Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering


Well-Known Member
Has any heard of keeping plants in total darkness for the last week or so to increase potency?


Well-Known Member
the only thing it does is basically make your plant think its dying so it will push out more resin glands in order to protect itself,

more potent?? not sure on that

more crystals?? yeah


Well-Known Member
Hey Erb, there was some discussion about this, I believe, (from memory) it was like the last 36 hours or so. I am not sure it this actually helps though.
If your concerned about getting a little blast in growth to your buds prior to harvest, better to try some blackstrap molasses instead.

Another twist on this is when going from vegging to flowering, I read to turn the lights off for two days, than go to your 12/12 and you'll be amazed, I havent tested this out yet, but I may.


Well-Known Member
and also, let the temps fall, this will also promote the plant to push out more as well


Well-Known Member
yea, some myth about how when U leave the plants in total darkness for 48 hrs before the chop its supposed to make the plant work overdrive and produce more crystals..I dont exactly know how that works or if it works but its widely believed that it works


Well-Known Member
it does work because the plant is already in its final phase and then by doing this you are making it believe it is on its LAST leg and about to really die so it pushes the THC glands out to cover and protect its flowers.... get it??

Ive tried it w/ my buddys grow, it works, not a myth


Well-Known Member
Well Id hate to be the antagonist but from the flipside. Wouldnt the removing of light just serve to make your plant more spread out as it searches for light to survive?

I would think you would lose some potency due to the nutrients being forced into growth to catch the light that isnt there anymore.


Well-Known Member
Well Id hate to be the antagonist but from the flipside. Wouldnt the removing of light just serve to make your plant more spread out as it searches for light to survive?

I would think you would lose some potency due to the nutrients being forced into growth to catch the light that isnt there anymore.
you didn't just say that did you? sorry but that's funny.

quoted from "The Big Book of Buds", vol 1, pg 177

"White Widow-
... Greenhouse(seed co.) suggests changing the lighting to 8 hours during the last 2 weeks of flowering in order to halt regrowth on the buds and produce just enough stress to coax out the maximum amount of sticky resin per inch."

plants seek out light to grow during veg. they focus all energy on bud growth during the last few weeks of flowering.

why would they be seeking light?


Well-Known Member
Like I said I was playing the other side for measure. Those are not my beliefs just another angle.


Well-Known Member
eh. whatever floats your boat man. I might try a count down in daylight hours as mine near fruition.


Well-Known Member
but then the question is should I go daily from 18 to 12 then wait until last week of flowering then drop daily again 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, cut or just drop straight to 8 in the last week.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Marijuana Botany by Rob Clarke says that less than 12 hours of light will result in less THC. Plain as day.

Maybe those seedbank guys haven't read it. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
my outdoor sativas get less than 12 hours of light by the time they finish. they turn out great. plain as the seasons of the planet earth.