Getting ready to build 9' x 9' grow room in basement - advice welcome


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm getting ready to build a 9' x 9' grow room in my basement. I have attached photos of the basement area I am dealing with from start. A buddy of mine who is a builder is helping me cuz I don't know anything about building. I think this will serve as a pretty good set up. I am heading to Home Depot today to get the studs and drywall to get it all framed in. Advice on anything in general is welcome and appreciated.

The first picture is looking straight on at the 9 x 9 area. This is where the door will be. 2nd pic is looking slightly to the left, you can see the stairway going up. 3rd pic is looking slightly to the right. The walls will encase the two poles. The 4th picture is floor joists. I will have a heat and a/c duct in the room. Not really sure if this is good or not, advice? The 5th pic is an electrical box in the basement about 10 feet from the grow room. I have two other electrical boxes in my home so this one is hardly used.

I plan to build a wall right down the center of the room so I can have plants vegging on one side and flowering on the other. There will be a pocket door in the wall separating the rooms. A shelf will be built in each room to store nutrients etc.

I have two 400 watt HPS lights that I flower with and am just using CFL's right now for the vegging. I plan to add/upgrade whatever is needed to accomodate both rooms.

I'm a fairly new grower with only 4 grows under my belt. Been growing in my basement just in the open. Now I want a nice room that is enclosed so I want to do it right. Any advice on anything about it would be great. I will post pics as the room progresses to the finished product.

2012-10-14 12.40.52.jpg2012-10-14 12.41.09.jpg2012-10-14 12.41.21.jpg2012-10-14 12.42.13.jpg2012-10-14 12.41.44.jpg


Well-Known Member
good start. on the drywall, it absorbs odors. i would recommend using osb, the process used to make by layering wood chips with adhesive creates a very solid barrier.


Active Member
I brought this up to my buddy who is helping me, apparently there's a drywall sealer primer that you can apply that will hold the odor in. I think I'm gonna go that route as osb is twice as much.
lots of room to get going thats a good thing,stud it out,wire it up throw some dry wall up and use mylar..only thing i would suggest is 1000k or others say 600w lights,u could use the 400w for veg..I prefer t5 for veg{8 bulb units x 2]then hit them for a couple weeks under the big lights with mh bulbs really thickens up the ladys before the flip..lloks good though grow on bro


Active Member
Based on the way I plan to set up the room (pocket door), would anyone care to give advice on how I should do the ventilation...since this is in my basement, I do want to be sure to keep odors to a minimum. I'm a complete noob on setting up a grow room. Been watching lots of videos but not sure if I will need a ventilation system in each side of the room. Also, is the following link what I need to install? Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm getting ready to build a 9' x 9' grow room in my basement. I have attached photos of the basement area I am dealing with from start. A buddy of mine who is a builder is helping me cuz I don't know anything about building. I think this will serve as a pretty good set up. I am heading to Home Depot today to get the studs and drywall to get it all framed in. Advice on anything in general is welcome and appreciated.

The first picture is looking straight on at the 9 x 9 area. This is where the door will be. 2nd pic is looking slightly to the left, you can see the stairway going up. 3rd pic is looking slightly to the right. The walls will encase the two poles. The 4th picture is floor joists. I will have a heat and a/c duct in the room. Not really sure if this is good or not, advice? The 5th pic is an electrical box in the basement about 10 feet from the grow room. I have two other electrical boxes in my home so this one is hardly used.

I plan to build a wall right down the center of the room so I can have plants vegging on one side and flowering on the other. There will be a pocket door in the wall separating the rooms. A shelf will be built in each room to store nutrients etc.

I have two 400 watt HPS lights that I flower with and am just using CFL's right now for the vegging. I plan to add/upgrade whatever is needed to accomodate both rooms.i

I'm a fairly new grower with only 4 grows under my belt. Been growing in my basement just in the open. Now I want a nice room that is enclosed so I want to do it right. Any advice on anything about it would be great. I will post pics as the room progresses to the finished product.

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GO TO YOUTUBE...............type in How to grow green part 1 I think this might help you a lot.The guy knows his stuff and its pretty much a step by step video of him building a grow room(veg and flower) in a basement.good luck.peace


Well-Known Member
Didn't read every word of these responses, so maybe this was already mentioned. Flowering takes much more room than vegging, so I would offset your divider wall to one side or the other, giving you a bigger flowering room and smaller veg area.


Well-Known Member
Looks good. But why a veg room? You should use every bit of space available for flowering.

If you keep the flower room full 100% of the time it's 6.5 harvests per year on an 8 week cycle. With a very generous 1lb per 400w (for ease of math :D ) or 2lb per harvest, that's 13lbs a year.

If you add 2 more 400w and go with a 12 week cycle (4 veg and 8 flower) that's 4.3 harvests per year @ 4lbs per harvest or 17.2lbs per year.

I have 2 ~10x10 rooms and spent a long time trying to justify using one for a veg room but I never could. If there's space completely dedicated to growing, you should maximize all of it for flowering.


Active Member
What about electric? Do you have enough room in that box for another circuit that can be dedicated to your grow room?

If you have enough space in the box, I'd recommend a small sub panel be installed to serve the grow room. That way, you can wire the lights for 240V, which pulls less amps and is safer for high wattage equipment.

Don't be intimidated by the electric! Spending a few hours reading and researching, you'll discover that electric is one of the more simpler components of the grow room.

Start with Googling "sub panel wiring".

If you can score them, the old Time Life Home Handyman series of books has an outstanding volume of basic electric, which explains basic circuits, wiring inside your breaker box, and how to install a new circuit.

Backfed subpanel (fed through a specially designed breaker in the subpanel, instead of hooking the feed line onto typical breaker box lugs) is how I did mine.


Well-Known Member
Looks good. But why a veg room? You should use every bit of space available for flowering.

If you keep the flower room full 100% of the time it's 6.5 harvests per year on an 8 week cycle. With a very generous 1lb per 400w (for ease of math :D ) or 2lb per harvest, that's 13lbs a year.

If you add 2 more 400w and go with a 12 week cycle (4 veg and 8 flower) that's 4.3 harvests per year @ 4lbs per harvest or 17.2lbs per year.

I have 2 ~10x10 rooms and spent a long time trying to justify using one for a veg room but I never could. If there's space completely dedicated to growing, you should maximize all of it for flowering.
by having a dedicated veg/ clone room beside my flower room, similar to op, i am able to harvest 17 times per year with a 4 week veg and pull 2+ pounds every harvest. thats close to 40lbs per year.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys. I have been doing a ton of research on ventilation and I am STILL extremely confused on this. My room is 9 x 9 and will be completely sealed - I even bought an exterior 32" door that has weather stripping in it so that no odor can escape. Can anyone tell me how I should set up the ventilation, size etc. I do not want any odors escaping the room so I plan to get a carbon filter. My question is this: Do i cut a hole in the wall to allow air in and if so, should i use a ventilation fan to bring the air in and if so, what size fan should i get? (a link to your recommendation would be great) Okay so now assuming i put a fan in to bring the air in through a hole in the wall, then what? A fan to suck the air out on the other side of the room with a carbon filter just before it? If so, again size, links etc of both the fans and carbon filters would be much appreciated. I am planning on growing around 30 - 50 plants. This room is in my basement which stays cool year round. Also, my 400 watt lights are like the shop lights you find in warehouses. They are not cooled through ducts or anything like that as the ballasts are part of the light.

Any feedback/links would be extremely appreciated.


Active Member
Dray: I don't do electric, got a buddy that knows electric inside and out. He will be helping me with all that.

What about electric? Do you have enough room in that box for another circuit that can be dedicated to your grow room?

If you have enough space in the box, I'd recommend a small sub panel be installed to serve the grow room. That way, you can wire the lights for 240V, which pulls less amps and is safer for high wattage equipment.

Don't be intimidated by the electric! Spending a few hours reading and researching, you'll discover that electric is one of the more simpler components of the grow room.

Start with Googling "sub panel wiring".

If you can score them, the old Time Life Home Handyman series of books has an outstanding volume of basic electric, which explains basic circuits, wiring inside your breaker box, and how to install a new circuit.

Backfed subpanel (fed through a specially designed breaker in the subpanel, instead of hooking the feed line onto typical breaker box lugs) is how I did mine.


Active Member
Looks good. But why a veg room? You should use every bit of space available for flowering.

If you keep the flower room full 100% of the time it's 6.5 harvests per year on an 8 week cycle. With a very generous 1lb per 400w (for ease of math :D ) or 2lb per harvest, that's 13lbs a year.

If you add 2 more 400w and go with a 12 week cycle (4 veg and 8 flower) that's 4.3 harvests per year @ 4lbs per harvest or 17.2lbs per year.

I have 2 ~10x10 rooms and spent a long time trying to justify using one for a veg room but I never could. If there's space completely dedicated to growing, you should maximize all of it for flowering.
Slump: I like your thinking however, I want to keep everything contained in one room. Basically this 9 x 9 room is all I can afford right now. The nice thing is, I have a decent size basement that I can expand in as needed.


Well-Known Member
a sealed room is a sealed room, no exhaust, no intake. odor is contained. the only holes i have in my room are for cooling lights, it is a completely closed system, meaning it brings air from outside to cool lights and that air is sent back outside. none of my environment is released unless door is opened. and i use no odor control system in my room. so, since you have non-aircooled lights there is no need.


Active Member
a sealed room is a sealed room, no exhaust, no intake. odor is contained. the only holes i have in my room are for cooling lights, it is a completely closed system, meaning it brings air from outside to cool lights and that air is sent back outside. none of my environment is released unless door is opened. and i use no odor control system in my room. so, since you have non-aircooled lights there is no need.
Superstoner, now I'm confused even more, don't the plants need fresh air to survive? I have been reading a ton on this and it seems most people say you need to exchange air every 3 minutes or so. What am I missing here?


Well-Known Member
plants need:
they do NOT need fresh air, they make it. the idea of a sealed room is so you have no loss of environment and total control. why seal a room and then have an exhaust?