George bush...


New Member
Yes ... happy mother's day, bong. And a happy mother's day to all the other ladies on the site too. :)



New Member
Seems like this thread has taken a few side tracks, so I'll add Happy mothers day to all you mothers and to a few Muthas, not so happy days. Back to the future. When Daddy's little rich boy goes back to crawford, what a glorious day that will be, can we really all sigh a sigh of relief. Yes I know, he's gone. But the legacy he's left us will be long in the undoing. He's made more enemies than any other in modern history, in fact it would be a real effort to name someone or group he hasn't pissed off (Except all those rich assholes that got giant tax rebates.) Even his wife is threatening to leave the asshole. I'd bet a pretty penny he will go down as the undisputed worst president in the history of the USA, if not the worst, certainly in the top 3. I read an article the other day that compiled data from a few noted history professors and point by point they cited him as the worst. I, of course, am in complete agreement!


New Member
Seems like this thread has taken a few side tracks, so I'll add Happy mothers day to all you mothers and to a few Muthas, not so happy days. Back to the future. When Daddy's little rich boy goes back to crawford, what a glorious day that will be, can we really all sigh a sigh of relief. Yes I know, he's gone. But the legacy he's left us will be long in the undoing. He's made more enemies than any other in modern history, in fact it would be a real effort to name someone or group he hasn't pissed off (Except all those rich assholes that got giant tax rebates.) Even his wife is threatening to leave the asshole. I'd bet a pretty penny he will go down as the undisputed worst president in the history of the USA, if not the worst, certainly in the top 3. I read an article the other day that compiled data from a few noted history professors and point by point they cited him as the worst. I, of course, am in complete agreement!
the oil men like him father worked for Americam Petroleum Institute for many years and he always said that if an an oil man ever got elected president we would be fucked...and I guess he was right...


New Member
the oil men like him father worked for Americam Petroleum Institute for many years and he always said that if an an oil man ever got elected president we would be fucked...and I guess he was right...
Get ready for 8.00 a gallon gas. Where is the water car when we really need it???


Well-Known Member
Get ready for 8.00 a gallon gas. Where is the water car when we really need it???
you can thank your oil men for that one too.. we have the technology, but how else could they make the average american broke and keep them selves rich as can be? lol

if the ordinary man had good knowledge of hydrogen technology than everyone would be rich because we would save THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON FOSSIL FUELS!!!

but the rich oil people have lots of money and can afford to pay top dollar to keep things on the 'hush'....


Well-Known Member
We dont have the technology, well we do have hydrogen fuel cells, but it currently takes more energy to produce hydrogen then the power it produces, not to mention hfc's cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Well-Known Member
We dont have the technology, well we do have hydrogen fuel cells, but it currently takes more energy to produce hydrogen then the power it produces, not to mention hfc's cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Dude, it would cost like 50 times cheaper than gasoline!!! Maybe cheaper.. It would cost you like 40 dollars to cross country with your vehicle.. You CAN run hydrogen through your ICE(internal combustion engine) without problems. You do NOT need a fuel cell to power your vehicle.



New Member
Bush Once Again Fails To ‘Jawbone’ King Abdullah At His Horse Ranch Into Increasing Oil Production»

During the 2000 presidential campaign, President Bush criticized the Clinton administration for high fuel prices and said that as president, he would take a much tougher approach — “jawbone OPEC members to lower the price“:
What I think the president ought to do [when gas prices spike] is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots…And the president of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price.
Last January, Bush went to Saudi Arabia to “jawbone” King Abdullah into increasing oil production in an effort to bring rising gas prices down in the United States. But perhaps because the jawboning session occurred in the comforts of the King’s horse ranch, the King declined Bush’s kind request.


New Member
Are you guys totally stone-blind to the fact that the Democrat Party, and the environmental lobby is the only thing standing between us and energy self sufficiency?



New Member
Are you guys totally stone-blind to the fact that the Democrat Party, and the environmental lobby is the only thing standing between us and energy self sufficiency?

Uhhh, I guess the fact that oilmen make up the Bush legacy has nothing to do with the high cost of energy. Energy self sufficiency could be achieved in 6 Mos. if the water car was to be built, even hydrogen powered generators for our electric grid, But the greedy oil cartels and auto Mfgrs. along with the coal mine operators will have none of that.

There is a device now in testing at my wifes work that will double your fuel mileage, the rub, it cost $2,000.00, which will buy a fair amount of gas. I'm pretty sure one can build the same device for about $100.00. The problem is, it triggers your check engine light and voids any warranty. The reason it costs so much is not the device itself, but the electronics to fix the check engine light problem, oh that and the profit factor. As soon as my truck is out of warranty, I may make my own. There are plans available on the web.


New Member
Are you guys totally stone-blind to the fact that the Democrat Party, and the environmental lobby is the only thing standing between us and energy self sufficiency?

you are sooooo full of shit...your refering to anwar of course...
If Congress approved development in 2008, it would take 10 years for oil production to commence, Energy Information Administration said. With production starting, then, in 2018, EIA said the most likely scenario is that oil would peak at 780,000 barrels per day in 2027 and decline to 710,000 barrels per day in 2030. Currently, the United States consumes about 20 million barrels of oil per day.
EIA said its projection is that ANWR oil production would amount to 0.4 percent to 1.2 percent of total world oil consumption in 2030. The figure is low enough that OPEC could neutralize any price impact by decreasing supplies to match the additional production from Alaska, EIA noted.


New Member
Uhhh, I guess the fact that oilmen make up the Bush legacy has nothing to do with the high cost of energy.
These "oil men" of which you speak are chomping at the bit to increase the supply of oil by drilling in Anwar and off shore. They are chomping at the bit to build new refineries ... right here in the U.S. The Hydro electric people (GE) are chomping at the bit to build new dams and the Atomic Energy guys are chomping at the bit to build new atomic energy plants. But ... who's standing in the way, Med? Your beloved Democrat Party and the Environmental Lobby that pays for their campaigns, that's who. You know, you and your party are fond of spouting off about "helping the poor," but do you ever have the thought that the "poor" are suffering the most under your party's misdirected energy policies?

Yes, we need alternate sources of energy, the development of which, is off somewhere in the future. We live in "the right now," and right now is when we need to increase energy production through already proven means.



New Member
Want the price of Middle Eastern oil to go down? Let's start energy exploration and the search for alternate energy sources with a vengeance in this country. The oil thugs in the Middle East will sit up immediately and take notice. They will increase their production to the level that prices will come down in an effort to save their asses. Once they see that we are headed for oil independence, their house of cards will start to crumble. Look, we are the only country that is self limiting our oil production. Its like we have a death wish or something. Hell, China is drilling 50 miles off the coast of Florida and using slant drilling techniques, in in effect, stealing our oils. And all the while, the freakin' Democrats in Congress are sitting on their thumbs.



New Member
These "oil men" of which you speak are chomping at the bit to increase the supply of oil by drilling in Anwar and off shore. They are chomping at the bit to build new refineries ... right here in the U.S. The Hydro electric people (GE) are chomping at the bit to build new dams and the Atomic Energy guys are chomping at the bit to build new atomic energy plants. But ... who's standing in the way, Med? Your beloved Democrat Party and the Environmental Lobby that pays for their campaigns, that's who. You know, you and your party are fond of spouting off about "helping the poor," but do you ever have the thought that the "poor" are suffering the most under your party's misdirected energy policies?

Yes, we need alternate sources of energy, the development of which, is off somewhere in the future. We live in "the right now," and right now is when we need to increase energy production through already proven means.

What can I say. Your party, the repukes have been in control for the last 12 years, the last 2 years they have blocked any legislation with their overide proof minority, so tell me why it is the dems fault, oh and also tell me the repukes don't take lobby money, yeah, right.