4 way LST - Too Late?

I've attached pictures of my plant and setup. I've just topped it yesterday.

I wanted to try the 4 way LST technique but i'm afraid that she is too big / tall and i can't do it anymore. From the tutorial i've read i have to bend the 2 tops that will form after topping all the way to the soil, and it seems too far away ( and they're not even formed ATM).

Should i still try the 4 way LST technique or i should just LST her on one side and just circle around the pot? I use CFL and i want to grow the plant horizontally as much as i can.

Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
you can do it what your thinking about doing is exactly what i did works great your plant is even smaller than mine when i started


Well-Known Member
what are your temps and do you have intake and outake by the looks of your leaves it looks a lil hot in there


Well-Known Member
what are your temps and do you have intake and outake by the looks of your leaves it looks a lil hot in there

Does look like higher temps in ur setup. That plant is hardly too big to lst. Have at it.
what are your temps and do you have intake and outake by the looks of your leaves it looks a lil hot in there
I forgot the heat on in that room 2 days ago, but now its fine. I don't have intake, i just open my window once a day for fresh air. Soon i plan to purchase a
n air purifier to fix the smell and bad air.