Sad to Say, I ended my grow....


Well-Known Member
:cry::cry::cry:After a great few months of growing AK47, I made the choice to cut them down and get rid of the evidence. They only flowered for about 2 weeks and were just starting to develope buds.

I had to end the grow for several reasons. Besides that fact the House appraiser somehow discovered a strong odor of marijuana coming from a bedroom and told my landlord (and who knows who else). When I was asked if I was smoking marijuana, I gladly replied YES and told her, I wouldn't do it anymore in her home.... I think the Home appraiser was a bit smarter then her and probibly saw the lights as well. I had no Idea He was coming untill the nock on the door this morning at 9:00am. I work Nights, So I was sound asleep. Infact I thought it was the police. I told him my baby was sleeping in that room and he couldn't go in. It looked like a tanning bed was on from the light coming under the door, no one could sleep through that.

I was also going on a long vacation, starting in june till end of august. This will give me a bit more time to get everything cleaned up and packed up before I go.

My neighbors have been acting a bit suspicious as well. about two weeks ago I caught him in my backyard in the middle of the night. He said he was looking for his cat. His cat is left outside all hours of the day, summer and winter. He certainly doesn't care about looking for it... His wife works as a receptionist at the Police station. She is always watching me, when I'm out in the garden, or on my porch.

Maybe I'm paranoid, Maybe not. Better save then sorry.

Plus, what was I going to do with all my weed, after I move and then go on vacation for 3 months.........I really had no Intention to sell it...

So, I cut down and dispossed of 7 AK47 about 3 feet tall each. 32, Low Life autoflowering AK47 only a few weeks old, 2 Shitty bagseed plants, about 2 feet tall.

So, now im going to cry myself to sleep, and dream of the green beauties I once had.......BOOOOWHOOOOO:cry::cry::cry:

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
wow man that sucks real bad.

You have a good mind frame though. Its best to do what you did even though I imagine it was very hard.In the long run you did the right thing! Particularly because your neighbors sound pretty sketchy.

Its not worth getting into trouble over. Best of luck on your future grows!



Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man. But from what you said, it really sounded like the right decision. I applaud your level headed-ness and your resolve, especially so close to the end. But better to have a short term loss than a long term legal entanglement. After you move, hopefully you can work towards getting yourself in a position to grow 3x what you lost with very little risk.


Well-Known Member
I just wasn't feeling safe anymore, especialy with the kids in the house. If I went to jail, what would they do.... It hurts, but I think it was for the best....


Well-Known Member
Thats good you did that! Especially with a vacation and all that coming up. Time spent in jail definately isn't a vacation.

One guy on here got into it with his room mates, they told him to get rid of his shit and he didn't listen. People on here told him to get rid of his shit and he didn't listen. Talk about hard headed! Long story short that fucking lame got busted!

I know its hard to cut down a grow (had to hack 60) but fuck it! Better than trying to explain that to the judge!


Well-Known Member
Thats good you did that! Especially with a vacation and all that coming up. Time spent in jail definately isn't a vacation.

One guy on here got into it with his room mates, they told him to get rid of his shit and he didn't listen. People on here told him to get rid of his shit and he didn't listen. Talk about hard headed! Long story short that fucking lame got busted!

I know its hard to cut down a grow (had to hack 60) but fuck it! Better than trying to explain that to the judge!
True, True. I have both a feeling of disapointment along with a feeling of relief.
I was in jail for 3 years from 1999-2002 and since then, cleaned up my act. The judge wouldn't care about my outstanding behavior for the past 6 years. They only see the word felon and send you right back. I couldn't take any chance. I promised my girl and kids I wouldn't go back. I'm keeping that promise. If I do go back, It sure ain't gonna be for some weed.

It was just getting to risky to continue. Maybe I can use all these lights I have and Make a Tanning Bed??


Well-Known Member
shit ill buy them off you haha, or trade you :blsmoke:
I'll have a new place of residence in aug or sept. I'm sure I'll use them again. Maybe give it some better planning next time. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait till December or so till I can get another harvest..

It's all for the better though. I was getting a bit more nervous then I should be. It was starting to effect my work and home life. Even before this morning, I was having a hardtime sleeping. I kept waiting for that knock at the door...


Active Member
as i say couldve allways been worse. so look on the (1000w) bright day my friend we will look bak on this and have the biggest laugh......


Well-Known Member
that was very intelligent of you. people not minding their own business sure gets old. good luck in the future.


Well-Known Member
Hey I feel the same just put away the 250 and cleaned up the rest of the stuff,im stopping until I move. Sure it sucks but it should get better.


Active Member
Props man, your a smart man just pay for and ounce go on vaca and live it up..300 bucks is well worth not going to jail for years


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the positive feedback. I really do appreaciate it. It makes me feel much better. I was reluctant to post about closing up the shop, but I'm now glad I did. I'm not a paranoid person. Somthing inside just told me, I better quit now, before the shit hit the fan. I just look at it as a small delay, I have the rest of life to Grow. Once I get back and find a good appartment (hopefully, some what more seclueded). I'll be back, and with all the knowledge I have learned here at RIU, sure to have a sugsessful grow.

The truth is, I probibly only out like 200 bucks. I still have all the supplies I bought. So what If I lost seeds, dirt and some electical costs. I still have my freedom.

I'm gonna laugh my balls off if the police come in with a warrent or some shit like that. Hell, maybe even get myself a lawsuit against them for somthing. I have nothing here that is Specific to marijuana. I could have been growing tomatos for all they know..

But seriously, Thanks again.
I couldn't of done this without everyones help.

Ceestyle, thanks again man, you really helped me out before (twice)
They were looking great. Green, Bushy, Perky, All around healthy. Now their all dead...BOOOOWHOOO. Just joking...


Well-Known Member
well, now you'll be ready to roll when it's time.

let us all look at this thread and the one where the dude got picked as a right and wrong way to do things.

RIU will be here for you when you return ... and shit, those LEDs might be working by the time the seeds hit the soil again.



Well-Known Member
I applaud your decision, especially being a convicted felon that would make it 2 strikes I think.
Fortunity, In Massachusetts we don't have a three strike rule like Cali does. But if we did, this would have been the third. Back in 99 they charged me with two seperate felony drug charges on one arrest. Pricks. Grant it, I was a dumb kid, It still sucked.

I was young, stupid and had shitty friends back then. If you think taking the heat for a group of your friends is a loyal thing to do, think again. I figured I was in trouble anyway, why should they get caught. I spent 3 year behind bars, for them.

Don't rat on your friends, but don't take blame for anyone elses shit either...


Well-Known Member
well, now you'll be ready to roll when it's time.

let us all look at this thread and the one where the dude got picked as a right and wrong way to do things.

RIU will be here for you when you return ... and shit, those LEDs might be working by the time the seeds hit the soil again.

I won't need them, I only going to pick an appartment, with an extra room with no window, and I place I can hook up a great big Carbon filter and ventilation system.

If I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do it in STYLE.....



Well-Known Member
If it were me? I'm now growing some lovely orchids and maybe a bonsai and I "accidentally" let the neighbors keep sneaking peeks. See how that shit plays out after the raid.

Secondly, you need to reign some shit in. Neither the landlord nor his agents have 24-hour-a-day non-emergency access to your home. I guarantee that dude did not just pop in on the landlord and said hey dude, can I check your shit out? It was scheduled. You deserve at least the same courtesy, legally and morally. Nor do you allow people to creep around your backyard and peek into your windows - cop connection or not. A video camera in your backyard could get some very important videotape for you. If not for the dope then just for your peace of mind, no?

P.s. Good bye. I hope to see you back.