The Ex-Wife

OK, so we're still somewhat friendly (she lives across the country now), and we email every few months or so.

Decided to share my grow journal w/ her.

Received this email reply:

I will write you in prison.

you are too smart to act like a fucking moron.


Wow, really?

A fucking moron?

Sorry I shared.

No more grow updates for YOU !

Please tell me you didn't really tell an ex that? Better lay off growing a couple seasons or do guerrilla.
Please tell me you didn't really tell an ex that? Better lay off growing a couple seasons or do guerrilla.
I agree. Also an ex is an ex for a reason right? Why give the one person you divorced power like that over you? Just share your grows with the people that like seeing it most with...US. :)
Dude, seriously. Informing an ex about illegal activities? I'm guessing y'all didn't have kids.

But in case it hasn't been suggested before, if yer gonna do something illegal (and it is, State ambiguity notwithstanding) you need to have the capacity to keep it secret. cn
Thanks, had that assessment today already. We're fully stocked up on snotty arses around here.

I'm commiserating with you. Not a pot grow but been there and done that with an ex before. About an issue at work (both medical). Came back to bite me on the ass quickly. After that my advice is like some above - "An ex is an ex for a reason".
Well,...your day (and night) just got more tedious and interesting. You know what you have to do to protect yourself and grow......


When it is done, tell NO ONE!
The really bad part is a spouse (or ex) are great witnesses the cops use to convince a judge to issue a search warrant.
(removed due to overwhelming popularity of the comments contained....)
dude, why would you go and share your grow journal with your ex?! that's what RIU is for, sharing and keeping your anonymity. why sell yourself out? you one of them dudes that can't keep a secret huh, lol. goodluck with the ex bro.
The really bad part is a spouse (or ex) are great witnesses the cops use to convince a judge to issue a search warrant.

I totally agree, At a buddy's trial one of the cops that busted him after he was denounce by is ex bitch actually says that those frustrated ex wife & girlfriend were the best informant they have. My buddy's ex add some serious mental issues (bi-polar when not depressive) so for her denouncing him was a way to get custody of their child cause without that accusation the divorce court would have send the child with him.
Lesson to you younguns...

Hell Hath NO Furry, Like a Woman Scorned

Truer words were never spoken. When you are done with a woman (or she is doen with you), move the hell on and don't look back.