Indicas are an abomination to the cannabis world

i also want my orange juice or coffee in da AM an my beer an vodka in the PM

i would not want to be limited to either one all day --vodka for breakfast no thanks
If I'm going with a non-medicinal smoke, I'd go with sativa 100% of the time. But...

I have 6 grows lined up -- 80/20 sativa-indica blend, 70/30, 60/40, 40/60, 30/70, 20/80. With all those well labeled, I'll have smoke for: daytime motivation, daytime sociability, anti-anxiety (day), anti-anxiety (night), insomnia and pain.

It'll be my own little herbal apothecary. I couldn't have the range without both sativa and indica.

But I do prefer the sativa high. And from reading this thread, it sounds like I need to try some Thai Stick and Panama Red. :)
If I'm going with a non-medicinal smoke, I'd go with sativa 100% of the time. But...

I have 6 grows lined up -- 80/20 sativa-indica blend, 70/30, 60/40, 40/60, 30/70, 20/80. With all those well labeled, I'll have smoke for: daytime motivation, daytime sociability, anti-anxiety (day), anti-anxiety (night), insomnia and pain.

It'll be my own little herbal apothecary. I couldn't have the range without both sativa and indica.

But I do prefer the sativa high. And from reading this thread, it sounds like I need to try some Thai Stick and Panama Red. :)

You probably should try them being a fan of sativa. I don't really get high or much effect when smoking sativa and panama red is low on my list, but so are most sativas.
i just finished red dragon
super lemon haze
acapulco gold

cant think of last one

oh well was all sativa and sativa dom this grow 3 grandaddy purple 2 bubba kush 1 kosher kush all indica dom low shit
Wow I am glad I am able to speed read , otherwise I might not have even wasted my time to read beyond the first sentence ..

This is a load of shit and you need schooled buddy , the Dutch are nothing but followers of American Grow Pioneers and the Hybridization we know of Indica with Sativa began in the late 60s and has continued since .. It has alot more to do than with the buzz man.. Study a little Botany ..

I could continue here but why waste my time on a fuck head who came out of nowhere with nonsense .............

Well, I think there's a case to be made that landrace preservation is important and that it hasn't been done very well. I also think there's an argument to be made that there are a lot of ignorant pollen chuckers who hurt the diversity of the gene pool a lot.

But of course some of that is related to the legality of this plant.

But yes, otherwise I pretty much agree. +1 hybrid vigor (the OP should grow out some NLxHaze to see what it's all about, I bet he finds a plant he loves).
I know this is a weed/weed growers forum, but back in the day we used the get hashish,as you Americans would call it, we termed it top rock! Came in nine ounce bars,sealed and stamped, and the high,fucking hell, I used to do one pipe (bubbling bong) and be ruined for hours, literally like tripping on acid though bodily smashed too. Needless to say this is now called soap bar and is the biggest shit on earth, solids have been for years in the U.K. Hence grow my own. But I must admit I miss the good old head fuck top rock, it smelt,tasted and crumbled beautifully too, hell It ruined my education not to mention the many girls I should have dipped too, too fucking stoned..Lol, top rock I love and hate you! Mostly I miss you, boo hoo, Hehe!!!
I fucking hate them. I am not a medical user, so I can not be biased on that behalf. I fucking hate the very existance of the Indica side of marijuana.

I do wish the Dutch would go fuck themselves. They destroyed the very essence of North American/South American/African/Southeast Asian Sativas and crossed them with their bullshit-lethargic-Canadian like genetics.

I do hate Indicas. And don't talk to me about medical applications. I don't use marijuana for that. Sure, many people use Indicas for that medicinal pain relief, but they don't have to dilute my Sativas that I love to smoke for their own selfish reasons. You guys have destroyed what was once pure.

BUT DON'T DILUTE MY FUCKING SATIVAS FOR YOUR OWN FINANCIAL GAIN. I think Indicas should be put in a small corner just for those that need it. That much I will relinquish, but don't mix your medical shit with my recreational shit.

I don't care who I offend. HERE'S A BIG FUCK YOU to all you Europeans that diluted the world's Sativas. REAL MARIJUANA. Pricks, the whole lot of you.:cuss:

you could have just titled this thread "i suck at trolling" and saved us all a bit of time.
i just finished red dragon
super lemon haze
acapulco gold

cant think of last one

oh well was all sativa and sativa dom this grow 3 grandaddy purple 2 bubba kush 1 kosher kush all indica dom low shit

Was this Barneys Acapulco Gold? I was looking for the real deal, as that's what I was smoking back in the 70s...Acapulco and Columbian...and I've had a hankering for it. But I've read that the strain has been lost. How did it turn out?
I long for true Thai sticks. In the USMC in the 60's-early 70's we got them on the west coast. $15 a stick but worth it. Try Acapulco Gold too.

From what I've read, there is no Acapulco Gold any more...the only reference I've seen to it is a Barney's Farm "tribute" to AG. Do you know anywhere I can get the real deal?
From what I've read, there is no Acapulco Gold any more...the only reference I've seen to it is a Barney's Farm "tribute" to AG. Do you know anywhere I can get the real deal?

No real Thai stick or Panama Red anymore either. Those days are long gone and I'm glad I was there for it all. But todays strains are attempts to get close. Real Thai "sticks" were just that. The bud was clipped but a thread of the long stem was retained and then wrapped around the airy bitches to hold them tight. You would unwrap it from the top and pinch off what you were going to roll. Zig Zag wheat straws were popular but I hated the yellow and used plain whites. 100 sheets to a pack then.
I long for true Thai sticks. In the USMC in the 60's-early 70's we got them on the west coast. $15 a stick but worth it. Try Acapulco Gold too.

If you where at pendleton you must of know my real dad. I was a baby in the 70's but we always had a grow going. Left base in 81.
OK remember Paraquat? A lot of what was passed off as AG was actually pot that had been aerial sprayed with Paraquat which immediately caused a loss of chlorophyll and killed the plant immediately turning it "gold". No poor Mexican pot farmer was going to let HIS buyers down that year or go broke so it was harvested immediately and bricked up. Not only sold but sold high dollar because of its "beautiful color". My dad was a part-time Sheriff Deputy in southern NM and the DEA had sheets about it. This began in the early 70's as part of a DEA-assisted Mexican pot eradication effort and extended into South America.

"Paraquat pot"

During the late 1970s, a controversial program sponsored by the US government sprayed paraquat on cannabis fields in Mexico.[SUP][17][/SUP] Since much of this cannabis was subsequently smoked by Americans, the US government's "Paraquat Pot" program stirred much debate. Perhaps in an attempt to deter people from using cannabis, representatives of the program warned that spraying rendered the crop unsafe to smoke.
However, independent bodies have studied paraquat in this use. A 1995 study found that "no lung or other injury in cannabis users has ever been attributed to paraquat contamination".[SUP][18][/SUP] Also a United States Environmental Protection Agency manual states: "... toxic effects caused by this mechanism have been either very rare or nonexistent. Most paraquat that contaminates cannabis is pyrolyzed during smoking to dipyridyl, which is a product of combustion of the leaf material itself (including cannabis) and presents little toxic hazard."[SUP][19][/SUP]

It began way way earlier than they will admit to I promise. They only began admitting it when people became ill from smoking lots of Paraquated pot.

From the very same article that include the historical reference of no harm since they then felt they were open to liability for intentionally causing harm:

Paraquat is the trade name for N,N′-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridinium dichloride, one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Paraquat, a viologen, is quick-acting and non-selective, killing green plant tissue on contact. It is also toxic to human beings and animals. Research has shown that it is linked to development of Parkinson's disease.[SUP]"[/SUP]
If you where at pendleton you must of know my real dad. I was a baby in the 70's but we always had a grow going. Left base in 81.

At Pendleton. Stationed in the Horno and San Onofre camps there, not the 13 Area or headquarters. Where was he? I was an M60 machine gun instructor there. I was stationed there from 1970-71 before being discharged.