Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

well im here to say this straight up. i would be interested in DC voltage in the soil in combination with quartz and other dielectric minerals.

also there is some science to particular sounds and electromagnetic properties i imagine the idea of these pyramids and crystals run along the same lines and is a fairly logical and cheap way to manipulate theses.

plus i just believe in positive energy, some forms of energy can only be explained by the actual connection between things, and not the energy itself. with this said you can believe in a god or no god yet still put off positive energy.

sometimes we make science overly complicated and fail to study simple objects tha can preform the same task at lesser levels, live the pyramids and shapes of things, in the universe, a mere mm or a planets position can affect so many things, i believe the same could be said on smaller level to.
well im here to say this straight up. i would be interested in DC voltage in the soil in combination with quartz and other dielectric minerals.

also there is some science to particular sounds and electromagnetic properties i imagine the idea of these pyramids and crystals run along the same lines and is a fairly logical and cheap way to manipulate theses.

plus i just believe in positive energy, some forms of energy can only be explained by the actual connection between things, and not the energy itself. with this said you can believe in a god or no god yet still put off positive energy.

sometimes we make science overly complicated and fail to study simple objects tha can preform the same task at lesser levels, live the pyramids and shapes of things, in the universe, a mere mm or a planets position can affect so many things, i believe the same could be said on smaller level to.

Welp. I tried praying to jesus and chanting around naked. But they didn't seem to work as much as the crystals and pyramids! ;-) Awesome links man!!! How could I forget about sound frequencies? It is great to finally get some real reactions on this thread. We will not reach 50% THC strains without progressive thinkers like ourselves. As we master and perfect current cannatechnology, such as LEDs, CO2 injection, and nutrients, we will also uncover completely new cannatechnologies in the next decade. In the beginning, these technologies will be shot down by the seasoned vets. How will we get to the next level of dank? The thing is, I have no fucking idea. I'm not positive that it will be with crystal energy technology. I'm just trying to get some ideas churning outside the box. The next generation of futuristic growing. Get ready for the dankest nugs imaginable.... because if there is one thing that we can ALL agree on.... it is that we all love the dankest nugs imaginable.
I just have a round-bottomed Voodoo mama to help chant and roll the bones. Works for me. Sometimes I reward her with trinkets, crystals and charms.
I have just the product for the Earth loving grower .. Its simple and there is no mystery to grounding inside plants to Mother Earth ..

For the record I do have a White Cloud Katchina Doll in my flower room and its a blessing no matter who calls American Indian Shamanic Witchcraft lmao
ill be honest even i take part of the voodoo i always keep a dream catcher above my grow so it catches my dreams of big dank nugs. im serious. do i beleive it will help? not because its a dream catcher but rather the thought it puts in my head is positive thereby having direct impact on me subconsciously imparting that positive energy into everything i do.

yeah but for the most part i stick to science, but sometimes myth has its place in science oddly enough.

yeah keep thinking outside the box. i imagine somehow making the pyramids vibrate or even electrically charging them could help you understand or even take it farther and actual make electromagnetic feilds with some power and even greater reaction in the plants..

here i got another example
what do you see when you look at that? i see a bunch of fucking pyramids.

anyways haters gonna hate. if it isnt science its not gonna work lol if that was true i think wed be fucked cause theorys arnt science.

anyways keep at it im interested if it has any effect.
I use meditation (Concentration) to handle the fear. No negative thoughts or emotions if one can control the mind and chose what to focus on.
+ the high gets much higher :)
Just reading the book - Cannabis and meditation, an explorers guide.

What I mean is when I get to that tipping point, when I'm about to go inside
that almost vertigoey feeling..staying awake whilst asleep...when its about to happen it doesn't feel right to be letting go whilst inebriated....thats all..i was taught to trust my instinct, if it don't feel right don't do it.....
Crystals and weed growing. I have been on a spiritual journey lately which has brought me to love the effects that different types of crystals can have on people and the energy that surrounds them. So I had an idea to use crystals in my grow room and I researched which crystals work best for plant growth. So I ordered a pyramid shaped moss agate (pyramid-shaped crystals contain even more energy) and also a whole pound of rough green calcite. I am going to put the moss agate pyramid in between the 2 buckets on the ground and scatter the pound of green calcite around the buckets and grow room. Here are the benefits of each stone:

“Moss agate is probably the most beneficial stone when you want increased plant growth. It is known as “the gardener's talisman” for this very reason. Moss agate is often used to attract prosperity and abundance. It's also a healing stone. This crystal is associated with nature spirits. Wearing moss agate while gardening can increase your energy, relieve a stiff neck, and “tune” you in to the energies of your garden. Placing moss agate stones in a container pot or in the ground will increase flower and plant growth. I made a moss agate wind chime suspended from three bamboo stakes tied together at the top and placed this “tee-pee” in a part of my garden where the Phlox weren't doing so well. Within a couple of weeks, I was overrun. A little goes a long way when it comes to crystals. If you have fruit trees, try hanging a small moss agate stone from one of the branches to promote a healthy harvest.”

"Another crystal useful in the garden is Green Calcite, a pale green stone that is said to belong to the small earth spirits of the woods and meadows. Offering a small stone with thanks to these elementals can result in a lush and beautiful garden. Green calcite is also a healing stone and is often used to calm and soothe. If your property is too loud, crowded or over active, you can place a green calcite crystal in a flowerpot or under a tree to soothe the area.”

There is a ton of info on the positive effects of crystals on gardening, but little to no info that is cannabis specific. I think I only found 1 report of somebody using crystals in their grow room and he said the effects were incredible and surprising. Anybody heard of this? I will let yall know how it goes when my crystals arrive!!!! :mrgreen:

you are caught up in some Illuminati satanic shit.....
ah, an led grow, all the voodoo in the world won't help you.

I understand your skepticism but LED is definitely where we are heading. It will be the norm within the next decade. Once we learn more about what frequencies the plants actually need, and then get some super legitimate companies making them affordable, I just don't see how they couldn't be the absolute best for plants. Im talking HIGH powered cannabis specific LEDs. No bullshit. People always mention trying to mimic nature, but this is the wrong path to take. We have the opportunity to be better than nature, CO2 injection for example. Becoming better than nature is the only way that the quality of buds will just keep on climbing. They certainly don't need the entire light range of the sun. Or HPS/MH lights either. So much wasted heat energy. Granted, my LED light probably does suck lol. Just wait till we get some seriously on point LED lights man. Don't give up on em!