I wanted to share my beautiful girls with you all! Take a peek ;)

Dice Clay

Active Member
So I am around 10 days out from the beginning of harvest, and I am psyched! The strains are Chernobyl, Royal Kush, and DICE. I think they look numm numms




Well-Known Member
oh meh gosh........ yummy! Swollen and sayin hi! Your a very proud parent im guessin! Good shit dice!

Dice Clay

Active Member
Those are beautiful! what nutes are you using?

For Veg I use Fox Farm and for Flowering I use B'cuzz 0-13-14.... those are my base nutes... I also use the line of B'cuzz stimulators for root, growth and bloom. I add Mycorrhizae to my soil at mixing, as well as the base of root clumps when transplanting. Pre-mix my nutrients in 20L solutions, as well as always having a pure 20L reservoir full of clean water. My soil mix is 40% Happy frog potting soil, 30% coarse vermiculite, and 30% earthworm castings.

Dice Clay

Active Member
Here are some of my bedroom... I mean veg room :P IMG_0531.jpgIMG_0521.jpgIMG_0522.jpgIMG_0523.jpg

yes I do sleep in that bed.... and my room is usually like a doctor's office :P I am in the process of getting a house so this is just a temporary place for me :)

Here are some clones 4 weeks after being cut, I am doing some heavy training, trying to go all the way around the pot in a circle. I am ordering an 8 bulb quantum bad boy t5 light to replace these old t12's.


Here I have 3 plants where I am trying to implement Nugbucket's techniques on main-lining (the guy is an invaluable resource of knowledge and kindness) so here is the first symmetrical split, and on each end there will be another symmetrical split etc.

Sour Diesel clones 10 days after cutting


Dice Clay

Active Member
Hey HRH your messages are full.. clear that inbox :) ... the rage monster inside of me wants to throttle some sense into that stupid shit xxx420assholexxx or whatever his name is :P this harvest is so sativa heavy... my impatient ass is getting antsy at 8 weeks :P any advise on the best time to harvest a 90% sativa strain :)


Well-Known Member
You'll love those t-5's dice ohhh hellllz yeah you will! gorgeous as always my friend. What do you have them under in the origional post? 1000 watter? I wont lie i am emulating you lol! Fucking diamong plate light fixture's! rofl yeaboy!

Dice Clay

Active Member
I have clones and starters under 4 40watt T12 bulbs, then they go under the 400watt MH.. big hood so I get a nice footprint... the 1000watt HPS is for flowering.