Anybody Live Off the Grid?


New Member
As is right now, I don't have a social i wouldn't be missing much...

being off the grid/self sustaining or whatever you call it doesn't have to mean solitary confinement or total isolation


Well-Known Member
As is right now, I don't have a social i wouldn't be missing much...

being off the grid/self sustaining or whatever you call it doesn't have to mean solitary confinement or total isolation
total isolation? i may have to revisit the value of solitude against the installation costs.


Well-Known Member
I like being on the grid, then the government knows how much I mistrust them and how I blatantly disregard their laws and beliefs.

But I do love being in the wilderness, the sounds and smells of I'm looking for a more common ground, where both can work for my benefit


Well-Known Member
I'm living in a van down by the river.
Ok Chris Farley, Lolz. Also Budsmoker87 I mentioned it before but u have to know where the water is before u drill anything, watcha gonna do break out a dowsing rod to find ur well? Also it sounds more like ur talkin self-sustaining lifestyle not so much off the grid, but one where u don't have to rely on ur local supermarket for basic necessities. But watcha gonna do bout tp? Just remember the key, leaves of 3 let them be, so don't wipe ur ass with any poison oak or ivy(depending where u live). There is always communal living or things like that, I kinda wanna find a farm or ranch I could work for room and board and learn more about large scale farming systems and that kinda stuff, and no when I say communal living I'm not talking bout joining a cult.


If your going to use solar panels off the grid then you better bring your wallet.

The problem is you need a place to store the energy for when the suns not shining. Batteries are expensive but probably most often used today. You would also need an inverter to convert the solar panels DC current to usable AC current. Oh and if your using batteries then you also need a charge controller so you don't fuck up your expensive batteries. 250W solar panels $300ea, $300 inverter, $300 charge controller, 12V deep cycle batteries $150ea, etc. You would need to do a load demand calculation to find out how many watts of electricity you need but you can do the math. Generally 3-4kW is sufficient for lighting, receptacles, electronics, and small wattage appliances. Heating and cooking would probably be done with wood or gas. A 4kW system could produce somewhere in the range of 5-7 MWH/year depending on location.

I hope I can live off the grid someday but I'm not at that point yet and don't have the money right now. Maybe when fuel cells get cheaper, then off grid systems may be more affordable.


Ursus marijanus
whats the confusion? panels, batteries, cables, converter, controller... can be all be done for well UNDER 10k
I'd like to see it proven. My needs average to about 2 kW, and I'd like to be able to run major appliances. Emphasis on enough storage to make it through a bad storm. cn


Ursus marijanus
Interesting video; thank you.

Unfortunately his system's capacities are about one-twentieth of my projected needs. Only two batteries!

So I'm still looking at new-Porsche prices to go solar ... not counting equipment degradation and replacement needs. Neither the batteries nor the panels last indefinitely. cn


Well-Known Member
it was gonna be near 40k to start thinking about setting my house up. no calculations for actual power needs were ever considered.

when i start seeing more than 2 zeros in a row i start looking for new ideas.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that lives off grid, he uses underground springs to push a water generator.
Free water free power, 87 acres of beautiful scenery and view. Closest neighbor is 2 miles away.
It's all for sale he lost his wife a year ago and needs to sell and get away from all those good memories that are killing him
with a broken heart..


New Member
damn that sounds like a nice spot, that sucks tho

here's a DIY tutorial I found on making your own solar panels with damaged solar cells found on ebay...$100 for 2 panels that put out a bit over 18 volts...sufficient to charge a 12-volt battery

I'd probably use half a dozen 6-volt batteries for that quick charge/drain...and 4 12-volt batteries

How is this nearly as pricey as everyone who DOESN'T do it themselves claim? Foreal there's tutorials all over the internet...including a youtube video tutorial on how to build a solar generator for under 300

seriously what's the $ problem people?!


Well-Known Member
We have two houses built in Trinidad, one up a mountain and the other run the bush x It's nice having lots of space and being abke tobdowhat you want with it but fucking annoying when you run out of gas and have to run out get a new canister. I can post pics if you want. Also, if it flood, we are fucked, but growing your own fruit/vegetables is fun. Wait, another con, I really miss the Internet out there and we can only pick up one TV channel xP

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