New To Growing


Well-Known Member
Unless they're autos, you have a while till you can tell sex. Roughly 6 weeks from now.
That's with a 1 month veg time.


Well-Known Member
keep your cfl (assuming that's what your using) about 1-2 inches above the tops. this will allow for a bushier, squattier plant and minimizes unnecessary stretch.


keep your cfl (assuming that's what your using) about 1-2 inches above the tops. this will allow for a bushier, squattier plant and minimizes unnecessary stretch.
yea i am how many cfl bulbs should i be using and being so close like you said i should do will not kill my plants ? even do the fans inside is moving air in and out nicely

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
They look good man nothing wrong now. Do not wate them alot make sure the soil dries up by well, not just the top, at least 1or 2 inches down. over watering will cause major problems and even death. Just let them be and google marijuana growing tips andread a little about it.


Well-Known Member
Just google it. Indica is shorter, faster and more relaxed high. Sativa is taller longer flowering and a head high. These are generalities. Perlite is a soil amendment to improve drainage. Indica has fat leaves and sativa skinny. You could have males btw..can't tell for awhile.


Well-Known Member
From the seedlings...who cares. Grow those girls for a while. or a least a couple weeks. I agree with more perlite.


They look good man nothing wrong now. Do not wate them alot make sure the soil dries up by well, not just the top, at least 1or 2 inches down. over watering will cause major problems and even death. Just let them be and google marijuana growing tips andread a little about it.
Thxs a lot man


Just google it. Indica is shorter, faster and more relaxed high. Sativa is taller longer flowering and a head high. These are generalities. Perlite is a soil amendment to improve drainage. Indica has fat leaves and sativa skinny. You could have males btw..can't tell for awhile.
Thxs for the info learning more every day and I hope there not males but if they are then I know there useless and this is my 1st grow its hard to get fem seeds here in the east side of the us I wish it was easy but I guess this is how I will learn I just want one baby for my self lol


Active Member
shiiit, im on my first grow and if even 1 of my bitches turned male id pollinate em all and get hella seeds and guerilla grow like a sav next season

GL nunezj