all sorry Bush wanna be bashers not his fault..
Fact, the clinton years were the most expansive and prosperous since I've been alive and that is 68 years.

ya, FF is entitled to his beliefs and i respect him for respecting the POTUS, but there comes a time, IMHO, that you need to see through the bullshit being feed to you and realize that this Bush guy is a fucking self centered bastard... do you know haliburton was getting paid $100 to do a load of laundry in Iraq for the military.. 100 DOLLARS FOR ONE SINGLE LOAD!! LMAO... they would destroy a vehicle if it had a flat tire and then just buy a new vehicle.... this is all of our tax money going to make these special interest people filthy rich, while we bust our ass and pay 4 months(~1/3 of our paycheck is also equal to handing over 4 months of pay) of work to the gov't.
go look up iraq war on youtube.com and listen to what the soldiers have to say. its corruption at its finest and we are the dummies believing the BS.
sorry, it just makes me mad.............
edit- i always like to give sources of where i get my info from, so here it is YouTube - Iraq War: What you think you know , dumb Americans!
.. go put that in your pipe and smoke it FF... its pretty messed up man, dont take what the biased news/media has to say as truth all the time..