Tutorial: How to Flush... DWC


Well-Known Member
/\ (title)<This is what I search and I found nothing... For future reference please, can one of you experienced flushers who also use DWC or prefferably for my own interest a bubbleponics system insert your vast knowledge of how to Flush properly. Details like how long, water ph/, temp etc... It just seems odd to only put plain reg water in my tub for two weeks. Seems like the plant would just flat out die. So as a non experienced flusher I am humbling myself for answers on exactly how to do this. If you have smartass answers and sarcasm to respond with please save it for someone who cares. Serious responses only please!

Thanks even a link would be sufficient... for search purposes I mean to help others who are looking to get the best out of the flush...


Well-Known Member
I want to know too. I have a plant fliping to flowering in DWC single bucket would I need to flush to change to bloom nutes, how would I flush? I was told leave it for a day in a flush solution then next day change to boom nutes but im unsure and it would help a shit ton to kill 2 birds with one stone, sorry to join your thead


Well-Known Member
I want to know too. I have a plant fliping to flowering in DWC single bucket would I need to flush to change to bloom nutes, how would I flush? I was told leave it for a day in a flush solution then next day change to boom nutes but im unsure and it would help a shit ton to kill 2 birds with one stone, sorry to join your thead
Your good dude, but you pose another interseting notion. I never even thought to flush in between veg stage and bloom stage. I only thought the flush was used a couple weeks before harvest to maximize flavor and smoothness. I guess if you have salt build up during veg you can use a flush to maximize your nute uptake during bloom... Is this common practice among flushers? Where are you guys? Myself, I usually have very healthy plants with no signs of stress transitioning from veg to bloom so I probably would not flush anyway.


Well-Known Member
Your good dude, but you pose another interseting notion. I never even thought to flush in between veg stage and bloom stage. I only thought the flush was used a couple weeks before harvest to maximize flavor and smoothness. I guess if you have salt build up during veg you can use a flush to maximize your nute uptake during bloom... Is this common practice among flushers? Where are you guys? Myself, I usually have very healthy plants with no signs of stress transitioning from veg to bloom so I probably would not flush anyway.
Starting any flush debate is going to get relatively nowhere on this board. Everyone has an opinion about it and refuses to acknowledge anything else. I've seen 0 scientific evidence that allowing a plant to starve before harvest improves anything about it, so I see no reason to do it. I also dont load my plants with salts and redundant boosters for 3 months before harvest so I don't have the build-ups that many people have. The only 'flush' I do is to run plain RO water in my system for 6-24 hours between res changes depending on convenience and growth stage (longer flush later in life cycle during higher feeding levels). It prevents any build ups and my plants don't see any deficiencies because of it.

Somewhat related, there's evidence out there that 'drowning' a plant can cause fermentation to begin early and therefore allow the plant a slower process of developing the terpenoids, cannabinoids, etc. This is done by either submersing a soil plant into a tub of water, or just shutting off air pumps in dwc. Keep in mind that DO can take a day or 2 to come out of the water, so a 2 day 'drowning' in DWC may only actually be a few hours of true oxygen deprivation. Also, that evidence doesn't say the drowning needs to be done after starving a plant. Non-marijuana growers generally like healthy plants until the end. Not sure why so many people believe we're such a unique group.


Well-Known Member
got not stress I just know that i do give a little flush before entering flower with my soil plants, this current crop I didnt because using same nutrients till harvest


Active Member
I personally dont flush. But in answer to using plain water and it killing the plant...... The plant will drinkand use the water + any stores from leaves. Eventually it will start looking ill but by that time you will have chopped. PH not that big a deal as ph does not effect water uptake, just keep it between 5 and 7.

I would just add plain water as and when you need to top up your res. Nutes will become less and less, the more you top up.


Well-Known Member

I love that they say you HAVE to flush with one of their recommended products (AN, GH, Botanicare, or Canna) and not just water to PULL the stored chemicals back out of the plant tissues. I've seen a lot of marijuana-related articles like this, but have yet to see a tissue analysis go with one. I don't know of any mechanism that the plant will somehow diffuse anything back out of its root system simply because you put it into a magnesium and EDTA solution.


Well-Known Member
Starting any flush debate is going to get relatively nowhere on this board. Everyone has an opinion about it and refuses to acknowledge anything else. I've seen 0 scientific evidence that allowing a plant to starve before harvest improves anything about it, so I see no reason to do it. I also dont load my plants with salts and redundant boosters for 3 months before harvest so I don't have the build-ups that many people have. The only 'flush' I do is to run plain RO water in my system for 6-24 hours between res changes depending on convenience and growth stage (longer flush later in life cycle during higher feeding levels). It prevents any build ups and my plants don't see any deficiencies because of it.

Somewhat related, there's evidence out there that 'drowning' a plant can cause fermentation to begin early and therefore allow the plant a slower process of developing the terpenoids, cannabinoids, etc. This is done by either submersing a soil plant into a tub of water, or just shutting off air pumps in dwc. Keep in mind that DO can take a day or 2 to come out of the water, so a 2 day 'drowning' in DWC may only actually be a few hours of true oxygen deprivation. Also, that evidence doesn't say the drowning needs to be done after starving a plant. Non-marijuana growers generally like healthy plants until the end. Not sure why so many people believe we're such a unique group.

This thread was never for debate... Only "how to" purposes.
From what I have been reading for the past few hours makes all of this seem very simple. People who flush essentially begin the metabolic breakdowns in their plant earlier before drying and curing. Thus creating a smokable herb with smoothness minus the lenghthy curing timetable to achieve desirable smoke. While it may produce the better taste quicker I see problems with this method for longer storage purposes.

The whole debate that if you dont flush your plant it will have harsh nute flavor and not get white ash is easily rebuttled by "giving it a proper cure mends all". This also makes sense because curing is breaking down the compounds inside the buds which are the chemicals that have been stored during the grow.

I'm no scientist or scholar but I would like to make an assumption... If you have more in your weed- Chemicals or nutes or whatever. It should store longer and retain or at least have flavor over a longer period of time vs flushing and storing. What I am essentially saying is they will both break down in storage and you will lose taste in both but since you achieved desired taste faster in the flushed product it will be less desirable down the line after longer storage periods. I have no proof and this is all speculation. I have done no test is this is not for people to take as valid information.

I digress. this thread is for search purposes for those who want to learn to flush in DWC...

Flushers wanted with methods!


Well-Known Member
This thread was never for debate... Only "how to" purposes.
From what I have been reading for the past few hours makes all of this seem very simple. People who flush essentially begin the metabolic breakdowns in their plant earlier before drying and curing. Thus creating a smokable herb with smoothness minus the lenghthy curing timetable to achieve desirable smoke. While it may produce the better taste quicker I see problems with this method for longer storage purposes.

The whole debate that if you dont flush your plant it will have harsh nute flavor and not get white ash is easily rebuttled by "giving it a proper cure mends all". This also makes sense because curing is breaking down the compounds inside the buds which are the chemicals that have been stored during the grow.

I'm no scientist or scholar but I would like to make an assumption... If you have more in your weed- Chemicals or nutes or whatever. It should store longer and retain or at least have flavor over a longer period of time vs flushing and storing. What I am essentially saying is they will both break down in storage and you will lose taste in both but since you achieved desired taste faster in the flushed product it will be less desirable down the line after longer storage periods. I have no proof and this is all speculation. I have done no test is this is not for people to take as valid information.

I digress. this thread is for search purposes for those who want to learn to flush in DWC...

Flushers wanted with methods!
Well if you start a thread on how to use nitrogen to turn buds blue, somebody has to tell you it's physiologically impossible. Same here, discussing different ways to do something that doesn't even happen makes it irrelevant to discuss how to do it, since the reason WHY to do it doesn't exist. But I can tell you more or less just don't want me posting anything that discredits flushing anymore, so I won't after this. I just feel the need to point out that NOTHING has ever proven flushing to be an effective way to rid your buds of ANYTHING toxic, distasteful, or whatever else. It stops the plant from taking up MORE nutrients by removing access to them, but doesn't cause the plant to work in reverse like you believe. I gave the best layman's version of the technical information I have access to(you're more than welcome to look for peer-reviewed studies to the contrary, I have and failed, I have no vested interest in anyone flushing or not and am simply trying to make sure the FACTS are understood before generalizations and assumptions are made, since a conclusion based on false info is likely even more false)

The 'cure fixes all' mentality is applicable to the concept of drowning a plant in water that I already mentioned, and which you reiterated. But flushing is totally different and DOESNT start those processes.You're talking about trying to flush all the salts out of your medium to force your plants to use their stored energy instead of being able to take more in. Why? Also, flushing seems useless in a water medium, doesnt it? "flushing" in DWC is nothing more than pulling out the nutrient solution. You can't do it so simply with soil, you have to run enough water through to pull all the ions and salts out with it. And for THAT, there is certain merit to having something like EDTA in your flushing agent because it binds to metals(mn, mg, ca mostly from what I recall) and pulls them out. But if you can just remove the entire solution and replace it with water, what need is there for EDTA that would bind to something that isn't there?

And the concept of pulling "extra nutes" by making the plant use its stored energy does nothing for flowers. The plant doesn't change what it does just because you removed nutrients. It just starves, because its still alive. You're trying to 'use up' nutrients in the leaves when you flush. Why? What does having more nitrogen in your leaf tissue have to do with your flower tissue?

So, "drowning" has been proven to kick-start some of the processes we try to induce through curing, but "flushing" in the way you speak of it is a physiological impossibility, and therefore does nothing to your buds while it stresses and starves the plant.

Good luck with however you choose to finish your plants.

edit: to add real quick, the chemicals/nutes that are stored and "supposedly" removed during flushing are different than the terpenoids and cannabinoids that you want to develop during a cure or by drowning, and which affect flavor/smell. I think this misconception is what leads so many people to believe that flushing works.


Well-Known Member
Well if you start a thread on how to use nitrogen to turn buds blue, somebody has to tell you it's physiologically impossible. Same here, discussing different ways to do something that doesn't even happen makes it irrelevant to discuss how to do it, since the reason WHY to do it doesn't exist.
Makes no sense what so ever considering flushing does what it says. Rids your medium of nutes forcing the plant to feed off itself.

I dont understand what the debate is about. Flushing does what it says. It pretty much has to thats how biology works. If the plant has nothing to feed on it will feed on itself starting with the leaves. People who use nutrients are simply looking for their plant to feed naturally off itself for the last couple of weeks or days for however long they choose to flush. Instead of the roots doing conversion from medium to stem its just working from stored nutrients already converted which is a more natural process for the plant itself. I dont understand why this is hard to undersand. Curing is bascially doing the same thing just after the fact. Why debate any of this. Saying your plant is starving while flushing is like saying your plant is starving while hang drying. If you think your plant can produce more or get bigger buds as it ages then why harvest it ever. Non of these arguements make sense. People flush when they know their plant is pretty much done...


Well-Known Member
Makes no sense what so ever considering flushing does what it says. Rids your medium of nutes forcing the plant to feed off itself.

I dont understand what the debate is about. Flushing does what it says. It pretty much has to thats how biology works. If the plant has nothing to feed on it will feed on itself starting with the leaves. People who use nutrients are simply looking for their plant to feed naturally off itself for the last couple of weeks or days for however long they choose to flush. Instead of the roots doing conversion from medium to stem its just working from stored nutrients already converted which is a more natural process for the plant itself. I dont understand why this is hard to undersand. Curing is bascially doing the same thing just after the fact. Why debate any of this. Saying your plant is starving while flushing is like saying your plant is starving while hang drying. If you think your plant can produce more or get bigger buds as it ages then why harvest it ever. Non of these arguements make sense. People flush when they know their plant is pretty much done...
Yes, flushing works to starve your plants. NOTHING else. Not curing, not getting rid of any toxins or chemicals in the flowers, NOTHING. You say you dont want to debate it but you continue to just tell me I'm wrong, without actually addressing any of the numerous facts I've given you that make your entire stance incorrect and summing it up with "makes no sense" and "I dont understand". That's about as much as I need to see to stop any conversation with anyone, you can pretty easily google this shit to find out for yourself, I've explained it once and now its up to you to either absorb or ignore. Provide just one shred of peer-reviewed evidence that disagrees with ANYTHING I've said. Until then, youre first 3 words sums up why you don't agree. Just because it doesnt make sense to you doesn't mean it isnt true.


Well-Known Member
lol right? Its like leaves on a live plant and flowers from a harvested plant are the same thing to this guy...Flushing to remove stored nutrients from leaves that get cut off anyway is somehow now the same as curing flowers to help release/degrade terpenoids and cannabinoids.


Well-Known Member
lol right? Its like leaves on a live plant and flowers from a harvested plant are the same thing to this guy...Flushing to remove stored nutrients from leaves that get cut off anyway is somehow now the same as curing flowers to help release/degrade terpenoids and cannabinoids.
Your pretty smug and say you have stated FACTS, but you have not. You have re-stated other peoples opinions and your own. As well as nonsensical metaphorical jargon and plenty of useless rhetoric. If it were fact no one would ever flush at all. There would be no chemicals that assist in flush either. Its only common sense that in the final stages of a plants life it will ensure the maturation of its flowers. You cannot dissprove that. From the day you put your seed in whatever medium and start to grow it has already begun to die. Flushing used to rippen buds vs harvesting and curing to rippen can be debated for eternity. Just seems odd that you are so sure that flushing does "nothing" when the description of what it does is very similar to a fruit on a tree beginning to rippen. You also keep stating it only deprives your plant of nutes and nothing else. How can that even be possible? How can you only deprive a plant of nutes? Something else has to happen inside of the plant just besides "Starving"! In the final stages of your plant it is not using a ton of nutes from your medium anyway. You act like your plants get nutes while drying or something. whats wrong with using up what the plant has stored in the leaves? Also, with the nutes being removed is something happening, but yet you keep saying "Nothing"is happening. Your arguement has no base. Tell me this. If you can visually see on your buds when it is most ripe then what is the purpose of curing at all? Why not just dry and store away and be done with it? Its a rippening process that has to take place. Im familiar enough with terpenoids and cannabinoids to know that flushing your plant does not disturb that process. I mean if it did nobody would ever flush or even talk about flushing. We are talking about quality of smoke when it comes to flushing. Flavor, and burn highlighting that particular grading scale.
For people to say they taste chlorophyll only reitterates that the composition of smokable bud has not degraded to desirable level. Whether it can be tasted or not is from individual to individual. Not everyone can even smell "stinky" pee after they eat asparugus so its foolish to make generalizations on whether everyone can tatse the same kind of smoke when inhaling marijuana.
Some people in this world are just born with more sensitive receptors in their body which may make certain unflushed bud more harsh and cause them to cough or have unfavorable taste. You write off flushing for flavor or smoothness as if it is some sort of myth but cant possibly understand the variables it would take to disprove it. That is why I say you are smug. Not only smug but foolish as well.

Not only does your arguement go in circles and not make any sense you couldn't even understand the purpose of this thread without attacking it with your dumbass opinions. Why would anyone listen to you when you cant even comprehend a title. You thought this was some kind of debate when the title says in big dumb fuck words- TUTORIAL: How to... Not lets debate flushing. Not only are you smug but your an asshole as well.


Well-Known Member
Starting any flush debate is going to get relatively nowhere on this board. Everyone has an opinion about it and refuses to acknowledge anything else. I've seen 0 scientific evidence that allowing a plant to starve before harvest improves anything about it, so I see no reason to do it. I also dont load my plants with salts and redundant boosters for 3 months before harvest so I don't have the build-ups that many people have. The only 'flush' I do is to run plain RO water in my system for 6-24 hours between res changes depending on convenience and growth stage (longer flush later in life cycle during higher feeding levels). It prevents any build ups and my plants don't see any deficiencies because of it.

Somewhat related, there's evidence out there that 'drowning' a plant can cause fermentation to begin early and therefore allow the plant a slower process of developing the terpenoids, cannabinoids, etc. This is done by either submersing a soil plant into a tub of water, or just shutting off air pumps in dwc. Keep in mind that DO can take a day or 2 to come out of the water, so a 2 day 'drowning' in DWC may only actually be a few hours of true oxygen deprivation. Also, that evidence doesn't say the drowning needs to be done after starving a plant. Non-marijuana growers generally like healthy plants until the end. Not sure why so many people believe we're such a unique group.

/\ He flushes his plants...lol wtf

Ok how about I say "I flush my plants at the end of its flower cycle to use up all of the nutrients it has previously stored. It prevents the plant from dying with stored nutrients inside and my buds dont see any deficiencies because of it." ??? That better?


Well-Known Member
lol success. Read the first 2 sentences of my first response. Thats you buddy!! Just another one who had to resort to ad hominem because you cant CORRECTLY argue the information in front of you(nice try, half of what you wrote in that essay was completely wrong). Do some reading sometime....more than 'a few hours'. Done here until you understand how to at least use google. And apparently +1 for me, since I'm just a foolish smug asshole here to tout my opinion(read: peer-reviewed journals' findings) as fact. I'll let you spew about your better tasting buds that cure completely on the plant because of your starvation methods/magnesium flush products now. One more ignorant for the ignore list.


Well-Known Member
lol success. Read the first 2 sentences of my first response. Thats you buddy!! Just another one who had to resort to ad hominem because you cant CORRECTLY argue the information in front of you(nice try, half of what you wrote in that essay was completely wrong). Do some reading sometime....more than 'a few hours'. Done here until you understand how to at least use google. And apparently +1 for me, since I'm just a foolish smug asshole here to tout my opinion(read: peer-reviewed journals' findings) as fact. I'll let you spew about your better tasting buds that cure completely on the plant because of your starvation methods/magnesium flush products now. One more ignorant for the ignore list.
Since he is so called gone for the third fourth or fifth time. Lets elaborate on his last statement/\

He says half of what I argued was wrong. I can admit when I'm wrong and I did at the end of what I wrote saying it was not tested and all speculation. I have done my fair share of reading articles, books, mags etc... I mean I've been on this site longer than him. He says I cant use google... The purpose of this thread was to create key words in the title for the search Engine of "this" site. I found links back to this site using google that dont even show up when you do a search on the site itself. He was too busy trying to debunct flushing to understand I could care less about its debated effective ness. And +1 rep for him. I could care less about your lackey ass followers who only want to cosign your dumb asshole opinions. Peer reviewed facts are only facts until a new theory takes precedent. Non of that really interest me. I go off real life situation and experience.

He still doesn't understand what the purpose of this thread is or should I say was until he personally sabotaged and derailed it... Now he is ignoriong me...lol Your opinion on flushing was never requested here my friend ignore all you want haha...