This is what you do, Call your power company and explain to them you are putting in 4,5,6 space heaters with the same wattage as your lights, Ask them if you need them to come out to the house to hook them up or do anything to ensure its not too much juice, act pretty stupid about electricity and explain that you need these because its too expensive to install/use gas. you just replace your furnace with baseboard heating or an electric heat pump. What if you had a hot tub, heated driveway, heated pool, night time floodlights. the list of consumer shit you can plug into your walls in endless, oh whats that your starting a welding hobbyinst shop in your garage? I wonder how much juice that would use. It doesn't matter how big your bill is, your only giveaway is the spikes in the usage. Make sure you contact the company and ask for recommendations. Use words like my megawatt usage(stupid).Those telephone people write reports for every time you call. If for some reason there was a flag raised they will look at your account and have a record of the call and concern. Then all of a sudden you have a legitimate, forewarned excuse for excess power consumption. Summertime its a air-conditioner, no, 4 of them. 10,000 btu bitches, and you just installed a pond with a fountain that uses a big ass water pump. You don't need to call all the time to ask permission to hook shit up, your calling because you want to make sure there's nothing special required of you, from the electric company, for these improvements, which of course there isn't.
Hope you can use something out of this