Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012


Well-Known Member
Hey Angry...I have had some things come up this week and will be unable to give you your wedding present 'pre' wedding. So just know that you have some killer strawberry cheesecake coming your way. This isn't just any cheesecake - it is my grandma's and it is the best ever! I will add strawberries for you. Of course, ahem, my version will be edible for you.

So how's that for spoiling the surprise lol...sorry. Congratulations Happy Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Would it be improper etiquette to stack a pie on top of the cake?........the crust would be like a wannabe crown.

Make you feel like you are eating a King's Cake.


Well-Known Member
Congrats! The wedding prolly is happening later in the day, enjoy your last few moments as a single man.....and prepare to enjoy married life to a good woman!


Well-Known Member
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! WOO HOO!!! **imagine party horns and cheers here** Hope your day is happy and blessed. Good luck to you and the new Mrs. ABM


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I am back and finishing up harvest. I haven't yet started final trim on anything. :) I will get some pics up as soon as I can get rested up a little.


Well-Known Member
Alright! Glad to see you back my once angry hopefully now happy friend ;) Let me know when you are done trimming and all rested and settled in and I will get you your special did want it special, right?


Well-Known Member
Alright! Glad to see you back my once angry hopefully now happy friend ;) Let me know when you are done trimming and all rested and settled in and I will get you your special did want it special, right?
"special cheesecake"!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Dagnabit Angry...doesn't matter if I'm pokin smot or not, if I look up to my left, I start crackin up laughing! You and your cheezy lion grin lol.