What do you want in a sticky?


Well-Known Member
I mentioned doing a sticky on extraction techniques to keep everything in one place and so I don't have to write the same answers over and over. What else would people like to see covered?


Well-Known Member
In general, I think a good sticky contains information you see people asking about ALL the time. Hopefully, people read it first before posting. :)

Good step by step teks make great stickies also I think.


Well-Known Member
So we should also cover reasons why acid less common and how to buy it on SR? :)

I think a DMT extraction tek and/or mescaline extraction tek in as close to layman's terms as possible would be an awesome idea.


Active Member
IDK about posting tutorials on SR here. Maybe a google link, because people can figure it out on their own with a google search. More publicity = more newbs.


Well-Known Member
yeah excellent site tbh but the bitcoins and the getting them has been fucken nightmare so far. Back in the day i just followed jerry around! lmao!552313_10151218818871812_290242777_n.jpgman o man do i miss him!


Active Member
Getting BTC is actually extremely easy. You have to remember buying BTC is not illegal, its just what you do with the BTC is whats illegal. Just use bitinstant to instawallet to fog to SR. Done. All done in a single day.


Well-Known Member
lmao, ok im finally starting to grasp the process. It was explained to me wrong im thinking initially! I am gonna try this. My wife said one site she went to asked for us to scan our utility bill!lol!

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
SR is cool until some government douchebag decides to set up fake accounts and send cops to addresses...sri abt the buzzkill :(


Well-Known Member
.DMT extraction
.Mushroom Teks (there's some tutorials others have already posted, just copy them)
.Maybe some LSD info; dosages, different forms it comes in (blotter, liquid...)
.Definitely one about MDMA and the harms/ risk with RCs. Maybe throw in some info about the test kits, how they work and why people need to use them
.Other extraction teks; mescaline, peyote, aya...
.Pill info (although there's kind of a lot of info on these, so idk how or what to narrow it down to)
.Why you shouldn't do heroin...

these seem to be the most common


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the suggestions. The basic harm reduction info will def make it. I don't want to just copy and paste mushroom info, but I would be happy to include something someone else writes up. Basic drug info is good too. Just to have a thread with a lot of info for people to check before posting questions. I figure the search engine is asking too much but one thread that keeps us from having multiple threads on the first page related to each other would be a huge improvement.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the suggestions. The basic harm reduction info will def make it. I don't want to just copy and paste mushroom info, but I would be happy to include something someone else writes up. Basic drug info is good too. Just to have a thread with a lot of info for people to check before posting questions. I figure the search engine is asking too much but one thread that keeps us from having multiple threads on the first page related to each other would be a huge improvement.
Almost like our own Erowid...

But have links to old threads that where we have (or a single person) completely covered a subject. Like the Chemistry thread, and I'm sure there's others... just didn't see any that stuck out when i skimmed through.


Well-Known Member
seriously. if you need some help, let me know. it seems more and more people are posting in this section with repeating questions, and/or easy to find questions. it sucks you can't make a sticky required to read... i'm sure people will still be asking the same stuff


Well-Known Member
If we can cut it down by half I'll consider it a success. I should have something to post in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
For god sake say something about "natural" vs artificial - chemicals - something about how if done well, chemicals, even the more harsh ones are not to be feared.

I found your information on cleaning MDMA, and cocain were helpful (for future reference anyway) If you were to post something about how if one tests MDMA and found at least some of the genuine product in it, perhaps we could apply some sort of recrystalization and get a superior product devoid of some of the more deleterious adulterants.

I could be convinced to post someting difinitive in the form of a FAQ on growing mushrooms if that will be of help to anyone - of course you know I will cast my usualy aspersions toward PF tek my bias being evident I suppose.


Well-Known Member
I'd be thrilled to have you do a write up on mushrooms.
Natural vs "organic" is a pet peeve of mine. Nature has come up with far more toxins than man kind. Sure we've come up with some nasty ones, but we're certainly not the only species to have done so.