when the bud gets matured


Well-Known Member
Its wrong because outdoors plants start flowering/budding according to certain times of the year such as winter soltice.

The axial tilt of Earth and gyroscopic effects of the planet's daily rotation keep the axis of rotation pointed at the same point in the sky. As the Earth follows its orbit around the Sun, the same hemisphere that faced away from the Sun, experiencing winter, will, in half a year, face towards the Sun and experience summer. Since the two hemispheres face opposite directions along the planetary pole, as one polar hemisphere experiences winter, the other experiences summer.
More evident from high latitudes, a hemisphere's winter solstice occurs on the shortest day and longest night of the year, when the sun's daily maximum elevation in the sky is the lowest.[SUP][5][/SUP] Since the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, other terms are often used for the day on which it occurs, such as "midwinter", "the longest night", "the shortest day" or ""the first day of winter". The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.
A new research discovered it: a protein that works like a long-distance messenger from leaf to shoot-tip signaling the moment when the plant must flower.

The investigation, led in Arabidopsis plants, revealed how the mechanism is triggered as a response to day length changes.
Previous researches guessed the existence of this messenger and showed that the plants' leaves detected seasonal changes in day length, sending a long-distance signal through the plant's vascular system to the shoot apex, but the culpable chemical had remained elusive.

The mixed team from Imperial College London and the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne detected a protein baptized as Flowering Locus T Protein (FT protein), synthesized in leaves.

When FT protein reaches the shoot apex, it turns on the genes implied in flowering.

The research team was able to track the progress of the protein through the plant by tagging it with a green fluorescent protein originally isolated from jellyfish, allowing it to be detected in living tissues using highly sensitive microscope systems.

The team grafted two plants together, and one of them presented the gene for a fluorescent FT protein. This permitted the researchers to track down the route of the FT protein from synthesis location in the leaves of one plant into the other plant.

The FT gene is turned on by another gene, baptized CONSTANS, sensitive to changes in day length.

"This could be a really important breakthrough in plant science. Since the 1930s when it first became clear that something was communicating the perception of changes in day length in leaves to the shoot apex, and causing flowering, scientists have been trying to work out exactly how this mechanism works." said author Dr Colin Turnbull from Imperial College London's Division of Biology.

"Over the past couple of years several labs made exciting discoveries all pointing to the FT gene being central to controlling flowering time. Now that we have been able to track FT protein moving from its source in leaves to its destination in the shoot tip, we have a plausible explanation for how plants respond to day length. Parallel work in Japan shows very similar mechanisms operating in rice, so there is immediate potential to translate research into practical benefits for food crops. The ability to control flowering is of enormous commercial significance across food and non-food species, for example extending production seasons or designing plants better adapted to changing climate."


Active Member
Its wrong because outdoors plants start flowering/budding according to certain times of the year such as winter soltice.
WHATEVERRRRRRR.. Who cares about weeks. 123-456 what ever all that does is put false hope. Oh im on week eight lets chop. ITs always a rough estimate and no one is 100% accurate. Its just a simple old school method used by many.


Active Member
well your right summer solstace will trigger the flowering but you dont count the days from that day. All i simply said was you start counting when you feel confident you see a flower. Even then your off bye a few days.


Active Member
"Oh its the summer solstice my plants flowering".. IGNORANT,,, Stop trying to prove something when theres nothing to prove. All you do is copy other peoples shit. You have no words of your own. Everything i said is factual evidence created from my research and experience. Go ahead and plagiarize all you want doesnt prove me wrong you just add to everything ive stated.


Well-Known Member
well your right summer solstace will trigger the flowering but you dont count the days from that day. All i simply said was you start counting when you feel confident you see a flower. Even then your off bye a few days.
No, once again your wrong. Your not off by a couple days, when you see those flowers your off by a couple weeks at the least and its even explained in grow vids as well as books, so the vids and books are wrong as well as all the scientific information and your right aye?.....:roll:


Well-Known Member
"Oh its the summer solstice my plants flowering".. IGNORANT,,, Stop trying to prove something when theres nothing to prove. All you do is copy other peoples shit. You have no words of your own. Everything i said is factual evidence created from my research and experience. Go ahead and plagiarize all you want doesnt prove me wrong you just add to everything ive stated.
I copy correct info some gathered by actual scientists, unlike you who is just spewing some random rubbish that you believe therefore in your imagination it is correct. My info is proven fact, yours is the ignorant rubbish that your trying to say is mine.. Thank you and have a nice day im done with your gibberish.


Active Member
I copy correct info some gathered by actual scientists, unlike you who is just spewing some random rubbish that you believe therefore in your imagination it is correct. My info is proven fact, yours is the ignorant rubbish that your trying to say is mine.. Thank you and have a nice day im done with your gibberish.
What ever bro you got me. You win.. All i was simply saying was go by weeks from first sign of first flower. All the books i read all the forums i search is where that came from. Sure i may not be some labcoat scientist i just posted my method of telling age and simply answered his question. You came out of no where and just shut that down. For no reason i know many growers who count weeks from first visible flower and harvest when the trichs say too. Weeks dont mean shit to me as i said befor. You say 10 i say 8 either way its gonna get harvested when the trichs tell me too. All that genetic crap doesnt mean anything to me when i have a 60-100x mag in my hand looking at Milky heads. Your right in every way youve said. And i guess my method is flawd when it comes to counting weeks. But i dont count weeks.


Well-Known Member
what a cry baby... i see valid points being made by newbie9, and a bunch of hoity toity quotes that i didn't read...
Well good for you, im sure mommy is proud mate. :roll:

This was done and over with and now your beating on a dead horse to try and cause trouble, dude already made a new thread and has moved on from this... You guys try to make me out to be the bad guy but im not the one calling names, im just the one quoting proven scientific facts. I guess the one with more knowledge is bad/dangerous you got me im the outlaw here huh LMAO. Goodnight, plz if you reply at least come with something that bears some type of logic instead of "your a cry baby" because sticks and stones may break my bones but your names will never hurt me..


Active Member
good shit bro were on both sides of the fence here and my words althoughh well meant, may not have had 100% up to date facts. This forum isnt the place for all that drama. I changed my OP calling you a dumbass because i had no right and that insult was no where near the truth, if you are a dumbass then im just str8 up retarded.. Ive learned alot of shit from you guys these past weeks. Hope to learn more. HappyGrowing.


Well-Known Member
good shit bro were on both sides of the fence here and my words althoughh well meant, may not have had 100% up to date facts. This forum isnt the place for all that drama. I changed my OP calling you a dumbass because i had no right and that insult was no where near the truth, if you are a dumbass then im just str8 up retarded.. Ive learned alot of shit from you guys these past weeks. Hope to learn more. HappyGrowing.
Hey, when ppl are passionate about something and they feel offended they will act accordingly not really thinking with a clear mind. I do apologize as well and your right this is supposed to be about growing and our love for it. Yes its a plethora of knowledge and alot of facts and info are a bit old. But you gotta see it like a buffet table, take what you like and try whats interesting. Everything else leave behind, its cool you stepped up and took the first move at mending the situation, I commend you for that. :D

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Newbie is correct. I plant all my outdoor around the same time in the spring. Each strain I have has a different preflower to flower time period and they initiate sometimes weeks apart. By mid July I start to see preflowers on some, not all. By mid august most have made or are making the transition. Normally by September 1st all have completely switched from pre to full on flower. Jeffdogg made it out like a light switch flips and every plant in the vicinity flowers in unison because it's equinox. With my indoor grows, i used to start counting the days of flower when I switched over to 12/12. I would always wonder why it was taking ten to 15 days longer than what the seed company stated. I am aware the companys fib on harvest dates at times but my runs were consistently late because i started the count too early. Also, keeping track of days is not the be all way to estimate harvest, but it's still very important. I race the calendar every year with the outdoor growing because of weather. Whenever i have a question about my plants on RIU, one of the first questions is "how many weeks along is it?", just another reason to count the days:) Shit, just noticed this is a year old thread, but I'm still going to post this.