turnihg purple


Well-Known Member
hello everyone:-o i'm running into alittle problem... the plant is chemdog i;m about 8 t0 10 weeks old (VEG) the plant looks great but the stems at top are turning purple
soil-foxs farm happy frog with alittle extra perlite 5g buckets.
nute's-nectar for the god every other week
tap water that sits over nite.
temps-70@nite 74to80 during the day humidity around 45 to 60%

the plants about 2f tall looking really healthy its just got me puzzled how it can just change that quick.. if anybody has a ideal what could be going on plz help... if you need anymore information let me know and i'll try to answer you the best i can..feeding_schedule_inside_large.jpg i'm feeding at the pro level of early veg.. only one i/m using magic 2-5-2, gaia mania 1-5-1, zeus juice growth enhancer, herculean harvest 0-10-0,aphrodites extraction 0-1-0,and bloom khaos 0-0-0.5 @6.2 to 6.6... i use to use foxs farm i'v notice a weight gain since i started using nectar for the gods..


Active Member
hello everyone:-o i'm running into alittle problem... the plant is chemdog i;m about 8 t0 10 weeks old (VEG) the plant looks great but the stems at top are turning purple
soil-foxs farm happy frog with alittle extra perlite 5g buckets.
nute's-nectar for the god every other week
tap water that sits over nite.
temps-70@nite 74to80 during the day humidity around 45 to 60%

the plants about 2f tall looking really healthy its just got me puzzled how it can just change that quick.. if anybody has a ideal what could be going on plz help... if you need anymore information let me know and i'll try to answer you the best i can..View attachment 2370670 i'm feeding at the pro level of early veg.. only one i/m using magic 2-5-2, gaia mania 1-5-1, zeus juice growth enhancer, herculean harvest 0-10-0,aphrodites extraction 0-1-0,and bloom khaos 0-0-0.5 @6.2 to 6.6... i use to use foxs farm i'v notice a weight gain since i started using nectar for the gods..
I'm no expert... Actually I'm vet newb... But in reading the diagnosises from other threads, it seems a lack of phosphorus could be the culprit. If it is in the top, and newer growth, that was listed as a P def. It also said that low temps could be what was locking out the P.
Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
pen thanks .. i think ur on to something there.. let me give that a try.. i have been lacking on p..


Well-Known Member
sounds like finishing up a form of dieing off
to me fans not needed after stretch is finish
first 1/3 of flower sum genetics start to dump them at 2/3 into flower


Active Member
Phosphorus is usually dealing with red stems afaik. Purple stems can be genetics. What ppms of nutrients are you feeding?


Well-Known Member
Plants also need an amount of sulfur. Sulfur can be insoluble if included in your fertilizer along with manganese. I use 1tsp of Epsom salt per gallon and that seemed to help.

I read about the purpling stems in maximum yield magazine and since I've seen no purple stems, if even slight at all