TGA Kaboom: My little grow


Well-Known Member
So you started flowering the tester when it was at 15 inches correct? Just curious trying to plan out my next few weeks with my kaboom. That tester is gettin huge.

And I think I missed your setup. What size area and lights do you have ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, she was about 15-16 inches tall when flowered and now stands at bout 38 inches. They are in a 4x4x7 tent with a 1000 watt hortilux bulb on them.

Honestly I think that there is something up with that plant in particular, I cannot keep the plant from fading. I've top dressed, fed with teas not sure what i'm missing but she just keeps yellowing. The other plants are 2 weeks behind her and have not started to yellow at all. not sure what's going on with her tbh. She should have around 3 weeks left, so hopefully she makes it.


Well-Known Member
8 week update on kaboom #2 the tester really really putting on some weight not as crystally as some of the younger ones, but still dank nonetheless

Kabooms #1 and #3 @ 6 weeks. One of my favorite pictures, altho i'm thinking that neither of these two will be a keeper for me.

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my fourth plant and my favorite even with the wonky genetics it displayed when the seed sprouted two plants.
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Even at 8 weeks the #2 doesn't even seem close to finishing. I'm thinking that it may go a full 75 days or so. the other three at 6 weeks are no where near finishing either and are just starting to put on weight.

I have to say that I'm loving these plants and can't wait to see how they taste after a proper cure.


Well-Known Member
So, it's getting very close. My #2 test plant is @ 10 weeks from 12/12 and starting to get some amber to it. I'm just waiting for a little bit more. The other three are @ 8 weeks from 12/12 and are still swelling. Probably going to have to give them another 2.5 weeks. things are definitely starting to change in the tent. It's getting super stinky and super dank. I'm loving these plants.






Well-Known Member
those colas are unreal. im late to the party, are these run from 12/12....untopped?

nah. they were psuedomainlined. I had attempted to mainline them but didn't pay enough attention to them through the process and some of the tops got larger than the others. Each plant ended up with like four main colas and 4 littler ones. I plan to run a clone of one of these for my next grow and actually pay attention to them and try to accomplish something even better.

also, thank you all for the kind words. I wish i could grow something like this outdoors, it looks as tho it would do fantastic.


Well-Known Member
The girls did great. they are all down now. My keeper was the #2 plant. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out at first since it did a double sprout on me. but it turned out great. all said and done I ended up pulling ~550 grams under 1000 watts. turned out very nice best yield yet, and I hope that I can do even better my next run.

although I'm sorta stalling right now, I'm not sure if i want to do a Kaboom run again, I don't have anything against it at all. I just am thinking that I would like to try a plushberry run and find a BCS and see what everyone is talking about.