Huel Perkins
Well-Known Member
How did the hearings go yesterday, any updates?
May I ask what Veteran's issues were touched upon?
Due to the fact this point in question is about benefits and not jail time nor denial of the medicine itself; I take it the cruel and unusual defense that was used in the landmark Robert Randal case can't be used as precedent?Plaintiff Michael Krawitz, a Gulf War veteran and medical marijuana patient, conveyed his struggle in managing his combat-related pain without relinquishing federally-mandated VA benefits under marijuana's current classification. Without access to medical marijuana, he stated he is in danger of destabilizing his overall health condition, a situation Krawitz has faced multiple times due to federal policy.
Edit ^^^^^^ cut n pasted not mine
To be honest, I don't know what the VA's policy is on Medical Marijuana. I am a patient but I usually just tell them no when they ask me if I use any illegal substances. Not worth the headache. I often wonder though if they test for drugs when obtaining blood to evaluate prescription drug levels without my permission.
but some aren't so lucky. some VA docs still refuse pts. and some VA docs can't recommend the MMJ.The VA changed their policy about MMJ in 2010. In the memo, they said that they will not discriminate against veterans who benefit from using marijuana in states where it is allowed. Specifically, they said they will no longer deny MMJ users organ transplants, or opiate drug prescriptions, or any other discrimination because they are also using marijuana. My VA doctors know all about my MMJ use.
but some aren't so lucky. some VA docs still refuse pts. and some VA docs can't recommend the MMJ.
so there are two problems to be addressed. the VA being allowed to recommend alternative care with MMJ or based on the patients wants. and the safety of patients still seeking care to not be dropped because of their mmj status.
Well said my friend!MJ is a banned substance under the UCMJ. Docs must understand vets are no longer subject to the UCMJ and respect their rights. Odd that we must give up our rights to serve this country, at least respect them once returned.
How did you approach it with them Rollie? That must have been kind of nerve racking. i'm no vet, but I'm scared to death that my pain clinic doc will figure out I smoke, and I could be black listed. That can't happen. Wish those people would get a grip.The VA changed their policy about MMJ in 2010. In the memo, they said that they will not discriminate against veterans who benefit from using marijuana in states where it is allowed. Specifically, they said they will no longer deny MMJ users organ transplants, or opiate drug prescriptions, or any other discrimination because they are also using marijuana. My VA doctors know all about my MMJ use.