Biology lesson.

Quick question, been bugging me all day long: Epigenetics. Have any epigenetic processes been documented and/or studied in any plant species? The only studies I know of involve human and lab subjects.
their are a ton of different sides to epigenetics, are you talking about the gene sequencing side of egpigenetics, or something else. epiepigenetics case studies were done on maize(corn) as far as i know. think i just read that in passing somewhere.
their are a ton of different sides to epigenetics, are you talking about the gene sequencing side of egpigenetics, or something else. epiepigenetics case studies were done on maize(corn) as far as i know. think i just read that in passing somewhere.

No, I think we'd all be more interested in the practical side of epigenetics, phenotypical expression.. yeah? By that I mean, for practical applications, we as growers might want to know for instance, if I feed mother with X, Y, Z nutrients, or deprive dad of micronutrients, how will that affect not only gene expression in parents, but their offspring and offspring's offspring? Would conditions the parent stock experienced during flowering and pollination and subsequent seed formation have any effect on physical expression in those child plants? THAT is what was bugging me at dawn.
now that is a more specific question, and that is also a good question for me to bring up and discuss in my thesis. that being said, i'm going to devote some energy into this one and do the question justice. i might not get back to you immediately on this one, but indeed i will try to find the most correct threories out of the peer review journals.
You've got some time. We're leaving for a good vacation, be gone 2 1/2 weeks and we're gonna be WAY the fuck out in the middle of the Pacific. No, even further than that. :D

My searches on Google Scholar net me this: epigenetic study plant - Google Scholar.
The second article looks intriguing, but I cannot access the entire article. We have a friend who's a chem prof at UCSC and I believe he's still working on hammerhead shark RNA between teaching courses (usually does his labs during summer), I should ask him about this stuff, eh?
I may as well post it here, not to initiate an argument but to inform -- Ghost420, do you realize that the reputation system only works via hits, not by what comments you leave? In other words, you may have found my response to you unconstructive (is that even a word?), but you've actually ADDED to my reputation. :D
wellllll, unfortunately, my school caught wind of my posting here at, which falls under the category of breaking the many documents i signed about confidentiality and legal what not.
so i regret to inform the faithful readers, i cant share ANYTHING on this forum, either related or unrelated to maryjane or science. im basically being banned from the forum under the authority of my school and for fear of expulsion from grad school. i feel like i am making a mature and necessary decision as well as admitting to myself that this sucks. haha.

either way i enjoyed my time here at
Happy growing, everyone.

p.s. you can google "phototropins in marijuana", and this thread is one of the first couple of hits, im guessing this is how my superiors got wind of my "information dissemination", if i may call it that. haha.
You've gotta be kidding us. Of course, we had no idea you signed ze paperz (paperz, what paperz?). You leaving entirely or what? And I assume that this means that you can't share anything even from your textbooks? Bummed.
yeah. given the nature of what im studying, the rules(i guess you can call them rules) are strict, and the liability, well you can imagine. i had a chit chat with my professor after i was ripped into by the bio department chair people. anyways, my professor explained the subtleties of how i can get into trouble as well as get the school in trouble. my future in biomedical research is riding this, so im not going to risk it.
there reasoning was that this forum, though the forum itself is not illegal(of course, freedom of speech and what not), is used to "glean information for illegal activity", which is a direct quote from the head chair. he is a completely understanding man who is trying to watch his ass and his department's federal funding.
i tried to argue that i was going to used this specific thread as a way to collaborate and make my final thesis more sound. but unfortunately "the nature of the forum, just wont fly with the law" to quote my professor.

so, after may 9 2008, if i so much as post a random string of letters (like asdflkjflkdlkfjfdsd) anywhere on this forum, im busted. and i did find out how they found out about RIU. just as i thought, they googled me and my studies and found it within the first couple of hits. (rofl, eff the internet.)

but i'll be back, oh yes. ill be back. in two years time, i will be back with more information than this community will be willing to grind through.

until then, so long, fare well.
they googled "phototropins in marijuana", this thread is one of the first couple of hits.
yeah. given the nature of what im studying, the rules(i guess you can call them rules) are strict, and the liability, well you can imagine. i had a chit chat with my professor after i was ripped into by the bio department chair people. anyways, my professor explained the subtleties of how i can get into trouble as well as get the school in trouble. my future in biomedical research is riding this, so im not going to risk it.
there reasoning was that this forum, though the forum itself is not illegal(of course, freedom of speech and what not), is used to "glean information for illegal activity", which is a direct quote from the head chair. he is a completely understanding man who is trying to watch his ass and his department's federal funding.
i tried to argue that i was going to used this specific thread as a way to collaborate and make my final thesis more sound. but unfortunately "the nature of the forum, just wont fly with the law" to quote my professor.

so, after may 9 2008, if i so much as post a random string of letters (like asdflkjflkdlkfjfdsd) anywhere on this forum, im busted. and i did find out how they found out about RIU. just as i thought, they googled me and my studies and found it within the first couple of hits. (rofl, eff the internet.)

but i'll be back, oh yes. ill be back. in two years time, i will be back with more information than this community will be willing to grind through.

until then, so long, fare well.

We'll miss you! I understand, ESPECIALLY given the nature of this particular forum. I'm sure it didn't take them long to find plenty that the feds would find all too objectionable. Also, to be honest, I'm amazed that you or the uni are even getting any funding that might allow ANY research into the devil weed at all.

I also work with another completely unrelated forum, and have done work in the past with another one, again, unrelated, both of which are used by researchers, profs, and husbandry professionals alike. Maybe you can find another such forum that may not be specific to this genus of plants, but where you might find a good sounding board nonetheless.

I wish you the very best of luck, good researching and good writing. And MOST of all, when you finally have your dissertation put together, good luck with your presentation. :)
YAR, im stealing this thread!

Well not really, just decided I was going to post a picture of the bike I am getting so I could show off to seamaiden :mrgreen:


Sweet! Now you're gonna have to give, all details, and what, if anything, you have planned for the new scoot. :)
Panhead's gotta see, too. Probably a few people here, I think there are one or two customizers on RIU.