• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

George bush...


Well-Known Member
They have been building a Nuclear Power plant in Bay City Texas for two years.
What most don't understand is that it's not the oil companies who's responsible for the drastic increase of energy prices. It's the Market Speculators. This is a prime example of why the markets need to be regulated.
These people only care about their pocket books and could care less if they bring down the World Economy (this is effecting everybody, not just the US).
The simple fact that environmentalist won't let any new refineries be built, won't let us drill in areas that we know would supply us for many years to come.
We need to drill for oil to tide us over until we can develop efficient alternative means of energy production.
But to be honest, it's our own faults for letting the Nuts invade Washington and the Democratic party in particular. This has been coming for the last 35 years.


New Member
What can I say. Your party, the repukes have been in control for the last 12 years, the last 2 years they have blocked any legislation with their overide proof minority, so tell me why it is the dems fault, oh and also tell me the repukes don't take lobby money, yeah, right.
Of course the Republicans take lobby money. Both parties do. So what?

I've challenged you to this before, but to date, you've not come up with the answer ... Find one .... just ONE Democrat in the Senate or Congress that has voted in favor of new dam construction, refinery construction, exploratory drilling or atomic energy plants. If you can fine one, I'll be really surprised. If you can't find one, at least think of the poor little old lady living on Social Security in the North East next January who will be eating dog food in order to afford her heating oil. Because of your Democrat Party, she will have to make the choice between eating or freezing to death.

After all Med ... if we could save one life by drillng in Anwar, it would be worth it, no? :blsmoke:


PS: Dankster ... your last post is right on and I'm in total agreement with you. :)

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New Member
They have been building a Nuclear Power plant in Bay City Texas for two years.
What most don't understand is that it's not the oil companies who's responsible for the drastic increase of energy prices. It's the Market Speculators. This is a prime example of why the markets need to be regulated.
These people only care about their pocket books and could care less if they bring down the World Economy (this is effecting everybody, not just the US).
The simple fact that environmentalist won't let any new refineries be built, won't let us drill in areas that we know would supply us for many years to come.
We need to drill for oil to tide us over until we can develop efficient alternative means of energy production.
But to be honest, it's our own faults for letting the Nuts invade Washington and the Democratic party in particular. This has been coming for the last 35 years.
So, you must be a proud republican, given there are only 2 choices. I'm not so sure there is any redeeming qualities in either party, but in point of fact, the Democrats favor peoples rights over corporate interests, the main reason I vote Democratic. with the republicans in power for the last 12 years, peoples rights have taken a real beating. I'm hoping an Obama presidency will restore some of them.


New Member
Of course the Republicans take lobby money. Both parties do. So what?

I've challenged you to this before, but to date, you've not come up with the answer ... Find one .... just ONE Democrat in the Senate or Congress that have voted in favor of new dam construction, refinery construction, exploratory drilling or atomic energy plants. If you can fine one, I'll be really surprised. If you can't find one, at least think of the poor little old lady living on Social Security in the North East next January who will be eating dog food in order to afford her heating oil. Because of your Democrat Party, she will have to make the choice between eating or freezing to death.

After all Med ... if we could save one life by drillng in Anwar, it would be worth it, no? :blsmoke:


It was already brought to your attention what a miniscule amount of oil is in Anwar and in the grand scheme of things it wouldn't make one ounce of difference. The reason they want to drill in anwar is they don't have to pay foriegners for the oil, they can keep all the money. Your analogy about the old lady says it all. for our government to let an old lady die from either lack of heat or food speaks volumnes about Capitalism. Anwar is about profit, pure and simple. I'll guarantee you the price of gas will not go down one red cent from drilling in Anwar.


Well-Known Member
I'm neither Republican or Democrat, you know yourself that I lean to the left on most issues. But Environmentalism neither stands up to common sense or physics.
The environmentalist who have been in control of the Democratic party for too long.
The environmentalist agenda stands up to all 10 planks of the communist manifesto by Karl Marx (maybe you should read it some time). Sorry I have been in Seattle, Portland and San Francisco and seen these nut jobs in action, most amount to a bunch of kids who have nothing better to do on a Saturday but raise hell.. It is time to purge the Democratic party of the Nuts.

BTW Don't ever call me a Republican again, I take it as one of the utmost insults you can call me.


New Member
BTW Don't ever call me a Republican again, I take it as one of the utmost insults you can call me.

Or what? That is quite a threat Dank. I thought we were on cordial terms. In point of fact I didn't call you one, I said you must be one, it was in the form of a question. I'm glad you aren't. I have very few republican friends and I also would consider it an insult, so, sorry for the inference. I have noticed you siding more and more with the right though, just an observation. Seems to me, you would be more left leaning as I've always considered you a humanitarian type, not the me me me right wing holes.
BTW, never been to an environmental rally, and yes, I imagine it would be more the young idealistic crowd that hasen't yet been jaded by life. Too bad we couldn't work them in to our energy policies and start on repairing the environmental damage so our grandkids could have the same quality of life as we had. I keep forgetting you have worked in the oil fields, that may account for your anti-environmental vitriol, I like that word since Vi used it on me. Hey, just making conversation.


Well-Known Member
I think the democrats have been wrong on the nuke power issue its irrational, we cant have are a cake and eat it to, Anwar and coast drilling will only increase the flow for a little while and it not be immediate, we need to take a leap, like solar, wind, anything better, technology is getting better and better solar is getting more efficent, cheaper and smaller, but you know it will take the government to fund such a large project ie NASA i just think fossil fuels are a thing of the past.


New Member
down the road from me in hartsville tn. TVA built a nuclear power plant, they got it about 2/3 of the way finished and then they stopped...they spent 2 billion dollars and the big cooling towers are there and all the buildings and machinery are all still there...they just walked away because it was no longer financially feasible.
There are some other unfinished nuclear power stations in TVA's inventory, they include Watts Bar Unit 2, Bellifont Units 1 & 2.


Well-Known Member
Plans for the water car. Seems like they've been fucked with so they won't come up, Go figure.
MM, until you can explain to me how an exclusive water power car will work in laymans terms, and not giving me a schematic to examine, I will be poised to believe that it is not possible unless you have an outside energy source. So candidly, you get less usable output power than your input, thus, it will not perpetuate motion on any scale.

Also MM, you should not hate republicans, because they are not the scum of the earth. From my limited excursion into politics, I have concluded that both dems and repubs have their major flaws(not so much as parties, but the people that are currently representing the parties). But, if you think that all repubs are rich pompous smug "assholeios" than you are certainly naive. Bush has obviously done wonders to the USA, and, as we all know, Bush is a repub. Bush is also a "Christian", but we don't hear many people undermine his religion as his POTUS flaw. Is every Christian like Bush? Of course not, and the same applied to repubs too. So don't be a political Nazi.

My mother used to say that rebubs were for rich people and only to vote democratic, but know that I'm older I have my own views and I believe anyone who is a real(not some posing puppet) constitutional conservative is the safest bet, in my honest humble opinion. Anyone who is hubris to believe that we should be nation building, at the tax payers expense and not of the consent of the "liberated"(invaded) country, is just ridiculous.

I believe in capitalism. I believe people should be paid accordingly to their skills and labor. I believe people that have no skills and can not labor should not be paid on par with a hard working savvy worker (I do not believe that a lazy ignorant should not be paid the same rate as the converse.) If you want to lose incentive of the work force than we should implement communism/socialism. Then we can all be lazy ignorants that do the minimal to get by.


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New Member
MM, until you can explain to me how an exclusive water power car will work in laymans terms, and not giving me a schematic to examine, I will be poised to believe that it is not possible unless you have an outside energy source. So candidly, you get less usable output power than your input, thus, it will not perpetuate motion on any scale. Did I ever say it would perpetuate motion? No......
Most water car kits only add to your gasoline motors output in power and mileage with HHO or brown gas. With a 20-50% increase in mileage and a generous boost in power. I was going to wait untill my warranty expired to try one (Check engine light) but if this other devise that supposedly cures that problem does what it says, I'll experiment as soon as I hear from the inventer. BTW, I could care less if you believe in the water car, I'm not selling anything, just posting information. I'm sure it is probably too complicated for the average guy anyway. You can get a kit on ebay for 45.00 if your interested, already assembled, but much simpler in design.

Also MM, you should not hate republicans, because they are not the scum of the earth. My experience suggests otherwiswe, but I was raised by a hard working father that had a 6th grade education and had a real hard scrabble life. We once had to live on corn flakes and powdered milk. From my limited excursion into politics, I have concluded that both dems and repubs have their major flaws(not so much as parties, but the people that are currently representing the parties). But, if you think that all repubs are rich pompous smug "assholeios" than you are certainly naive. Bush has obviously done wonders to the USA, and, as we all know, Bush is a repub. Bush is also a "Christian", but we don't hear many people undermine his religion as his POTUS flaw. Is every Christian like Bush? Of course not, and the same applied to repubs too. So don't be a political Nazi.

My mother used to say that rebubs were for rich people and only to vote democratic, but know that I'm older I have my own views and I believe anyone who is a real(not some posing puppet) constitutional conservative is the safest bet, in my honest humble opinion. Anyone who is hubris to believe that we should be nation building, at the tax payers expense and not of the consent of the "liberated"(invaded) country, is just ridiculous.

I believe in capitalism. I believe people should be paid accordingly to their skills and labor. I believe people that have no skills and can not labor should not be paid on par with a hard working savvy worker (I do not believe that a lazy ignorant should not be paid the same rate as the converse.) If you want to lose incentive of the work force than we should implement communism/socialism. Then we can all be lazy ignorants that do the minimal to get by.


Well, now that I know what you believe, am I supposed to like you better? I have my beliefs also and contrary to what some on this site believe, they are not about feeding and sheltering lazy people. Socialistic capitalism is what I believe would work for the majority of the people. Give the workers an interest in the corporations, make all of them capitalists, offer incentives to invest in the company and pay fair wages. Is that asking too much? It seems like you have made me your reform project, might as well give that up right now. I have worked my ass off all my adult life, starting at about 15 with after school jobs and continuing on through the military and work up untill my retirement 5 years ago. I also was raised on a farm in Wa, state untill I was about 12, so work is well known by me. The insinuation that I'm some kind of lazy welfare digger is totally off the map. I do enjoy my retirement and now wonder how I ever had time for a job. BTW, your mother was right!
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Well-Known Member
Well, now that I know what you believe, am I supposed to like you better? I have my beliefs also and contrary to what some on this site believe, they are not about feeding and sheltering lazy people. Socialistic capitalism is what I believe would work for the majority of the people.
Your not my reform project, I just get sick of the arguing when we should be debating. I hate when a thread goes to shyt because MM and Vi have their qualms. I honestly think that you twist Vi's posts and consider them a personal attack when they are not. I do not think Vi is out to get you, you are the one that takes it the wrong way and starts bashing him. Try and disregard his posts that you don't like for a week and see how it goes.

I come here to learn and listen to other people perspectives so I can broaden my own. I do appreciate your posts, you always come up with some good words. Don't take this as a personal attack but as constructive criticism.

Ohh and BTW, I totally agree with you on the better wages. People should be able to at least afford the cost of living when working full time. 7 dollars an hour is only good for students living with their parents. The problem is not with the capitalist system, but rather the greedy individuals that have little to no regard for their workers. Same with our current gov't, its not our constitution and our forefathers intent, but rather the current disregard for the peoples opinions/wants/needs.




New Member
Your not my reform project, I just get sick of the arguing when we should be debating. I hate when a thread goes to shyt because MM and Vi have their qualms. I honestly think that you twist Vi's posts and consider them a personal attack when they are not. I do not think Vi is out to get you,Well, have you ever heard his rants on the commie liberal left democrats and all their ills? He is refering directly to me. When you are being called names of which you are not resembling, do you not think you would retort. you are the one that takes it the wrong way and starts bashing him. Try and disregard his posts that you don't like for a week and see how it goes.

I come here to learn and listen to other people perspectives so I can broaden my own. I do appreciate your posts, you always come up with some good words. Don't take this as a personal attack but as constructive criticism.

Ohh and BTW, I totally agree with you on the better wages. People should be able to at least afford the cost of living when working full time. 7 dollars an hour is only good for students living with their parents. The problem is not with the capitalist system, but rather the greedy individuals that have little to no regard for their workers. You mean the owners that tell the CEOs to enhance the bottom line in any way possible, like streamlining (Firing older workers that are costing too much in health insurance) cutting benefits like health insurance and retirement and generally fucking over workers? That is why my socialistic-capitalism would be so practical. It would eliminate the scum that suck the blood out of the workers by making the workers owners of the company. What worker wouldn't want his company to succeed and prosper if he had a share in the profits? Same with our current gov't, Hate to break it to you, but we are the government. we have failed in our duty to elect individuals that have our interests in common instead of the corporations. its not our constitution and our forefathers intent, but rather the current disregard for the peoples opinions/wants/needs.


Peace to you also.......................
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New Member
Your not my reform project, I just get sick of the arguing when we should be debating. I hate when a thread goes to shyt because MM and Vi have their qualms. I honestly think that you twist Vi's posts and consider them a personal attack when they are not. I do not think Vi is out to get you, you are the one that takes it the wrong way and starts bashing him. Try and disregard his posts that you don't like for a week and see how it goes.

I come here to learn and listen to other people perspectives so I can broaden my own. I do appreciate your posts, you always come up with some good words. Don't take this as a personal attack but as constructive criticism.

Ohh and BTW, I totally agree with you on the better wages. People should be able to at least afford the cost of living when working full time. 7 dollars an hour is only good for students living with their parents. The problem is not with the capitalist system, but rather the greedy individuals that have little to no regard for their workers. Same with our current gov't, its not our constitution and our forefathers intent, but rather the current disregard for the peoples opinions/wants/needs.


I'm not being pooty....but...I started this thread and I kind of like it when Vi and Medman get into it...some bitch slappn is always fun....
and We...I think you need to take some time off and study about which side your on...:mrgreen:


New Member
Pain At The Pump Retrospective: How Gas Prices Soared During The Bush Administration

On Sunday, the national average price for a gallon of gas reached a new, previously unthinkable milestone of $4.00/gallon. Americans are struggling &#8212; and drivers in some parts of the US are spending up to 16% of their income on fuel.
But we didn&#8217;t just wake up one morning to find gas prices this high. Although the cost of a gasoline can be attributed to a variety of factors, we sometimes forget that in 2000 when George Bush took office, gas was only $1.51/gallon. It is also remarkable just how thoroughly out of touch Bush has been on this issue, and how little substance he has put forth to deal with it over the years.

In 2000, Bush assured Americans that he would &#8220;bring down gas prices through &#8216;sheer force of personality.&#8217;&#8221; Lo and behold, the initial jump in fuel costs occurred during Bush&#8217;s first term.

Fast forward four years to 2004 when gas prices passed the $2.00 mark &#8212; sending shock waves through the economy. Former Treasury Secretary John Snow acknowledged the problem but had little to offer in the solutions department. &#8220;Higher gas prices are creating a financial hardship for millions and millions of Americans,&#8221; he says. &#8220;We know that. Those higher gas prices, in a way, are becoming a proxy for how they feel about the economy.&#8221;
Push ahead now to 2006 &#8212; two years ago and two years into Bush&#8217;s second term. According to the AAA Fuel Gauge Report, gas prices rose 97% between 2006 and Bush&#8217;s first inauguration. At that point, American consumers were paying on average $2.91/gallon, Bush&#8217;s approval rating dropped to 32 percent, and the vast majority of Americans agreed that the rising gasoline prices were causing severe or moderate hardships. In April of 2006, the president&#8217;s stance was still one of inaction. &#8220;I know gas prices are high. There&#8217;s no magic wand to wave. We&#8217;ll make sure the energy companies are pricing their products fairly.&#8221;
And here we are today &#8212; $4.00 gas with $5.00 on the horizon. George Bush was shockingly unaware of how high gas prices had climbed as recently as last February. In a White House press conference, Bush had an interesting conversation with CBS news Radio Correspondent Bill Maer:
MAER: What&#8217;s your advice to the average American who is hurting now, facing the prospect of $4-a-gallon gasoline, a lot of people facing &#8230;
BUSH: Wait, what did you just say? [&#8230;] You&#8217;re predicting $4-a-gallon gasoline?
MAER: A number of analysts are predicting $4-a-gallon gasoline.
BUSH: Oh, yeah? That&#8217;s interesting. I hadn&#8217;t heard that. [&#8230;] You just said the price of gasoline may be up to $4 a gallon &#8212; or some expert told you that. That creates a lot of uncertainty.
It&#8217;s too bad, for his own sake, that President Bush that he didn&#8217;t pay more attention &#8212; he might have noticed that as the price of gas increased, his approval rating plummeted.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to take some time off and study about which side your on...:mrgreen:
I take neither. I'm not going to pick sides. I respect them both and they are both welcome to their opinions, whether they are "wrong" or "right". Even though I remember most of their views on most of the subjects, I try and not keep a bias on anyone that posts on RIU because I don't want to hold a grudge. I try and keep all emotions to to an individual thread and not carry it on into other threads and pick fights there too.

Sorry guys, I'm pretty stoned right now:mrgreen:.. But thats honestly how I feel/think. I would rather keep them both as "allies", than side with one and dismiss the other. I would rather be friendly with everyone and not have any "enemies", than the converse.




New Member
I take neither. I'm not going to pick sides. I respect them both and they are both welcome to their opinions, whether they are "wrong" or "right". Even though I remember most of their views on most of the subjects, I try and not keep a bias on anyone that posts on RIU because I don't want to hold a grudge. I try and keep all emotions to to an individual thread and not carry it on into other threads and pick fights there too.

Sorry guys, I'm pretty stoned right now:mrgreen:.. But thats honestly how I feel/think. I would rather keep them both as "allies", than side with one and dismiss the other. I would rather be friendly with everyone and not have any "enemies", than the converse.


IE, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Some nutbag came up with that theory. I always wanted to stay as far away from my "enemies" as possible. I really never had that many enemies in my short life, untill I discovered the neo-conic-libertarian site called rollitup. wow, what an eye opener. The fact that There are so many right wingers that have the time to chat on a marijuana site is truly amazing. My excuse is I'm retired. I certainly wouldn't have wasted my time while I was working, arguing with brick headed idiots. I even wonder why I still do. I guess it keeps my mind working to avoid senility, and it is rather amusing, but really, do you right wingers have to take things so seriously? My God, have a little levity.


New Member
So Med ... have you come up with that ONE Democrat who has supported off-shore drilling, drilling in Anwar, converting shale to oil, dam construction ... or anything else to increase our domestic supply of energy? When are you going to do that little bit of research ON YOUR OWN PARTY?

And for you and bong ... it is estimated that Anwar would produce 1,000,000 barrels of oil per day. That's 1,000,000 per day that we would not be buying from foreign suppliers.

One last thing ... please define the term "neo-conic-libertarian." Thanks ...
