debate #2 bla bla bla

i just checked all the talking heads, the coulters, the wills, the ingrahams, the krauthammers, the MSNBC crew...

general agreement is that obama won.

my personal feeling is that obama won, too. not as good a win as romney in the first debate, but slightly better than biden beat ryan in that insignificant yet fun debate.

obama has been starting to climb the polls again in the days leading up to this debate after a larger than expected bounce for romney, i do believe we're going to see the sock puppet, crayon loving crew start to talk about skewed polls again.

i think this just raises the stakes for debate three, thereby making one of my original predictions in this thread look stupid. oh well.

this was supposed to be romney's to win, then it appeared to be obama's to win, then it appeared to be tied, now...who knows?

overall, a fun election. although it is hurting my productivity with respect to trimming.
They'd champion Romney if he was on his knees blowing Obama's cock, saying "see how good he deepthroated! Dude's way better than Obama at it!".

So I couldn't give a damn less what these idiots say...
They'd champion Romney if he was on his knees blowing Obama's cock, saying "see how good he deepthroated! Dude's way better than Obama at it!".

So I couldn't give a damn less what these idiots say...

would have lolrept that for the imagery and truth, but i gotta spread the love in similar fashion to romney on his knees spreading love.
would have lolrept that for the imagery and truth, but i gotta spread the love in similar fashion to romney on his knees spreading love.
How come Obama didn't ask Romney about the battle against the Death Star (the battle that his religion claims all white people were the "good guys" in)? I mean they do claim to be reincarnated or some other equally mad shit, don't they?

Thatd make for far more entertaining television.
Obama and romney both sounded very anti gun tonight which is discerning at the very least and is bugging the fuck out of me, obama says reinstate the clinton assault weapons ban? what the fuck for? safer? hahah havent we had enough nerfing of our red blooded patriotic society its sick that these globalist will stop at nothing, Watch this shit. Nut up or shut up.The 2nd American revolution seems eminent.

wow you got to be kidding me, and what did romney say?
Obama won. It wasn't a thrashing, but he won. Romney stuck his head out too many times and it came back on him. The "terrorist" thing getting thrown back in his face, Obama calling him shameful for making such remarks, Obama successfully dodging the gun running thing, and when Romney mentioned the "I care about 100%", he set himself up really bad for the "47%" thing to be brought up again. If Romney had won, it might have finally gotten him in the lead, but for now Obama will get a tiny bump from this. I'll be interested to see how the third one plays out, but this was the big test.

I'm no Obama fan, but whoever thinks Romney should be president needs to get a fucking clue. Anyone who has any respect for the less fortunate, minorities, women, or the poor really needs to get off of the Republican's cartoonishly-evil cocks and wisen up. They honestly want to bring the country back into the dark ages just to put Christian symbols in your state courthouses and make sure that your wife can't get contraceptives.
How come Obama didn't ask Romney about the battle against the Death Star (the battle that his religion claims all white people were the "good guys" in)? I mean they do claim to be reincarnated or some other equally mad shit, don't they?

Thatd make for far more entertaining television.

Wow, your understanding of the LDS religion is very poor.
What you talking about? When you die, the mormon royality get to live on Coruscant, the mormon plebes on Tatooine and the bad mormons who don't tithe on Dagobah.
obama has been starting to climb the polls again in the days leading up to this debate after a larger than expected bounce for romney, i do believe we're going to see the sock puppet, crayon loving crew start to talk about skewed polls again.


Just heard from one of them, you!