That drug addicted pompous ass. Maybe two or three, but that was two or three too many. And you don't call what he preaches hate. you are so deluded. In point of fact, you preach hate towards liberals every day on this site. What makes you right and liberals wrong. Aren't they just opposite points of view? I only hate pompous asses, mostly rich pompous asses, remind you of anyone?Rush? Full of hate? Are you kidding?... Harry Reid is full of hate. Ted Kennedy is full of hate.
Rush is a patriot.
Like bong has never attended a JBS meeting, I bet you've listened to Rush, what ... two times in your life? ~lol~
Med ...That drug addicted pompous ass. Maybe two or three, but that was two or three too many. And you don't call what he preaches hate. you are so deluded. In point of fact, you preach hate towards liberals every day on this site. What makes you right and liberals wrong. Aren't they just opposite points of view? I only hate pompous asses, mostly rich pompous asses, remind you of anyone?
Maybe more impassioned but you are incorrect in the term "hate monger".No Vi Rush Limbaugh is a hate monger, and I listened to him for years. His speech over the years has gotten more and more antagonistic.
Dank ...
With all due respect, its not conservative policies that are ruining the country ... its the policies of statism. You are making a common error, in that, you are thinking that Republicans are conservatives. The Democrats and Republicans are two rival gangs fighting over the same territory. They both want the reigns of power, not for the betterment of the country, but to satisfy their own demented power lust. A true conservative would be calling for the reduction of government agencies ... and the bureaucratic mess they've caused.
Thomas Jefferson was a conservative. A limited central government with the majority of government power residing in the states. Does this sound like Republican or Democrat to you?
Very good insights.hmmm, that makes me ponder a notion. as you all might know, im kinda new to political talk but in this day and age i think its more important than ever to know whats actually going on(maybe im just growing up....... idk if thats a good thing or bad thing)
ok, so heres my notion- 1. make a new party that is strictly constitutionalists, neither democratic nor republican.. than we can have people like RON PAUL running for office all the time. maybe it would last a little while before corruption set in, right? lmao......
i know its easier said than done, but 2. do you guys think that the majority of america would support this new party? after all, it would be based on the lovely principles that our forefathers set for us 200 years ago..
anyones ideas on that??? thanks in advance
Sorry, Dank. Tax cuts have increased revenue to the federal coffers ... every time. But that's beside the point. Taxes to pay for infrastructure are taken out of our gasoline tax. Oh ... and that gasoline tax? ... it's syphoned off and placed into the general fund to pay for pet projects.Vi I'm not making a mistake, it is conservative policies that have cut the taxes that pay for the up keep of the infrastructure (roads, bridges, electrical, grid).
Red Herring Alert! Red Herring Alert!Vi one of the most dangerous bridges in the Nation is the bridge that spans the Cimarron River on interstate 40 in Oklahoma. This bridge has been neglected ever since the republicans took over congress back in the early 90's (remember the contract with America?) But it's not just the Highways and Bridges you have to worry about.
Now you do not have any (real) proof that tax cuts benefit anyone except the rich. Please don't pull up any bullshit right wing pages as they are skewed to make right wingers look good and have little actual fact in them.
No matter how respectful I am to you, you just keep picking the scab, don't you Dank? What's up with that??go debate on the following sites Vi, they would eat you for lunch....
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~lol~ The liberals on THIS site certainly don't "eat me for lunch," so how do you figure liberals on the other sites would? Look, liberals in general debate from emotion and are sorely lacking in logic. When presented with logical viewpoints that are directly opposed to their own viewpoints, they go bananas and strike out with personal attacks. That's all they know, Dank. So, what makes you think that the liberals on any other site are different than the ones who post here? Liberals are liberals ... and that's about it.The Liberals on those websites would eat you for lunch.... The base of one Thread make up the whole website.
I'm not going to change your mind and your not gonna change my mind...BUT I think dank gets your old ass all the time...~lol~ The liberals on THIS site certainly don't "eat me for lunch," so how do you figure liberals on the other sites would? Look, liberals in general debate from emotion and are sorely lacking in logic. When presented with logical viewpoints that are directly opposed to their own viewpoints, they go bananas and strike out with personal attacks. That's all they know, Dank. So, what makes you think that the liberals on any other site are different than the ones who post here? Liberals are liberals ... and that's about it.