Closet growing question(s).


Well-Known Member
So I was doing a house clean out and came across a closet which isn't in use. I'm just wondering if I could do anything with this closet? It's got a perfectly placed clothes rail to hang a light from but anyway, my questions are...

The closet is(quick measurements, so may be slightly more/less)2.5feet wall to wall , 3.5feet from door to back wall and 5.5feet in height, it's right next to my boiler closet so temperature and humidity may be a problem. I know it isn't the biggest closet in the world, but if anything can be achieved out of it, it's only going to be for personal use anyway, so I'm not really bothered by yield, just as long as I can stop getting ripped off by dealers! 1.4 grams for £20 and most of it is stalk and wet >_<

1). Given the dimensions of the closet, is it suitable for growing?
2). If it's suitable, how many photoperiod plants could fit into this with out any space saving techniques.
3). If Photoperiod plants are too much, could Autoflowering plants be more suitable and how many could be done at one time?
4). Would a single 200w CFL be enough for a full cycle of photo/auto?
5). Being that the closet is situated at the very back of the room and I can not drill holes in the door or walls, how would I combat ventilation issue's?

I appreciate that these may have all been answered before, but I am a complete novice when it comes to growing. I will however, have a friend who has grown before for commercial purposes around to oversee this operation, should it go ahead.
Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.

P.S. I can not give pictures of the closet just yet, maybe in a few days when I have binned the rest of the rubbish we piled into that room! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
vent into the attic.

I can't... I did state that I can not drill holes in the door or walls. I was thinking about taking the door off it's hinges and replacing it with a home made door of some sort, maybe put a curtain up instead of having the door?


Active Member
that is a BIG closet to me, im growing in a 1 ft by 1.5 ft by 5 ft closet, which is what i would call a closet and yours a would call another room haha... yes it can be done, i use high power LED since they emic much less heat so are easier to handle. although if it gets hot already next to the boiler then you do have problems...


Active Member
If you can't ventilate properly, i.e. maintain security and privacy while providing adequate fresh air, then you are going to have problems or be limited to whatever CFLs you can get away with until temps are too high. You sort of need to figure out the baseline since it may be too high already due to the boiler room. Your other option is to put a tent inside the closet and evacuate the tent into the closet and find a way to get a small fresh air inflow to the tent intake.


Well-Known Member
If you can't ventilate properly, i.e. maintain security and privacy while providing adequate fresh air, then you are going to have problems or be limited to whatever CFLs you can get away with until temps are too high. You sort of need to figure out the baseline since it may be too high already due to the boiler room. Your other option is to put a tent inside the closet and evacuate the tent into the closet and find a way to get a small fresh air inflow to the tent intake.
It may just feel hot because it's a room which usually has 4 people in it at a time, tonight is an exception and it's quite cool(it's my PC/entertainment room that the closet is at the back of).
Privacy isn't really a problem, it's only myself living here and all my friends are cannabis smokers but the idea was to swap my pc room and bedroom over so that I would have more space in my pc room for when friends come over for a smoke and stuff. So would a curtain or a fabric sheet be ok instead of a door? That way I would have no problem with ventilation as fabric is easy to manipulate.

Also, this is aimed mainly at crazymanny00(I hope you didn't get your name from GTA4 as Manny was a bellend in that :D) With the space that you have at the moment, what sort of plants are you doing and are you restricting their size? If so, how? Thanks =]
Make sure you can get some cool air in there and vent it into a room that isnt in use like the attic or laundry room where you have nice smells to block the flowering stage aroma. How many plants are you going to have? Make sure you have enough room for the girth of the plant(s)


Well-Known Member
Make sure you can get some cool air in there and vent it into a room that isnt in use like the attic or laundry room where you have nice smells to block the flowering stage aroma. How many plants are you going to have? Make sure you have enough room for the girth of the plant(s)
I think I'm just going to buy auto flowering seeds as it's only for personal use and I don't want to risk any more than that. Especially if I go through an entire PP cycle only for them to hermie lol. At least if AF's hermie, it's not half a year of my life I've wasted haha.


Active Member
CFL's do put out a fair ammount of heat, 200 W of them and my 3'x2'x5' tent gets up to around 86 degrees... Plan before you plant!



Well-Known Member
CFL's do put out a fair ammount of heat, 200 W of them and my 3'x2'x5' tent gets up to around 86 degrees... Plan before you plant!

You see, I am confused by this, my friends tent which was slightly bigger than my closet was much cooler than when he had his HPS in there. I've also seen many people say CFL's are not high heat producing lights, can someone clarify for me please? Thanks.


You see, I am confused by this, my friends tent which was slightly bigger than my closet was much cooler than when he had his HPS in there. I've also seen many people say CFL's are not high heat producing lights, can someone clarify for me please? Thanks.
CFLs will produce some heat. Ventilation can play a huge role in your temps as well.


Active Member
Also, this is aimed mainly at crazymanny00(I hope you didn't get your name from GTA4 as Manny was a bellend in that :D) With the space that you have at the moment, what sort of plants are you doing and are you restricting their size? If so, how? Thanks =]
I use LED so heat issues arent so much a problem but it does get warm (30C+) without a fan blowing air in, like all good LED's will release ambient heat. I have only 3 plants but moved one out since the other two have far outgrown it. my personal advice is to invest in some high quality led lighting people say its not good for flowering but they havent tried the top quality.

edit: also using LST and trying scrog to keep their size down